Origins Of The Pack Line Defense With Drills by Dick Bennett Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
HoopsKing (Rental)-Origins Of The Pack Line Defense With Drills $17.99
Origins of the Pack Line Defense with Breakdown Drills The Pack Line defense helped propel Virginia to a national title in 2019. The origins of the system came from Virginia head coach Tony Bennett’s father, Dick, a 28-year NCAA coaching veteran. The elder Bennett is best remembered for his time at Wisconsin where he led the Badgers to the 2000 Final Four. In this video, Bennett shows you how to implement the Pack Line defense, a man-to-man defense that is designed to prevent dribble penetration and contest open 3-point shots. It is a system that allows less athletic teams consistently compete with superior offensive teams. Why the Pack Line Defense? Bennett begins with some insight behind his creation of the system and the keys to its success. Bennett identifies several points for those looking to improve their teams on the defensive end. These points include: Four things Bennett demands from his defense How to implement game changers Why the defense is so difficult for great offensive players to crack Why Bennett moved from push-to-baseline to the Pack Line concept How the Pack Line limits scoring opportunities against great teams Characteristics of great defenders Push to Pack To play the Pack Line defense, you must have an on-ball defender that pressures the ball and disrupts the ball-handler to get him out of his comfort zone. The on-ball defender must trust his teammates for help. Help defense is key to the Pack Line but different than traditional defenses. Help defenders are often closer to the basket and must straddle the seam in order to be able to close out on a shooter. Defending Screens Bennett demonstrates how his players defend screens. His strategy is somewhat unique and his players must hedge, or double, the ball handler. Coach Bennett also teaches a technique where the screener gets smothered if the ball handler is not a great shooter or a threat to score. Transition Defense Coach Bennett also teaches “back to attack,” which is a focus on transition defense. You will learn two full-court transition drills that address getting back on defense and preventing easy baskets. Players learn to communicate and stop teams in transition. This presentation is from one of the great defensive minds of all-time. Learn the suffocating Pack Line defense from the man who created it!
Pack Line Defense And Rebounding Drills by Ray Giacoletti Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
Ray Giacoletti (Rental)-Pack Line Defense And Rebounding Drills $17.99
Pack Line Defense & Rebounding Drills Rebounding and defense are what win championships in basketball. Former Utah and Drake University head coach Ray Giacoletti opens up a practice session and shows you 10 defensive and rebounding drills in both half-court and full-court settings that can help your players improve in both aspects of the game. You get an inside look at a Drake practice and learn how Coach Giacoletti’s players are taught to defend screening actions, transition defense, and more. Breakdown Drills for Defense Great team defenses are built with great individual defenders. Coach Giacoletti builds great individual defenders with the basics. He starts with the stance, body position, footwork, and, most importantly, a player’s mentality. Coach Giacoletti presents the following drills to build the defense: Zig Zag Drill: You will see several versions of the full-court 1-on-1 drill that teaches players to slow down the ball, contain a dribbler, and contest a shot. 3-on-3 Full-Court Drill: Players learn to stunt from the help position in order to contain a dribbler. Take the Charge Drill: This teaches players the correct and safe technique for drawing a charge. Throw and Go: This transition drill teaches defenses to deal with a trailing post player. Learn how to force the ball to the baseline on side ball screens with the “Blue” strategy. Centerfield Drill: You will see how Drake is taught to use the post to mirror the dribbler on middle ball screens. Five-Man Shell Drill: Learn the rotations needed for doubling the post, gapping, and closing out. Rebounding Drills Coach Giacoletti wants his players to develop a physical mindset and he does so with three rebounding drills. 3-on-0 Rebounding: Players go through multiple repetitions working on refining their offensive and defensive rebounding technique. 3-on-3 Rebounding: The skills learned in the first drill are put to use in competitive play while also including closeouts, help positioning, and cutting off baseline penetration. Five-Man Box Out: This is a more complex drill that emphasizes transition concepts like getting back on defense and trying to score on fast breaks when there is an advantage. Coach Giacoletti puts all of his defensive and rebounding concepts together in the ultimate test – the Turkey Game. The game is highly competitive and is a great way to get players to understand the importance of every possession. Players fight to get a defensive stop and rebound and earn a “Turkey.”
Chris Jans (Rental)-Denial & Pack Line to Build a Hybrid Defense $18.99
A defensive system to force your opponents to adapt to your aggressive, fast-paced style of play. Find a hybrid defense that combines denial and pack line principles You can see the positioning and rotations of the ball screen, post-player and half court defense defense. Use the shell drill to practice defensive concepts every day Chris Jans is well-known for his great defense and tough team play. Here's a look at his defense playbook. This video will give you an overview of Jans defense, defensive rotations and positioning, as well as a demonstration of various traps. It also includes a glimpse at the Shell Drill, which reinforces all defense concepts. Defensive Overview Coach Jans begins the presentation by explaining the evolution of his defensive philosophy as well as how he created this hybrid pack/denial defense. He discusses all aspects of the court, as well as how he has combined different principles to create his defense style, including how to defend the post and weak side positioning. We share coaching cues and nuggets on how to guard the ball, and how to get your players to see where their gaps are in relation to the ball. Jans shares how he keeps track of things during practice so that his players do what the coaches want. Every practice is recorded on a yellow sheet that tracks defensive principles and gives players a rating on their performance. Defensive Rotations & Shell Drill Next Coach Jans will demonstrate different rotations within defense and the scramble scenarios that may occur. You will see how to handle middle drives into gaps, and what the rotations are with an empty post or an occupied post for baseline drives. It is shown how to use the Shell drill to get players moving and scrambling and working on all aspects of defense. Jans explains how to trap the post and how to rotate out of the traps. The traps can be seen coming from different areas of the court. You can even learn how to trap based upon personnel. Coach Jans explains the traps and shows how to include them in the Shell Drill. Q&A Coach Jans ends the video by inviting questions from the audience. He also demonstrates how to trap around the perimeter and when to use it during a game. Jans also shows a final drill that involves closing out, jumping up to the ball and contesting backdoor cut. This video is great for anyone who wants to improve their defensive strategy and give their team an edge to win. 71 minutes. 2022.