Brad Underwood
(Rental)-Disrupting Offenses With Pressure Defense
Disrupting Offenses with Pressure Defense
Brad Underwood has built a coaching career on pressure defense. The Illinois head coach prefers an on-the-line-up-the-line half-court pressure defense that can stifle opposing offenses. Some of Underwood’s previous teams – Oklahoma State and Stephen F. Austin – have been among the nation’s leaders in steals and turnovers.
In this video, Coach Underwood teaches you the principles of his defense including positioning, maintaining denial, and keeping pressure on the opponent when defending ball screens. Even less skilled athletes can succeed in Underwood’s defense if they play with great technique and toughness.
Basics of On-Ball Defense
The whole goal of Coach Underwood’s pressure defense is to prevent opponents from getting into the offense they want to run. The defense begins by shrinking the floor. Coach Underwood then explains the rules and responsibilities of each player. Defenders are taught when to pick up opponents and how to make them uncomfortable through the entire possession.
Pressure vs. Common Offensive Actions
Coach Underwood shows you how to maintain pressure against the various actions offenses will run. Learn how to move and adjust denial positions every time the ball moves. Coach Underwood breaks down these concepts into 2-on-2, 3-on-3, and 4-on-4 for better understanding.
You will also learn how to deny back cuts, play post defense, and stop dribble penetration by sprinting to midline to play help defense. Coach Underwood will also give you techniques for disrupting screening actions like screen aways, down screens, and baseline screens.
To tie it all together, Coach Underwood shows you his shell drill. Players must communicate, jump to the ball, and sprint to help. There is an emphasis on player movement and “doing work early” to keep pressure on the offense.
Defending Ball Screens
To reduce pressure, the offense will try to use ball screens. Coach Underwood details how his defense attacks ball screens and maintains pressure. You will learn how to trap the dribbler in the corner. You’ll see “X-Action” which helps you defend screeners popping into open space for shots. Coach Underwood also shares his Red, White, and Blue communication system to defend on-ball screens.
Coach Underwood’s video is a complete and total defensive system that any team can use to pressure offenses into making mistakes.

Robert Jones
(Rental)-Floppy Defense To Disguise Your Zone & Man Defense
Floppy Defense – A System to Disguise Your Zone & Man Half-Court Defense
The zone defense is become more popular among college and high basketball coaches across the nation because it does pose some difficulties for opposing offenses. In this video, Norfolk State head coach Robert Jones discusses and demonstrates his “Floppy Defense,” a combination of the 2-3 zone, 3-2 match-up zone, and man-to-man. Watch as Jones, a finalist for the Joe B. Hall Award in 2014, explains the defense in a chalk talk and then takes you to the court to demonstrate it.
Floppy Defense Basketball
Coach Jones first explains each of the three defenses – 2-3 zone, 3-2 matchup, and man-to-man – that make up the Floppy defense. You will see how and when to switch when the offense is running their play. This creates confusion for the offense and ends up slowing it down.
The defense starts in the traditional 2-3 zone and then switches to Floppy 5 (man-to-man), Floppy 3 (3-2), and back to 2-Flat, which is the 2-3. The first pass to your 3-man’s side determines the switch. Post players pick up opposing post players to ensure you don’t end up with mismatches on the wing when switching into Floppy 5. Coach Jones then shows you how to defend the most common actions his team’s see and how to defend ball screens.
Floppy Defense Breakdown Drills
Coach Jones takes to the court to show you the man-to-man breakdown drills. The drills stress denying passes, help defense on the ball, , post defense, and defending cutters. Players begin in 1-on-1 situations and incorporate other defenders to build the team defense. Closeouts and constant communication are emphasized in every drill.
Jones also gives you his 3-2 zone breakdown drills as well as a number of 2-3 zone drills. His “Top Two” drill features one guard pressuring the ball with the other guard defending the high post.
Full Court Pressure
Coach Jones likes to use full-court pressure before the Floppy defense to force opponents to play faster than they would like. This can disrupt the offense and force turnovers. Jones shows you the press, a 1-2-2 zone and then how to get right into the Floppy 5. He also shows you how to go from pressure to the 2-3 zone.
Jones’ Floppy concept is a unique approach to confusing opposing offenses. Give your team an edge against more talented teams with the Floppy defense!

Bo Ryan
(Rental)-Bo Ryan's Defensive System For Success
Bo Ryan’s Defensive System for Success
Hall of Fame coach Bo Ryan shares his secrets for a defense that is synonymous with his name. The former Wisconsin head coach won seven Big Ten titles (three conference tournament and four regular season) in his career and took the Badgers to back-to-back Final Four appearances in 2014 and ’15. His lifetime winning percentage of .762 and his nearly 800 career victories are a testament to the pressure defense that Ryan’s teams played.
If you are looking to turn up the heat and pressure of your defense, Ryan will show you how in this video. You will hear some of his general principles of defense as well as his overall philosophy. Coach Ryan shares a number of drills and strategies and also discusses his suffocating Diamond press.
Defensive Drills
Coach Ryan shares 12 practice drills that give your players the tools they need to become better individual defenders. The drills help establish the foundation for your team defense. Coach Ryan begins with a progression of drills that train on-ball defense. It begins with the stance, lateral movement, reaction time, and more. You will see the Two Deads and a Charge Drill which teaches players how to direct a dribbler up the floor, how to apply pressure in a dead ball situation, and how to take a charge.
Other drills work on such defensive basics as close outs, denial defense, and beating screens. Ryan demonstrates three competitive drills that teach players to protect the rim with great help defense and communication. The 4-o-4 Post Drill adds a player at the high post. Defenders must react to contain the drive.
Post Defense
One of Bo Ryan’s Defensive System principles is to never allow a talented big man touch the ball in the post. You will see how Ryan coaches post denial without getting exposed to seals. Players learn to fight for position to front the post and keep the offense guessing with a strategy that denies the pass into the high post.
Another of Ryan’s key principles is defensive rebounding. Nothing frustrates great defenses like giving up offensive rebounds. Coach Ryan shares some insight on individual rebounding success. He also offers an awesome drill that will help your players improve their rebounding abilities.
Defensive Tactics
Opponents will try all sorts of screening actions against a man-to-man defense. Coach Ryan discusses how his teams deal with seven types of screens. You will also see two different ways to deal with double screens. The whole idea for Ryan is to force opponents into lowest percentage plays.
Learn the suffocating defensive system that helped Coach Ryan win championships and wind up in the National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame. Rent Bo Ryan's Defensive System DVD today.

Geno Auriemma
(Rental)-Geno Auriemma's Complete Skill Development Program
so, How Can You Make Your Team Stronger In A Limited Time? Well, The Coach Geno Auriemma And His Assistant Coaches Will Teach You How Can You Do That. They Will Work On All The Phases Of The Game And Will Make You A Better Player.
the Drills Shown In This Video Are Fundamental And Will Improve Your Game. The Coach Will Show You The Drills He Uses To Develop His Players. He Is No Doubt One Of The Greatest Basketball Coaches Of All Time.
the Coach Beautifully Explains The Defensive And Offensive Parts And Also Focuses On The Individual Skill Development. A Skill Development Program Is Also Made Which Has Huge Importance In The Coach Auriemma Books. It Helps To Develop Players At Every Single Position Of The Game.
the Guard Drills
the Pick & Roll Is Very Important And Like All Other Successful Coaches The Coach Auriemma Pays Extra Attention To This Key Factor In So Many Different Ways. In Order To Improve The Ball Handling, Coming Off Ball Screens And Making Quality Shots The Coach Has Developed Unique And Exciting Drills For The Players To Try. There Are Designed For Improving Individual Skill Sets Of Players And It Will Take Their Performance To The Next Level.
the Dribble Drag Action Will Be Learned As Well With The Help Of One Of The Guard Drills. When The Guard-to-guard Dribble Is Executed The Guard That Will Be Receiving The Ball Comes Off A Pick & Roll. The Guard Which Is Coming Of The Pick & Roll Executes A Pull-up Jump Shot. On The Other Hand, The Guard Who Initiated The Process Will Touch The Baseline And Comes Back To The Wing To Shoot A 3-point Shot.
there Is Another Drill Which Is Called The Ball Screen Drill Which Is Used By The Guards To Work On Utilizing A Trailer Ball Screen In Transition. So, The Guard Will Have To Perform A Hesitation Dribble To Wait On A Ball Screen From The Trailer. After All This, The Guard Will Then Use The Ball Screen For A Shot Or Even A Drive To The Basket.
post Skills
well, The Coach And His Staff Works Diligently, And They Try Their Best And Use Their Post Player Development Within The Confines Of His Team’s Offense. The Breakdown Drills Are Very Beneficial As They Will Not Only Develop The Skills Of The Post Players But Will Also Help In Executing The Offense Properly.
the Very First Drill For The Post Players Is Used For Improving The Drag Ball Screens. Well, This Drill Is Basically A Breakdown For The Post Players Of The Earlier Trailer Ball Screen Drill. There Are Several Things That Players Do In This Drill Like The Pick And Pop Action, Getting Set For A Post Feed And Rolling On The Basket.
the Pinch Post Aspect Of The Offense Is Also Improved By Another Drill. There Are Several Parts Like The Dribble Hand Off, The Look For The High Low Duck In, And Penetration For A Pass. The Players Try To Improve These Parts Of The Pinch Post.
overall Individual Skill Development
the Idea Of Attacking Defenders Is Very Cool And For That Purpose A Ball Handling Drill For 12 Players Is Introduced As Well. This Will Also Help The Players To Dribble Through The Traffic And Score A Goal. The Two Groups Dribble In This Drill And There Six Players In Each Group And At Half Court While Facing Each Other.

Gary Close
(Rental)-Building A Man To Man Defensive System
Building a Man-to-Man Defensive System
Gary Close spent nearly three decades as a top assistant for some of the best coaches in NCAA Division basketball history. Working closely with coaches like Bo Ryan and Tom Davis, Close has in-depth knowledge of each coach’s defensive strategies. In this video, Close teaches and demonstrates Ryan’s half-court defensive system and then breaks down two of Davis’ full-court pressures. You will see how your defense can control tempo, disrupt offenses, and force opponents into bad shots.
Defensive Basics
Close starts with defensive philosophy and then discusses the rules of the half-court defense. A philosophy that holds players accountable allows a team to play at a high level. Close also talks about communication and teaching points when watching film with players.
The on-court demonstration begins with the stance and footwork. Close places emphasis on cutting off the offensive player’s path to the basket. The rule is players do not expose their numbers to the sideline camera for this opens up a path to the rim. Additionally, Coach Close talks about help defense and recovery.
Breakdown Drills
You will see 12 different drills that you can use daily with your players. It all starts with the one drill that is the basis of the entire defense – 1-on-1 from the Top. The drill teaches the importance of pressuring the ball after a closeout. Other drills help build the techniques needed to play the defense. Once players have the basics down, drills progress into live action.
Defending Screens
In defending screens, Close emphasizes pressure on the ball. The player being screened and the screener’s defender work together to make it difficult for the offense. Close details the roles of each player involved in the screen.
Coach Close also goes over how to defend all types of screens including down, slip, fade, stagger, and ball screens. Each screen is defended in multiple scenarios and you will see the 4-on-4 Ball Screen Defense drill, which gives players game-like situations where they learn to defend screens.
55 Pressure Defense
In an on-court demonstration, Coach Close shows you his full- and ¾-court pressure defense. He’ll take you through defending multiple press breaks and shows you his 55 Pass Reaction drill which teaches players to set up pressure defense quickly in an effort to force a turnover.
Using Coach Close’s defense, you can become a winner. Close gives you three defenses that can help your program start winning now!

Larry Shyatt
(Rental)-Building A Defensive Culture
Building a Defensive Culture
On nights where they seemingly can’t hit a shot from anywhere, great teams still win because they play great defense. Dallas Mavericks assistant coach Larry Shyatt understands that defense can be the great equalizer and has proven so in his decades of coaching. In this video, Coach Shyatt presents a collection of ideas on how to build a defensive culture, including drills that help you do so.
Team Culture
You often hear coaches at all levels say that the key to winning championships is defense. Is that something you say or do you actually mean it? Coach Shyatt gives his Super 7 concepts for creating a defensive mindset and culture.
Half-Court Defense
Coach Shyatt guides you through the first steps of teaching a half-court defensive philosophy to your players at the beginning of a season. He uses ropes and the White Line philosophy to help players understand proper positioning on the floor. Coach Shyatt also shows you how you can extend this teaching to your full-court pressure defense.
Warmup Drills
How your team starts practice sets the tone for the entire session. If you really believe defense wins championships, they you need to start practice with warmup drills that emphasize it. Coach Shyatt demonstrates three drills the he uses on a daily basis to get players ready to play defense. Players work on breaking down ball screen defense with the ELC concept. Players work on their toughness in the Step Up drill where players help on dribble penetration and draw charges.
Peer Pressure Drills
When a game reaches a critical moment in a packed gymnasium, will your players hear you? Great teams are those who can communicate with each and hold each other accountable. Coach Shyatt introduces two peer pressure drills that force players to make layups and use full-court passing with perfect technique.
Transition Defense
For Coach Shyatt, this is the key to becoming a great defensive team. He stresses transition defense because it can eliminate some of the easiest scoring opportunities for opposing offenses. Coach Shyatt shows you three drills, two of which are the Tate’s Drill and the Circle Transition Drill.
The Tate’s Drill teaches players to excel in the first six seconds of a possession by sprinting back on defense, building a wall, and getting matched up quickly. The Circle Transition Drill teaches players to load to the ball in transition.
Coach Shyatt was part of championship programs at the University of Florida and the University of Wyoming. For any program looking to build a true defensive culture, Coach Shyatt’s video is a great place to start. Rent this Defensive Culture DVD today.

Frank Allocco
(Rental)-Defending The 10 Most Popular Offensive Actions
Basketball Defense - Defending the 10 Most Popular Offensive Actions in Basketball
Former national high school coach of the year Frank Allocco had a long history of success taking two California high schools to state championships and winning nearly 87 percent of his games. He went on to coach at the University of San Francisco where he continued his man-to-man pressure defense. In this basketball defense video, Coach Allocco will show you the strategies that helped his teams hold opponents to an average of just 38 points a game. You’ll see everything from footwork to communication giving you everything you need to defend the 10 most common screen actions in basketball.
Basketball Defense Breakdown Drills
Teaching how to defend the screen is difficult, but it is a must if you are going to be successful on defense. Coach Allocco uses a series of 3-on-3 and 4-on-4 breakdown drills to show you how to neutralize the most common offensive actions.
Ball Screens: Players learn to communicate to hedge ball screens and fight over the top
Pass and Cut: Learn to eliminate easy layups by jumping to the ball and beating screens
Flare Screens: Coach Allocco shows you two variations of this drill that will challenge your defenders to fight through flare screens to cover shooters
Wheel Cuts: This drill can be built up to teach players to defend screen-the-screener actions that use wheel cuts, down screens, and back screens
Dribble Drive: Teach players to fight through dribble handoffs and contain dribble penetration with great on-ball defense and help
UCLA Cut: Prepare players to fight through consecutive screening actions by fighting through UCLA cuts, down screens, and back screens
Flex Action: Use 3-on-3 and 5-on-5 to teach players to defend the combined action of flex screens and down screens
America’s Play: Prevent post players from getting good position by teaching players how to defend cross screens and down screens
Single Double Screens: This 4-on-4 drill teaches players to deal with what is known as “Floppy” at the NBA level by helping them get “up the shoot” versus single screens and how to use the same concept against staggered double screens
High-Low Action: Learn to use proper positioning and toughness to deter flashes to the high post and take away duck-ins from teams that have good post players
Basketball Defense Communication
For Coach Allocco, winning was more than just having a great strategy. One of the keys to his defense was constant communication so that players were in sync on every possession. Players also must feel an obligation to their teammates to carry out their role and now allow breakdowns. Throughout the drills, Coach Allocco emphasizes this communication to ensure the defense is ready to defend anything an offense can throw at it. Rent this basketball defense DVD today.

John Calipari
(Rental)-Building A Dominant Defensive System
Forcing turnovers can increase scoring
Double down to limit post scoring
These drills will help you build your defense starting from the ground.
John Calipari's winning teams are a result of their strong offensive system. Calipari's teams are reliant on disruption and defensive pressure to create scoring opportunities. Calipari's ultimate goal is to make the game more efficient without sacrificing lay-ups.
This instructional video teaches you how to use drills from 1-on-1 to 5 on 5, to increase your defensive pressure.
To create a disruptive defense, you will need to learn how to use the lunge, early support, and close outs. Calipari demonstrates how the double down post forces turnovers and bad shots from the offense using the shell drill. Calipari puts players through intense drills that simulate a game to demonstrate their defensive ability. This pressure defense can guard every offensive system, including the flex offense.
65 minutes. 2009.

Jeff Mittie
(Rental)-Jeff Mittie Zone Defensive Series
Rental Term Highlights
We only rent DVDs in the USA. No rental DVD orders will be mailed outside the USA.
This DVD is for rent only and is not for sale. Before you can rent a DVD, you must download and submit a Rental Membership form. This is a one time requirement. No monthly subscription fee is required. 5 Day (Single Titles) or 10 Day (DVD Sets) Viewing Period FREE Shipping! The price of the rental includes shipping and return shipping. There are no shipping charges added on either way.

Sharman White
(Rental)-Defensive Game Plan For Practice
Basketball Defensive Drills & Game Plan for Practice
Sharman White won six straight Georgia Class AAAA state championships between 2009 and 2014 and was the 2016 National High School Coaches Association boys’ basketball Coach of the Year. Coach White believes his success is directly related to his team’s defense.
In this on-court basketball defensive drills instructional video, Coach White breaks down his defense beginning with its philosophy. He shares the concepts he teaches every day in practice and shows you the drills he uses to help motivate his players to succeed on the defensive end.
Coach White builds the foundation of the defense with a series of build-up drills that eventually lead to a full 5-on-5 competitive scrimmage. The drills are taught and run early in the season to ensure good habits. They also help players understand the expectations for each individual possession throughout the season.
You will see the Gladiator Drill, which Coach White uses to teach three very important defensive concepts. Taking a charge, cutting off the baseline, and executing the proper closeout are all essentials to quality team defensive play.
Basketball Defensive Drills for the Ball Screen
With today’s offenses so dependent upon the ball screen, Coach White introduces the 2-on-2 Defending the Screen Drill. The idea is to train players to execute the appropriate defense when playing against the ball screen. Having defenders that understand how to defend against ball screens is an absolute must in today’s game.
Since games are won and lost on odd-number matchups, Coach White demonstrates the 5-on-4 drill where players are forced to deal with this advantage/disadvantage for a full 1:30. The drill requires absolute focus and effort, great communication, and adherence to proper techniques to have success.
Coach White explains how these drills help to create a competitive nature in practice every day. He forces his kids to compete by having a winner and a loser in every practice. Doing so has helped White’s players prepare for real games.
This presentation is loaded with defensive drills and concepts to help you develop a defense that can disrupt an opponent’s offensive flow. Coach White also helps in showing you how to organize a competitive practice that gets the most of your time on the court. Rent this basketball defensive drills DVD today.

Donnie Jones
(Rental)-Building The Dematha Team Defense
Building the DeMatha Basketball Team Defense
The high school basketball program at DeMatha Catholic in Maryland is nationally known and has been for years. Now under head coach Mike Jones, DeMatha adheres to the old adage “defense wins championships.” Jones has produced over 500 career wins and dozens of championships in the very competitive Washington, D.C. area.
In this basketball team defense video, Coach Jones shares with coaches how his program became a defensive powerhouse. After playing for legendary DeMatha coach Morgan Wooten, Jones played at Old Dominion and then returned home first as an assistant and then as the Stags head coach.
Jones shares his defensive strategies which begin with emphasizing defensive rotations to minimize any middle penetration. His defense focuses on pressuring the ball, challenging shooters, and not getting beat off the first dribble.
In order to create a strong basketball team defense, Coach Jones believes in a few critical concepts. He shares each of those in his presentation.
Beating the offense to the middle of the floor
Keeping the ball on one side of the court
Moving on the pass
Communicating at all times with teammates
Coach Jones gets into defensive rotations. In order to perfect those rotations, he shares a series of 10 drills designed to create and sustain effective defensive play. Basic techniques are reinforced with advanced strategies like “Perfect Slide,” 1-on-1 full-court slides, and closeout drills. You’ll also see the Wildcat Series which teaches players to stay low on defense and close out strong.
Jones then goes into great detail on the DeMatha Shell Drill covering every aspect of proper defensive rotation. In the 5-Man Shell drills, Coach Jones covers how to defend the high and low posts, denial defense, defending cutters, and communication on weakside help.
Learn how to dominate on the defensive end with perfect rotations from one of the game’s best high school coaches. Rent this basketball team defense DVD today.

Quin Snyder
(Rental)-The Five Defensive Absolutes
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This DVD is for rent only and is not for sale. Before you can rent a DVD, you must download and submit a Rental Membership form. This is a one time requirement. No monthly subscription fee is required. 5 Day (Single Titles) or 10 Day (DVD Sets) Viewing Period FREE Shipping! The price of the rental includes shipping and return shipping. There are no shipping charges added on either way.

Bill Self
(Rental)-Bill Self's Defensive Absolutes
Bill Self’s Basketball Defensive Absolutes
University of Kansas head coach Bill Self is one of the game’s best. His Jayhawks teams have owned the Big 12 for the better part of almost two decades and Self has already been inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame.
In this basketball defensive absolutes video, you get to see one of the game’s best coaches in action coaching his team. Watch as he develops his Jayhawks with an emphasis on skill development, defense, baseline inbounds plays, and 5-on-5 play. Self displays for you his defensive philosophy as well as five inbounds plays and an amazing 5-on-5 drill.
Basketball Defensive Absolutes
First, learn the three essential elements to Coach Self’s man-to-man defense that will prevent easy baskets. Self lectures on the importance of tracking what he calls “energy points” in practice. You also get ideas on improving rebounding, strategies for hitting the boards, how to measure competition in practice, and more.
Coach Self demonstrates a 4-on-4 defensive drill that focuses on how guard ball screens. You’ll see how to “ice” ball screens on the whiteboard and then on the court. That leads into a discussion on taking your Shell Drill to a new level. Self then moves onto teach players how to double the post with both big men. That is then carried into a 5-on-5 drill that challenges the defense to trap the post and get back on a ball reversal.
Inbounds Plays & 5-on-5
You will see five inbounds plays straight from Self’s playbook. Each is designed to produce quality scoring looks either at the rim or from behind the three-point arc. Self also shows you how to inbound the ball from the sideline with a play that can flow right into your own quick hitters. Self also goes to the whiteboard to show you how to defend baseline inbounds plays.
The final segment of the video features a 5-on-5 segment called “Blockout Break.” This is a great drill where players can put to use the individual tactics and techniques that are taught in drill segments. This presentation is from one of the game’s best and has something for everyone. Rent this basketball defensive absolutes DVD today.

(Rental)-Building A Defensive Philosophy
Matt Painter: Building a Defensive Philosophy
With the emphasis on offense these days, it’s hard to build a defensive mindset within a program. Purdue head coach Matt Painter shows you exactly how to do so in this video. It’s hard to sell athletes on playing defense, but building a defensive culture can be the thing that narrows the gap between lesser skilled teams and those with tons of offensive talent.
Painter has been the Big Ten Coach of the Year four times and has won the conference championship three times. He has done so by building his program on tough, hard-nosed man-to-man defense. This video is not full of fancy drills. It is more about philosophy and how to build an effective defense.
Building Your Defense
Coach Painter describes the building of a defense from the ground up. He begins with some basics such as:
How to use the safety and jammer positions in your press and transition defense
How to be Early, Loud, and Continuous (ELC) on calling out screens
The benefits of having both an open and closed defensive stance
How to have compact help to have more effective movement on defense
Transition Defense
With three crashing the boards, Coach Painter shows you how his defense works in transition. The point guard jams the ball off the rebound or the made basket. The guards communicate early and deny the easy kick up slowing the ball in transition. This allows the defense to focus on defending in the half-court.
Half-Court Defense
Coach Painter believes establishing a half-court presence is a must. Shooters and non-shooters are identified so players know who they need to commit to right away. Painter uses a 3-on-3 shell drill early in practice and players must identify shooters and non-shooters. Doing the drill early sets the tone for the rest of practice.
Help Defense
Good defenses must have players that can rotate and help. Coach Painter reviews his idea of ‘Compact Help’ where players stop a drive and force a kick out. Players are taught to level the dribbler and not commit the foul.
Ball Screen Defense
Offenses use screening actions almost all the time against man-to-man defenses, so Painter uses a 4-on-4 Shell drill to teach how to defend a number of those screens. The idea is to prevent easy passes and force long skip passes.
Defensive Closeouts
The Spots drill helps defenders perform the closeout technique properly. Here you will see:
What type of closeout to use based on a player’s shooting ability
How to closeout to five different spots
How to make sure your closeouts do not allow players to the middle of the floor
This is an excellent video for coaches looking to build a defensive culture in their program.

Hubie Brown
(Rental)-Defensive Playbook For Success
Rental Term Highlights
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This DVD is for rent only and is not for sale.
Before you can rent a DVD, you must download and submit a Rental Membership form. This is a one time requirement.
No monthly subscription fee is required.
5 Day (Single Titles) or 10 Day (DVD Sets) Viewing Period
FREE Shipping! The price of the rental includes shipping and return shipping. There are no shipping charges added on either way.