Howard Garfinkel
(Rental)-2014 Howard Garfinkel Basketball Coaches Clinic
Basketball Clinic Video
Howard Gafinkle is known for bringing extraordinary talent together and this 2014 basketball clinic is no different. The lineup coaches is truly astounding and you will learn so much about offense, defense, and running a program. This is time and money well invested as the amount of knowledge these coaches present is a plenty and extensive.
Billy Donovan, Full Court Pressure Defense
Current NBA head coach Billy Donovan shows a highly effective full court pressure defense. With this defense you will be able to create turnovers and high amount of pressure without giving up easy baskets as a sacrifice. It is rare to find a system that can accomplish both of those precedents but Donovan outlines it all for you. You will learn how to trap out of the full and half court along with how to establish a secondary trapping system.
John Calipari, Coaching Ideas and Practice Drills
With all the talent Coach Cal brings to Kentucky every year it is vital for his success that his players play as a team. Learn how and why he stresses the importance of communication and relationships with his players to help build chemistry and work ethic. He also shows you some of his favorite drills to work on individual player development.
Jim Boeheim, Quick Hitting Plays to Attack Man-to-Man and Zone Defenses
While Boeheim is famous for his 2-3 zone, he also has a genius offensive mind. He provides you with an extensive playbook for incorporating a pick-and-roll game to help get your best players comfortable shots. He uses a free-flowing playbook that eventually rolls into a pick-and-roll to get players open shots from their comfort spots. True to his form, he also shows how to guard common offensive sets for attacking his infamous 2-3 zone.
Seth Greenberg, Disrupting Offenses with the 1-3-1 Zone Defense
Disrupt and turnover the offense with this highly aggressive, trapping defense presented by Seth Greenberg. In this series, Greenberg will show you how to shut down passing lanes and cause more turnovers by the offense which can lead to easy points for you. He also goes into detail on how to rebound, shut down great players, and take advantage of specific spots on the floor out of this zone.
Brian Beauty, Basketball Drills for Every Practice
Brian Beaury owes much of his over 500 wins to his emphasis on improving his players fundamentals. In this session, he shows you his 12 bread and butter drills for developing players skills. These drills are intense, competitive, and fast paced and your players will eat up the way they improve from running the drills.
Mike Fratello, Basketball Skills, Drills, and Basketball Wisdom
Coach Fratello presents both basketball and philosophical improvement for you to chew on. He dives into his entire basketball knowledge to present you with his theory and philosophy on many parts of the game. Specifically, you will learn about skill development, defensive drills and strategies, and a handful of money set plays. He is an established teacher and a joy to learn from.
This amazing basketball clinic brought together coaches hand picked by Garfinkle. Have a notepad ready and begin the journey to improving your coaching, and program, renting this basketball clinic DVD today.

Mick Cronin
(Rental)-All Access: Mick Cronin Basketball Practice
Mike Cronin Basketball Practice Video
You will get a sneak peak into the practices that help his Bearcats turn into a national powerhouse. His practices focus on developing physical and mental toughness. The practices are filmed over a three day period and you will go through useful details like powerful square-ups, strong finishes in the paint and attacking the full-court pressure. Apart from this, you will learn to be a teach and good mentor to all the rookies and young players out there. Each practice is full of significant focus on disadvantage drills and this is the reason of Bearcats being tough on both the ends.
Basketball Practice 1
For the potent pick-and-roll offensive attack, there are breakdown drills introduced by Coach Cronin. 3-on-0 drill and 3-on-3 setting are being used to make you learn every offensive action. The players will also go through several offensive sets in a 5-on-0 setting. At this point the coach will also show you his special actions Two-Down, Fade and Smash.
When it comes to the defensive side of the game, the players will go through the in-line series of the drills that emphasize on positioning, close-outs and boxing out. These drills will also improve your footwork and stance that will help you deal with fakes from the offensive players. The practice session will come to an end with the coach working defensive scramble situations in which the defense of the players will outnumbered in transition.
Basketball Practice 2
The screen-and-roll offense is build up with the help of 3-on-0 and 5-on-0 breakdown drills. In order to enter the offense from transition the 1-4 high formation will be used and also using the smash and flop calls when the win entry is denied. Good shooters will also get the opportunity to score from the secondary break action when the implementation of high-post entry called smash and pop is carried out.
The coach will make use of the 4x4 press drill in which the players will transition offense and spacing. In this drill, the offense will have to beat four defenders in the back court in order to face four new defenders in the front court. Transition offense and defense is major part of Coach Cronin philosophy. The players will develop this kind of mentality when the defense or offense is short-handed and also the drills that deal with offensive conversion into the press.
Basketball Practice 3
Offensive fundamentals are being focused in position groups by the coach Cronin and his staff. There are several drills through the post players will have to go. With these drills the coach will work on footwork in the low post along with attacking from the perimeter. On the other hand, the guards will do the drills as well in which the guards work on relocating on the perimeter when the ball enters the post area.
With the help of position drill work the defensive fundamentals are taught. Also, the 1-on-1 drills in the post for forwards as well as on the perimeter for guards is used to improve the defensive footwork of the players. The coach pays huge attention to rebounding as well. Every drill is loaded with the concept of boxing out and it becomes a part of the competitive nature of practice.
The 3-on-3 full-court transition defense drill is used with which the coach Cronin focuses on transition defense and conversion. In this drill, two teams will be squaring off against each other. In order to teach the players of beating the press defense, the coach will make use of the drills that will teach players the offense in which they will learn the art of beating the defensive traps even when they are short-handed.
The practice will come to an end with the 5-on-5 controlled scrimmage that will work on the offensive and defensive strategies. Rent Mick Cronin's basketball practice video today.

Bob Hurley
(Rental)-All Access: Bob Hurley
You will get a chance to experience and learn from one of the all times great coaches. He will not only teach you but motivate your team with the help of individual, position-specific skill development drills, team transition drills, defensive drills and so many other exciting drills that will improve your overall teams performance.
The drills that you are going to practice in this ALL Access set are really amazing. All these drills and practices are top notch and it covers every small detail possible and thats what is expected from an experienced and successful Hall of Fame coach. Whether you are a high school or club coach this DVD is an ideal one for your personal development. This will develop your all the players who are fundamentally sound. The way Coach Hurley explains everything, you will understand and learn the techniques pretty quickly.
Practice 1
There is a dynamic warm up in the first practice session of coach Hurley. This dynamic warm up includes passing and cutting drills using a weight ball. This warm up will require the players to use their legs while passing and it will also require an exaggerated from that will improve your technique and will make it more efficient.
On the other hand, the guards and the post players will do their work as well. They will be divided up to work on position-specific skills. The guards will work on basic ball handling fundamentals, cutting around chairs for pick and roll practice and shooting off of curls.
Just like the guards, the post players will have their own tasks as well. The post players will run cross screens and flashes in the key, short corner work and some 2-on-2 and 1-on-1 work.
The Coach Hurley will also make use of 5-on-5 half court situations that will guide you through out of bounds plays. This will also help you in the court sets like that of Friar and Side. In this kind of offense, the player who doesnt have the ball will be in motion. The practice sessions will come to an end with a 3-on-3 trapping drill which is designed to work both offensive and defensive skills.
Practice 2
Now that your offensive skills are covered in the Practice 1. The Coach Hurley will make use of the Practice 2 to work on your defensive skills. The practice will start from a 2-on-1 drill in the half court that converts into a kind of help and recover drill. This will be followed up by a full court lay up drill working on conditioning and technique.
After the 2-on-1 drill, the team then splits into guard and post position work. The guards will be working on the ball handling fundamentals and dribbling around cones simulating screens, feeding various cuts and also getting their own shots off the dribble.
On the other hand, the post will have a different job to do as well. The posts will be working on denying post flashes and post entry passes. There are drills like fronting and rebounding for that purpose. The team will also make use of the close outs and the block out methods for the purpose of rebounding.
Now at the end the coach Hurley will also demonstrates the 4-on-4 shell to get offensive repetition.
Practice 3
The main purpose of coach Hurley training is focusing on full court transition, conditioning, power moves to finish at the rim and box out technique drills. The Coach Hurley is so experienced and well organized that every drill implemented by him is useful. This practice is used by coach Hurley to show you how you can defeat a zone defense designed to slow and destroy any man-to-man defense.

Larry Brown
(Rental)-All Access: Larry Brown
Disc 1:
Develop your guards' ability to attack with dribble penetration
Learn to transition into the SMU pick and roll offense or various entry sets
This Disc 1 is all about working on the teams basketball IQ level. You will watch coach Brown introducing you his shell drill that is very useful for both defense and offense. There will be several things covered in the shell drill set. In the sets, team will be working on cutters, screens and post ups.
Disc 2:
Develop a full court style of play with the "Carolina" and "Father Judge" transition drills
Learn offensive sets and actions such as "Split" and "Double" in a half court 5v0 drill
Discover a great way to enter into your offense against defensive pressure
The player will go through the offensive and defensive concepts of the coach Brown. The practice in Disc 2 starts with the shooting drills and fast break and after that the coach will work on the players offense. They get the kinks out by going over the details of the plays again and again. This process is carried out without a defense.
Disc 3:
Learn offensive breakdown drills for post players to emphasize scoring opportunities in the "3" offensive set
Learn how SMU works under the basket out of bounds plays
Discover a great way to practice defending cutters
The Disc 3 is all about mixing things up. The shell game by Mustangs work will be carried out for an extended period of time and then will be utilized with the shooting drills and transition before moving into the position work in a split session. Things will get really interesting and exciting when the coach Brown will take the guards and Assistant Head Coach Tim Jankovich will work with the post players. The Iverson Drill is for the guard players and the post players will be working on the pin in, the Fan and Blast and also tending a goal by creating a wall. All this will come to an end with some 5-on-0 offensive sets work.
Disc 4
Develop a full court style of play with a variety of transition drills
Install your offensive system through a controlled, full court scrimmage
Use competitive five minute games to raise performance while also working on special situations
Now we will come down to the last disc which is disc 4. The coach Brown will work on the 5-on-5 drill for the very first time in the series. This drill is very important and is carried out after the team finished working on the full court warm up drills and defensive work. The 5-on-5 line transition is very valuable as it works on matching up and organizing on both defense and the offense. The coach Brown will make use of both the mistakes and the proper execution and all this will help him get to the point where he wants to be. The way coach Brown improves with every passing drill is exceptional and you will be learning a great deal.

Mike Rice
(Rental)-All Access: Mike Rice
Practice 1
Firstly an environment of chaos is being created with which Coach Rice starts the Rutgers season. The defensive instincts are being build right from the start. The coach works on the closeouts along with paying huge attention to the sideline and baseline shading techniques in order to eliminate the middle penetration.
Circle the Wagons and 4 on 4 on 4 full court drills will put the players in a full court, game like setting. After that the coach will come back to a controlled half-court approach that include the drills such as a 3 Around 1 in order to spread awareness whenever the defense is loaded with a mismatched guard.
The practice will come to an end by numerous 2-on-2 drills in order to develop the screen and re-screen action. All these things are basics for the Rutgers offense. He guides his players to constantly screen, relocate and screen again. But he also makes sure that the players are not executing the same type of screen consecutively.
Practice 2
Its all about helping the players get comfortable playing at a chaotic pace!
The practice starts with individual skill development in which the guards as well as the post players are divided into stations. With this splitting the players will be able to focus on technique and fundamentals in a better way. The Coach Rice is very amazing and his great mixing of offensive and defensive skills work during practice two. When it comes to the Italian Drill, the players will be improving their up-tempo, attacking, hand-off motion offense which is full of screening and re-screening.
The offensive and defensive schematics are being build by using the Coach Rice 5-on-5 full court drills. The players will learn how to handle a zone when they will go through offensive and defensive shell work. Two different zone quick hitters are being used by the coach the Stanford and Blitz that will help the players generate amazing scoring opportunities with the help of a jump shot or slip in the post. The 22 Press is being implemented in the shell drill that will make the players go into a zone defense that will help them continue their aggressive and chaotic style of play.
When it comes to the defensive side of the practice, coach Rice will demonstrate each and everything and will teach the players the approach to help the defense rotations whenever the teammate is beaten for a baseline drive. How to defend the elbow screen and stagger screen are also included in the Shell scenarios. All this will be taught as the coach Rice continues to develop the technique and his philosophy that the players will be using in order to counter the oppositions different attacks throughout the season.
Practice 3
During his Feed the Post Dribble Hand Off Drill, the coach Rice will focus on actions within the motion offense. The two integral part of the offensive system are post player and dribble handoffs. The offensive screening is broken down into a 3-on-3. The players are given a very short span of time to score or get a stop in order to keep the theme of chaos spread during the entire practice.
While being in game to 7, the screening action importance is emphasized. The main goal of coach Rice is to develop an attacking mentality of the players while being within the offense and also to be strong with the ball while learning how to play within their offensive system. The players will learn a stunning re-screen offense when he is explaining the Re-Screen Breakbacks. The players will also learn various entries from the coach Rice and these entries will flow right into their primary motion screening offense.
The third day of the practice session will come to an end with the 5-on-5 scrimmage which uses both the man and zone defense. Big East style of play sense is being developed in the minds of players by coach Rice as they sprint up and down the floor creating chaos in everything they

Billy Donovan
(Rental)-All Access: Billy Donovan 2011-12
While the team prepares for the season, the Coach Donovan works on developing the offensive and defensive styles of play. You will see how he explains the Spread Pick and Roll Offense along with the Motion High Offense. You will learn a great deal from these important practices. Furthermore, you will also learn how to build your defense and offense using a shell drill, the coach will improve his post players, and much more things.
Practice 1
Loaded with the drills that will work on closing out and on one-on-one perimeter defense from a variety of locations.
There will be proper sets that will initiate the Spread Pick and Roll that will create motion on defense and take away help. This will put the defense in disadvantage situations early in the possession.
In order to convert the defensive rebounds into transition offense, there will be certain drills used as well.
While the players prepare for their next exhibition game, the coach Donovan will make sure to give them proper training and practice. He will work on their style of play and will make them understand lots of valuable things. Different offensive actions will be demonstrated by coach Donovan that will come in handy in the Motion High Offense along with their Spread Pick and Roll Action.
So, the practice 1 will kick start from the five-man offensive drills. In the 5-on-0 situation, the team will go through different action for each player. The big men will be in the post all the way through the pick and roll followed with a double screen. When the coach Donovan is done with the set plays and motion offense, the next thing that he will work on will be building the defensive style of play with a driving line drill. In this way, the defense will continuously work on closeouts and squaring up on the ball to contain dribble penetration. After all this, the transition drills will come into play and in this drill the coach Donovan will try to combine getting back in transition and disrupting the fast break.
The first part was about the defensive end mainly. Now the second half of the practice will be about the offensive end. In order to get the ball into the post to score, the coach Donovan will be using the Circle the Wagon Drill. He will utilize his post players scoring opportunities and for building an inside presence that will create more open shots on the perimeter.
The offensive drills will come to an end with a full court press attack. The Coach Donovan explains the importance of getting into the press right after a bucket is scored and also being more attentive and coming back when the press is broken.
Practice 2
Learn transition drills to improve passing and scoring in advantage situations
Use the Gator Scramble Drills to train your team to recover on defense in a scramble situation
Learn how to use scrimmages to determine how well players are translating practice skills into game situations
The second practice that goes on from 4-on-4 or 5-on-5 is very important as per the Coach Donovan as he spends lots of time on these. In order to create competition, run offensive plays and sets and teach his players how to defend screening actions. The coach Donovan uses the 4-on-4 shell defense that will really help the players all these aspects of the game.
With the help of Scramble Drill he will help the players build help-side defense. The Scramble Drill will teach the players how to defend and to protect the basket when a defender gambles for a steal. The players will also get knowledge about defending and how to stunt and get back to their man while also learning how to read the offense and also while attacking and taking a charge.
When it comes to the 5-on-5 situations, the coach Donovan will make use of the game transition posting that will enable the player to learn how to get the ball into the post off of a transition. In this setting, the main focus will be on the post but

Herb MaGee
(Rental)-All Access: Herb Magee
Herb Magee Shooting Drills, Tips, & More
You will go through the defense, offense, transition game and also the player development in the All Access DVD by Coach Magee. There are three overall live practices that will help you take your game to the next level. You will get to learn why he is one of the great basketball instructors. He details all the little things that can help a player transform his game and that can make him successful in his program and in the game of the basketball.
You will get an in depth look at coach Magee shooting drills. You will also realize why he is considered as the Shot Doctor. Magee will make you understand everything and will also choose the best certain drills. He will also provide you proper explanations about the chosen drills and why he feels the drills are important for his current team. So, there is proper communication between the coach Magee and the players.
Now coming to the offensive side, the coach Magee will focus on the Flex Offense entry sets, quick hitters and also the special situation plays. With his immense experience and years of coaching, Magee has learned that simple works.
Herb Magee Shooting Drills & Practice 1:
The very first Herb Magee Shooting practice is very important as in this practice the coach Magee will teach shooting to his players. The players will learn to have a better release and follow through with the help of coach Magee active shooting warm-up. You will also get to learn partner shooting, that will eventually help the players get stability and learn how to step into their shot and get the shooting form with stability.
The players will execute the Dummy Offense that will develop their rotational patterns of the fast break attack. This Dummy Offense will give a start to the Magee daily routine. The daily routine practices will come to an end when the players will work on their rebounding skills using 1v1, 2v2 and 5v5 drill sets.
After all this, the coach Magee will go on to explain how his teams will be able to defend variety of screening actions with the help of jamming, hedging and blitzing techniques. The players will be able to develop a great footwork skills when they will work on how to guard screening action drill by coach Magee. This will allow the players to quickly get through or around screens.
The first practice session will come to an end with an offensive breakdown. The Low Series will be introduced that will mark an end to the first practice session. The Low Series is basically quick hitting actions that will lead into their Flex Offense. So, what does coach Magee do exactly in the Low Series? Well, he runs actions that will lead into their strengths like the Low 5 for their post player. The players will get the opportunity to learn the Low First to teach players how they can use a back cut to get open and score out of transition and that too with quick speed. A 1-4 high and low sets will also be used that you can easily take and utilize into your offensive set system right away.
Herb Magee Basketball Practice 2:
You will go through three new offensive sets after you end up with the daily shooting, rebounding and transition routine. The three new offensive sets are very hand if you have a consistent jump shooter or a solid post player. In Missouri, the post player and the point guard will work on the screening actions that will help to get a back door lay-up or a post feed for an easy finish around the rim. When it comes to the CrossEm, the coach Magee makes use of the guard crossing action to create the backdoor play. This backdoor play will increase your chances of scoring a goal for sure. Rent the Herb Magee Shooting

John Calipari
(Rental)-All Access: Kentucky Basketball Practice Champions
There will be a question and answer session to analyze your overall performance in which Calipari will address about the tweaks in his style. That will pick and rolls into his dribble drive offense, the impact of new rule changes to the game and also the influence one and one have had on his coaching philosophy.
Attacking offensive system will be focused in in the morning sessions and in the afternoon there will be practices regarding the implementation of the defensive strategy. So, you will be able to work on your different areas in a single day. from defensive close-out technique to swarming the ball to defending the baseline penetration lots of key areas of the game will be covered by the coach Calipari.
There will two full-court press schemes as the coach will look for the best way that can help him utilize the potential of the players in the best way possible. The coach will make you understand his coaching philosophy and the reason why he thinks that teaching players how to play basketball is better and more important as compared to forcing the players to run a highly structured offense. He will also explain why a certain type of player will succeed in Kentucky and why he gives zero value to conditioning.
This is indeed a golden chance to learn multiple practices from the National Championship team for all the coaches out there. You will learn and watch Coach Cal and his team executing their plans and workouts along with several breakdown drills and shell drills that will improve the mentality of the players and will enable them to develop an attacking mentality. This kind of mentality is required to run Dribble-Drive Motion Offense and the Kentucky full-court defensive scheme. The coach will be developing many future NBA drafts pick.
Morning Practice 1:
The coach will make you learn the dribble drive system in a new way and he will make use of ball screens for that purpose. So, how will he redefine the system? Well, he will open up by having the team executing a series of 2-man shooting drills that will revolve around penetration and kick actions. After that the players will go through the Perfection Drill which is a timed drill that gradually builds with the help of full-court lay-ups, to 3-man fast break, to three pass max Figure 8s and at the same time the coach will be working really hard on his players and will be pushing them to operate at max speed. Then comes the Dummy Offense in which the team will perform the quick-striking nature of the Dribble-Drive Motion Offense. After all this, the coach will make the players go through different breakdown drills that will stimulate the player recognition whenever there is a chance to capitalize on an offensive advantage.
Morning Practice 2
Now comes the second morning practice in which there is a 3-man pick and roll drills that will help perfect his pick and roll/pop within the dribble drive offense against no defenders. So, what these drills will do exactly? Well, these drills will help the players get familiar with the screening angles and spotting up after delivering the Pocket Pass. You will be watching the full court 5 v 5 scrimmage in which coach Calipari will be giving instructions to the team on how to run the Dribble-Drive Offense after every miss. All the morning sessions will come to an end with a question and answer session in which the players will get a better understanding of what they are actually doing.

Kevin Boyle
(Rental)-All Access: Kevin Boyle
You will be going through several transition drills that will help the players maximize their practice time. Three to 5-player drills are explained which also include the transition into early offense.
For the Guards there are number of position-pacific drills taught by Coach Boyle which will help increase the decision making power, ball handling, passing and also reading the defense ability. In order to work on inside scoring and team drills to build the pivot foot the coach will be delivering the post moves. These posts moves will also enable you to use it your advantage.
The defensive end of the floor is being focused in this practice mainly. The coach Boyle will be demanding high energy, intensity and hustle from the players. There are several breakdown drills like the 1-on-1 and 2-on-2 that will help you build up your defense. On the other hand, the coach will be focusing on the offensive players as well and will make sure that they are learning the basics as well.
You will be able to judge and see many different offensive movements and screens in order to prepare your defense to react to any given situation. You will learn this art with the help of 4-on-4 shell drills.
Now comes the last part of the defense in which coach Boyle will be covering the Down half court trap. There will be a 3-on-3 and builds to 5-on-5 in order to teach the defense.
In the end the players will be having a look into a Monteverde Academy controlled scrimmage. The players will be stopped on different occasions by the coach to really work with the team and to learn different aspects of the game.

Mike Brey
(Rental)-All Access: Mike Brey
Mike Brey's Basketball Practice Video Template
You will experience philosophy of Coach Brey on both offense and defense in this All Access Practice DVD set. You will be able to practice the drills that are being used to make the players get lots of shots in the process and also get warm up. From practice planning to spacing to defending screens, there are lots inside information that you are going to learn. There are some other useful things as well that you will learn like how Coach Brey sets up the 4-out 1-In offense and how quickly he goes to the 5-on-5 in his practice and he makes the players understand the importance to pride themselves in getting defensive stops.
The sets are being used to make the players start and keep moving through the motion offense and you will learn how the coach Brey uses the sets to this kind of advantage. The players get familiar with the workings of the offense and each other which is the key. There are some options that the coach Brey uses for the team to take advantage of opponents. For both the guards and posts there are several competitive shooting drills used. The players will be learning a lot and they will also be moving and making shots according to the calls made by coach. From spacing to timing to player movement to ball reversals there are lots of things that the players will learn. The players will also learn the need to develop patience.
Notre Dame Basketball Practice Video Plan
The third practice of the season will be reviewed by the Coach Brey and the Notre Dame coaching staff. There will be a discussion made between coaches on what the players do and dont do well. The practice film clips are used to make improvements and to teach the players how to play with all the freedom in the right way.
You will get your hands on a new open-minded coaching that is full of learning from what your players do well and trial and error in scrimmages. Players offensive productivity can be improved by giving them freedom to make reads and plays and you will also be learning this technique as well. See Basketball Practice with Mike Brey by renting the DVD.

Sean Miller
(Rental)-All Access: Sean Miller
Basketball Practice Warm-up Drills
Every practice starts with some pre-practices drills in order to warm you up. In these pre-practice drills, there are individual workouts to improve offensive moves, conditioning, shooting and positioning for help side and on-ball defense.
The players will perform a series of full-court drills that will help the players gain focus and get their mind straight about what they are going to achieve in their basketball practice. After the players are warmed up the coach Miller and his staff will lead them through a 2-ball, 3-man shooting series to teach shooting and attacking the basket hard off of the dribble.
Transition Offense and Rebounding
In order to train the players for sprinting on the floor hard while in transition looking to get a pass or to score the coach uses his circle transition and 4-on-4 baseline touch series. Apart from this, the coach will also make the player go through his Phoenix and Drag secondary screening series. With the help of using progressions, ball screening and a looping movement the coach Miller will emphasize on taking advantage of post touches.
Basketball Practice Defense Drills
The Coach Miller wants to crowd the pain and shut down all gaps that are allowing dribble penetration into the lane to score, the coach will make use of Pack Line Defense. The players will learn the defense by practicing the drills like 2-on-2 gap closeouts, 3-on-4 shell, 3-on-3 shell and live play, and using baseball scoring. Apart from this there are some other drills that the players will go through that will help them improve their performance level. Coach Miller's 1-on-1, 2-on-2, 3-on-3, 4-on-4 and 5-on-5 will come in handy to build on-the-ball toughness. Furthermore, to trap the post players and how to build the zone defense on regular basis, the coach Miller will share his philosophy.
Basketball Practice Offense Drills
For the offensive end, the coach Miller will make use of film and on-court demonstration that will guide the players in coach's half-court passing game offense. The Wildcat staff will focus on screening, cutting, reads and details what needs to be done for successful offense. There are lots of other things that you are going to learn as well like Miller's set play family series which will enable all the players have a connection on the court with a proper goal to help each other.
Special Situations
You will also get deep information on Millers baseline and sideline out of bounds series that will enable you to achieve a quick score. This will also help you to get the basketball into the passing scheme of offensive execution. Rent this basketball practice template by Sean Miller today.

Chris Mooney
(Rental)-All Access:chris Mooney
Basketball Practice with Chris Mooney
If you are finding it hard to carve out practice time for individual player improvement drills then this program is for you. Chris Mooney will explain each and everything in detail and will organize practice that will incorporate drills which will focus on improving team passing, ball handling and shooting skills.
This ALL-Access DVD is what you really need and will give you a detail and in depth look into the four practices of the 2009-2010 season and this is also loaded with the coaching meetings, coachs perspective on the practices and Mooneys programs goals. So, there are lots of things that you are going to learn through this program by Coach Chris Mooney.
Basketball Practice Warm Up
You will learn the art of creating a quick-moving 30-minute warm-up for your practices. So, the warm-up organized by Mooney will be focusing on shooting, passing, spacing, hard cuts and many more things that will help the players big time. Rent this basketball practice video today.

John Calipari
(Rental)-All Access Kentucky (calipari)
John Calipari Basketball Practice
John Calipari has experienced a high level of success during his tenure at Kentucky. For the first time he is opening the doors of the famous gym to show you how he has accomplished so much. During the over five hours worth of instruction you will get an all access look into the first practices of Kentucky's 2009-2010 season.
Basketball Practice 1
The first practice is almost entirely focused on the offense. Coach Cal gives instruction on his philosophy behind his offense along with showing you how he build his transition game. He then shows the foundations of his now famous Dribble Drive half court offense. He continues his offensive instruction by showing how Kentucky runs their transition using a 5-0 drill where all the different options are explained and demonstrated. He then moves into a series of player development with a focus on ball handling and layups. He has players go through a series of drills that focus on improving the players speed, moves, and finish with contact.
Calipari continues to drill transition fundamentals using a handful of drills that include a full court team layup drill, full court two-man passing, three-man full court, and a handful of others. During this practice segment Calipari feeds his players his attacking mentality by requiring them to attack the basket harder and faster with each progressing drill. Calipari briefly goes over the defense by emphasizing how to protect the basket.
Post Basketball Practice Discussion
An amazing feature of this DVD package is the nearly 40 minutes of question and answer after the first practice. Calipari fields questions from the attending questions that range from player skill level, dribble drive philosophy, and practice planning. It is a truly valuable piece that allow Coach Cal to go into greater detail over what you have just seen.
During the same segment, NBA veteran and current assistant coach Rod Strickland goes over some ball handling drills that Kentucky uses to increase skill and ball quickness. He was also an assistant at Memphis where he helped mentor NBA studs Derick Rose and Tyreke Evans.
Another Kentucky assistant, John Robic, goes into much greater detail about the dribble drive offense. He details player spacing and positioning along with going over position specific expectations. He goes into even more detail involving some of the post skills required in the drive that include slides, relocation, sealing, and screens.
Basketball Practice 2
The second practice is when Coach Cal builds his stifling man-to-man defense. Calipari uses drills ranging from 1-on-1 to 5-on-5 that reinforce Kentucky's defensive fundamentals which include early help, back foot fake, lunge, and closeouts. Calipari also teaches his rules for transition defense and demonstrates a combination transition drill that progresses from 2-on-1 all the way to 5-on-5. Kentucky is known for intense, aggressive man defense and this segment will show you the foundation of how they get there.
Using the tried and true shell drill, Calipari show you how they teach the base actions of their defense which include closeouts, ball pressure, closeouts, and keeping vision of the ball. While the shell drill is not new, the way they run it is certainly unique. Calipari stresses the importance of getting the "30 Second Perfect Stop" as a way to ensure players are performing each action perfectly.
Throughout practice you will get a great feel for how Calipari coaches. He does not hold back in providing coaches and players with all of his knowledge and experience as he perfects their technique in every drill.
Get a first-hand experience into what makes Kentucky basketball practice so special by renting this DVD today.

Matt Painter
(Rental)-All Access: Matt Painter
Your players should be encouraged to work hard and remain disciplined.
Practice is more important than playing games
Set the Tone - Win, lose or draw games on defense
Matt Painter is one of America's most respected and successful coaches. He shows four Purdue basketball practices that demonstrate the principles, drills and techniques that took the Boilermakers from the top of the NCAA rankings to three regular season Big Ten titles, the Sweet Sixteen (4x), and onto the Elite Eight in 2019.
Coach Painter emphasizes the four main parts of the game, and he organizes his practice around these.
Half-court defense
Take care of the ball
Transition defense
Painter sets the tone for each practice by beginning with his defensive breakdowns. Painter dissects PurdueÕs man-toÐman defense using a variety drills and exercises.
Painter's practices include transition motion, post and perimeter skill, transition motion, secondary breaking, free throw work and man defense.
Painter concludes each practice by giving a competition drill that includes a rebounding drill, shoot out (No Man's Land), and a limitation drill (60 point drill).
Your team can be champion-ready with competitive drills, one-on-1 teaching and breakdowns.
4 videos (485 minutes). 2010.

John Beilein
(Rental)-All Access Basketball Defensive Practice John Beilein
All Access Defensive Practice Plan with John Beilein
After taking over as head coach of the NBA’s Cleveland Cavaliers, head coach John Beilein has allowed a series of “all-access” practice sessions to be released. With over 40 years of coaching experience, Coach Beilein has developed a style of defense that has suited his teams well. In this video taken while Beilein was at Michigan, you will get inside Beilein’s defensive system, see his preferred method of running the Shell Drill, and an effective late-game press and trapping system.
Remember, all this comes from a coach who won coach of the year awards in three different conferences – Big Ten, CAA, and MAAC. Beilein won two Big Ten regular season titles, two Big Ten tournament championships, and reached the Final Four twice. It’s safe to say Coach Beilein knows a thing or two about basketball, specifically playing defense.
Shell Drill, Ball Screens, Post Defense
For Beilein, the Shell Drill is an opportunity to work on a number of defensive fundamentals. He will emphasize players getting into gaps to deny drivers and doing so with long, active hands that don’t drop below the shoulders. Players also get work on closeouts, rebounding with two hands, and dealing with cutters.
Players transition to ball screen defense where Coach Beilein teaches technique on how to get through and around screens. He covers both high and side ball screens as well as post defense. Beilein covers the post defense before and after the ball is entered into the post and goes over the responsibility of the individual as well as the team.
Press & Trapping System
In late-game situations, Beilein likes to employ an aggressive trap to force ball handlers into making mistakes. You will see Coach Beilein teach players to get the primary trap in the full court before working to get a secondary trap in the half court if the initial trap is broken.
One of the things you will notice is that Coach Beilein likes to keep things simple. He breaks down each drill and concept by demonstrating how he wants his players to move and act on the floor. You will pick up a good amount of Coach Beilein’s coaching philosophy as well as some great drills that you can use to enhance your defense. Rent this basketball defensive practice plan DVD today.