Don Meyer
(Rental)-Basketball The Don Meyer Way
Don Meyer, the most successful college basketball coach of all time, gives you an insider's view into game preparations
This is a deep look at game preparation and practice planning with the all-time most successful coach in college basketball.
Highlights from games show how hard work pays off in certain situations
Don Meyer has led his teams to greatness on the court for over 35 years. His teams have been part of more than a dozen tournament appearances in post-season and won many conference titles. As Coach Meyer and his team prepare to play in a postseason tournament, this is a rare opportunity to see him in action! Meyer and his staff will take the team through three practice sessions in the days before the game. They emphasize offensive and defensive skills work as well as special situations and scouting. The team will also be practicing their shootaround on game day. You'll also have access to the locker room, court, and Meyer's team as they prepare for the game. Highlights from the game will be shown to show how hard work pays off. This 2-video set will allow you to see Don Meyer, the legendary coach, in action with his team.
2 videos. 240 minutes. 2008.

Don Meyer
(Rental)-Building A Championship Program
Rental Term Highlights
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This DVD is for rent only and is not for sale. Before you can rent a DVD, you must download and submit a Rental Membership form. This is a one time requirement. No monthly subscription fee is required. 5 Day (Single Titles) or 10 Day (DVD Sets) Viewing Period FREE Shipping! The price of the rental includes shipping and return shipping. There are no shipping charges added on either way.

Don Meyer
Rental Term Highlights Before you can rent a DVD, you must download and submit a Rental Membership form. This is a one time requirement. No monthly subscription fee is required. 5 Day (Single Titles) or 10 Day (DVD Sets) Viewing Period DVDs can only be rented by U.S. customers. FREE Shipping! The price of the rental includes shipping and return shipping. There are no shipping charges added on either way. DVD series are only available to rent as a series. Individual discs will not be rented separately.

Don Meyer
(Rental)-Building Your Motion Offense From Scratch
Get better at basketball coaching
Don Meyer, learn from him!
Your team can reach new heights!
To be the best, learn from the best.
You will learn how to build your motion offense and a solid foundation of team and individual fundamentals. We teach strong post play, cutting, screening, passing and sharpness; penetration for basket finishes or open three-point shots; as well as offensive rebounding.
94 minutes.

Don Meyer
(Rental)-Developing Toughness & Playing Hard
Get better at basketball coaching
Don Meyer, learn from him!
Your team can reach new heights!
To be the best, learn from the best.
You can teach your players hard skills and toughness by learning the drills and practice techniques that will help them. From pre-practice team meetings, to each practice drill, the Bisons have it all.
106 minutes.

Don Meyer
(Rental)-Don Meyer: A Playbook For Winning Basketball
Don Meyer's coaching legacy has been unparalleled. He has won more than 20 games 26 times during his career, and he holds the record for the fastest path to 700 wins in college basketball history. The high success rate of Coach Meyer's teams has been due to his passion, zeal and teaching ability. This DVD reveals the secrets of game preparation and game situations. Meyer shares six key game preparation tips for his team and his opponent. He also discusses his five stages for defense and how they are implemented. He explains how to win close games and prepares for them in twenty special situations. He shows you how to defend against the efficient 1-4 low offense. These unique situations were developed over Meyer's 1,200-game tenure as a head coach. Each one has been thoroughly tested and will give your team an edge over your opponent in close games. These special situations techniques can help you win more games, from warm-ups to final buzzer.
71 minutes. 2008.

Don Meyer
(Rental)-Don Meyer: Team Attitude
Get better at basketball coaching
Don Meyer, learn from him!
Your team can reach new heights!
To be the best, learn from the best.
This DVD features Coach Meyer's acrostic with "attitude" in order to teach players the fundamental qualities of a strong team. This DVD is the most important one a coach can order.
59 minutes. This film was produced in 1986 and released on DVD in 2008.

Don Meyer
(Rental)-Motion Offense & Simplified Principles
Rental Term Highlights
We only rent DVDs in the USA. No rental DVD orders will be mailed outside the USA.
This DVD is for rent only and is not for sale. Before you can rent a DVD, you must download and submit a Rental Membership form. This is a one time requirement. No monthly subscription fee is required. 5 Day (Single Titles) or 10 Day (DVD Sets) Viewing Period FREE Shipping! The price of the rental includes shipping and return shipping. There are no shipping charges added on either way.

Don Meyer
(Rental)-Pressure Man To Man Defense System
Get better at basketball coaching
Don Meyer, learn from him!
Your team can reach new heights!
To be the best, learn from the best.
Integrate a defense system that emphasizes the importance of total team defense. This system is composed of nine defensive rules that are based on three key principles: intense pressure on the ball, strong support from the sidelines and quick inside help.
59 minutes.

Don Meyer
(Rental)-The Matchup Zone Defense
Get better at basketball coaching
Don Meyer, learn from him!
Your team can reach new heights!
To be the best, learn from the best.
Match-up defense can be a great complement to aggressive man-toÐman defense. Take a look at the basics of an aggressive 2-3 matchup zone to help you be a better teacher for your players.
35 minutes.

Don Meyer
(Rental)-Winning Special Situations
Get better at basketball coaching
Don Meyer, learn from him!
Your team can reach new heights!
To be the best, learn from the best.
Complete organization of special situations is what you should be looking at. This DVD will teach you how to jump balls, use time outs, play offense, play the clock, play the comeback game and out-of-bounds plays. This DVD will teach you how to win the war.
94 minutes.