Michael Jordan's Basketball Shooting Secrets Revealed

Written by: Chris Hungerford



Time to read 12 min

Ever watched a swish of the net and wondered how Michael Jordan made it look so easy? You're not alone. With a jump shot as smooth as silk, Jordan's form was poetry in motion.

Why did his shots feel like they defied gravity?

You might think it was just natural talent or luck. But don't be fooled - there's more to it than what you see. His technique wasn't magic, but mastery: perfect timing on release, strategic use of momentum, and that 'triple 90' set point position he always nailed.

If you've ever dreamt about improving your own shooting form or helping young players up their game, this is for you!

We're going deep into dissecting MJ's techniques – secrets that helped him become an icon. Ready to unlock these mysteries? Let’s get started...

Table of Contents:

The Elegance of Michael Jordan's Jump Shot

One look at Michael Jordan, and you're instantly captivated by his smooth, effortless jump shot. His phenomenal lift was the secret sauce that gave him this signature style.

The Timing of Jordan's Jump Shot Release

Jordan had a knack for releasing the ball just as he reached the apex of his jump or slightly before it. This perfect timing enhanced both shooting range and fluidity, making each shot seem like an easy feat.

But don't be fooled - achieving such precision takes countless hours on the court practicing your rhythm and release point. It also requires a keen understanding of how body movement can impact trajectory – something Jordan mastered over time.

The Role of Momentum in Jordan's Jump Shot

Jordan wasn't all about air; he used every ounce of momentum from his agile body to add power to his shots too. By optimizing this kinetic energy, he could launch himself high into the sky while still maintaining control over where the ball would land – usually right in the net.

  • Momentum is vital in basketball because it gives players more force when taking their shots,
  • This additional strength helps with getting past defenders and reaching longer distances,
  • A player using their momentum well can move swiftly around obstacles on the court while staying balanced enough to take precise aim at the basket.'

If you've ever wondered why watching MJ play felt so different than other players, now you know: it was largely due to these factors coming together beautifully under one roof (or rather...on one court.).

Understanding the 'Triple 90' Set Point Position

The mechanics of Michael Jordan's shooting form reveal a consistently achieved 'triple 90' set point position. This refers to an alignment where the angle at the armpit, elbow, and wrist are all 90 degrees – something Jordan nailed with uncanny consistency.

Key Takeaway: 

Michael Jordan's mesmerizing jump shot style is a mix of elegant lift, perfect timing, and smart use of momentum. His consistent 'triple 90' set point position helped him maintain accuracy. But remember, achieving such precision needs loads of practice and an understanding of how body movement affects trajectory.

Understanding the 'Triple 90' Set Point Position

If you're an avid basketball fan or player, chances are that you've admired Michael Jordan's shooting form. The 'triple 90' set point position is one of his secrets to consistently accurate shots.

The Mechanics of Achieving the 'Triple 90'

To master this technique, picture your arm as a human protractor. You aim for three distinct angles: at the armpit, elbow, and wrist. Each should be around 90 degrees when viewed from side-on at peak elevation in preparation for releasing your shot.

Achieving these angles isn't just about mimicking MJ on the court though; it takes rigorous practice and an understanding of body mechanics. Notably, ensuring flexibility in joints like shoulders and wrists can help achieve this ideal alignment.

The Consistency of Jordan's 'Triple 90'

What made Michael stand out was not only achieving but maintaining the triple-90 throughout all types of shots - even challenging ones like deep fadeaway.

This consistency had its roots in muscle memory developed over countless hours on the court practicing jumpers from various positions under different conditions – always with those perfect angles locked down tight.

  • Maintaining such consistency calls for immense focus during both practice sessions and game time.
  • Remembering how critical each angle is will motivate players to replicate them every single time they shoot.
  • Taking video footage during training sessions could provide helpful visual feedback.

Incorporating Jordan's Techniques into Young Players' Shooting Form

We know emulating MJ's technique can seem daunting, but with some targeted practice and the right guidance, young players too can make significant strides in this direction.

Practicing the 'Triple 90' Set Point Position

Verify that the elbow is correctly situated. It's a step-by-step process to incorporate Jordan's techniques into a player’s form. Concentrate on each angle individually and take it slow.

Key Takeaway: 

Michael Jordan's legendary 'Triple 90' shooting form isn't just about mimicking his moves. It needs rigorous practice and understanding of body mechanics to master those three distinct angles at the armpit, elbow, and wrist. With focus, patience, and video feedback during training sessions, young players can gradually incorporate this technique into their game.

The Importance of Finger Spread in Shooting

When you think about basketball shooting secrets, Michael Jordan's name is likely to come up. One aspect of his technique that might not be as well-known is the importance he placed on finger spread when gripping the ball. This seemingly small detail had a significant impact on his shot stability and touch.

The Benefits of a Wide Finger Spread

Imagine trying to balance a book flat on your hand with your fingers close together - it would probably wobble or fall off pretty quickly, right? Now try it again but this time spreading your fingers wide apart. Notice how much more stable the book becomes?

This same principle applies when shooting a basketball. A wider grip can significantly improve shot stability and balance because it gives better control over the ball during both set-up and release phases. This was something Jordan knew all too well.

The Role of Finger Spread in Ball Rotation

Besides providing improved stability, spreading fingers wide also enhances ball rotation during shots. Why does this matter? Think back to those long spiral passes thrown by quarterbacks in football games – they're not just for show. Spiral rotations keep an object’s path straighter and more predictable due to its gyroscopic effect.

In basketball terms, increased rotation means less deviation from its initial trajectory once released; essentially giving you more accurate shots. It's no surprise then that our guy MJ made sure to get his hands positioned just right every time he took aim at the hoop.

It's worth noting that Jordan spread his fingers wide when gripping the basketball, creating a stable platform for better rotation, touch, and balance. He wasn't just tossing up shots in hopes they'd find their mark - he was using science to stack the odds in his favor.

Incorporating Finger Spread into Your Game

Are you curious about how to employ this hidden approach? Well, let me tell you. To start with it might feel unnatural or even uncomfortable to spread your fingers wider than usual. But remember: practice makes perfect. Begin by focusing on spreading your fingers every time you hold the ball; whether during warm-ups or an actual game situation.

Key Takeaway: 

Michael Jordan's secret to his legendary shooting skill? The wide spread of his fingers when gripping the ball. This technique gave him better control, stability, and accuracy with every shot due to improved balance and rotation. Start incorporating this method into your game - it might feel odd at first, but practice will make perfect.

Incorporating Jordan's Techniques into Young Players' Shooting Form

Teaching your young baller the mechanics of Michael Jordan’s legendary jump shot can significantly improve their game. By focusing on a few key elements, you can help them master the art of shooting like MJ.

Practicing the 'Triple 90' Set Point Position

The 'triple 90' is one fundamental secret behind MJ's iconic shots. It refers to maintaining a perfect 90-degree angle at three points: armpit, elbow, and wrist. This position creates an ideal set point for consistent accuracy.

To help your kid achieve this stance, focus on practicing drills that promote muscle memory. One such drill involves having them stand close to the hoop and repeatedly shoot with just one hand while keeping their arm in that triple-90 formation.

MJ held onto this form even during his deep fadeaways - proof of its effectiveness under pressure. With enough practice and patience, achieving consistency will be no sweat.

Mastering the Timing of Shot Release

A critical aspect often overlooked by novice players is timing—the moment when they release the ball from their hands during a jump shot. Perfecting this requires understanding how momentum works in basketball.

Jordan had it down pat—he released his shots either at or slightly before reaching peak height during his jumps—a technique that added range to his shots without requiring more strength or energy. For young athletes still building their strength, this approach

 can be a real game-changer.

To help them master the timing of shot release, encourage practice with drills that emphasize jumping and releasing in one fluid motion. As they say: 'practice makes perfect', but remember - Rome wasn't built in a day.

The Role of Finger Spread

Lastly, don't overlook the importance of finger spread when shooting. MJ had his fingers wide apart while gripping the ball. This stance offers better rotation, balance, and touch on every shot.

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Key Takeaway: 

Boost your young baller's game by teaching them Michael Jordan's legendary shooting techniques. Start with the 'Triple 90' set point position for consistent accuracy, then move on to mastering shot release timing to add range without extra strength. Don't forget about finger spread for better rotation and balance on each shot.

The Impact of Jordan's Shooting Techniques on His Career

Michael Jordan's shooting techniques were not just flashy moves; they fundamentally transformed his career and the entire sport of basketball. His phenomenal lift, coupled with impeccable timing for releasing shots at the apex of his jump or slightly before, added a unique fluidity to his game that made him unstoppable.

This mastery wasn't accidental but was honed through rigorous practice. His remarkable lift, along with his perfect timing for releasing shots at the highest point of his jump or just before it, gave him a clear advantage over other players and was key to establishing him as one of the greatest ever.

The Elegance Of Michael Jordan's Jump Shot

Jordan’s legendary jump shot looked effortless because he leveraged gravity to maximize momentum and power in each release.

This seemingly simple adjustment had profound implications on how high and far he could shoot while maintaining accuracy—evidenced by an impressive career field goal percentage (FG%) close to 50%.

'Triple 90' Set Point Position - A Key To Consistency

Maintaining consistency even during challenging moments is what separates good athletes from great ones—and Michael was exceptional at this. One technique contributing greatly to this feat was achieving what is known as ‘triple 90.’

  • An armpit angle of 90 degrees between the upper arm & torso,
  • A sharp elbow bend creates another right angle,
  • And finally, forming yet another right angle between forearm & palm while gripping the ball with wide-spread fingers.

The Mechanics Of Achieving The 'Triple 90'

If you've ever tried to replicate Jordan's shooting form, you know that the 'triple 90' is not as easy as it sounds. However, achieving this ideal set point position gives players a consistent and repeatable shooting motion.

Jordan used this technique in every shot he took, even deep fadeaways under pressure. It played a significant role in his ability to deliver clutch performances time after time.

Key Takeaway: 

Jordan's shooting secrets lay in his technique and consistency. His signature jump shot used gravity to maximize power, while his 'triple 90' set point position offered a consistent motion for each shot. These methods were the result of rigorous practice, transforming Jordan's career and redefining basketball.

FAQs in Relation to Michael Jordan Basketball Shooting Secrets

How does Michael Jordan shoot basketball?

Jordan had a smooth, fluid jump shot. He released the ball at the apex of his leap and consistently used a 'triple 90' set point position.

What did Michael Jordan do to get good at basketball?

Jordan practiced relentlessly, honing his shooting techniques like perfecting timing of release and maintaining a wide finger spread for better grip on the ball.

What was Michael Jordan's true shooting?

MJ had an impressive career true shooting percentage of 56.9%, which takes into account field goals, three-pointers, and free throws.

What was Michael Jordan's weakness in basketball?

In the early stages of his career, MJ wasn't known as a great outside shooter. However, he worked hard to turn this perceived weakness into strength over time.


Mastering the game is no small feat...

But Michael Jordan's basketball shooting secrets give you a solid starting point. The smoothness of his jump shot, his timing on release, and his use of momentum are all key takeaways.

The 'triple 90' set point position? That's something to practice until it becomes second nature. And let's not forget the wide finger spread for stability and rotation.

All these techniques contributed to MJ’s iconic status in basketball history...

You can now start incorporating them into your own game or coaching young players with this newfound knowledge.

To sum up: Keep practicing, keep refining your technique, and who knows – you might just be one step closer to becoming the next legend!

Michael Jordan's Basketball Shooting Secrets Revealed

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