Bob Knight: Encyclopedia of Zone Offense
Learn everything there is to know about beating zone defenses in this on-court clinic presentation from one of the legendary coaches of all-time – Bob Knight. Coach Knight won over 900 career games and three national championships using these exact concepts to defeat zone defenses.
Concepts & Rules
Coach Knight shares and teaches a number of concepts needed to defeat a zone defense. He shares his philosophy and rules on things like transitioning into zone offense. A speedy transition can be a great first line attack against a zone defense.
He also discusses proper positioning for players that will allow them to best use their strengths. Players are taught to see the court and pass and shot fakes to beat the defense. You will see how Coach Knight likes to work the ball inside against a zone defense with players fighting for position and then catching and observing. Finally, you will see how to create 2-on-1 matchups by penetrating the zone. This results in better scoring opportunities.
Beating the Various Zone Defenses
Coach Knight also breaks down how to beat each of the zone defenses you might see. Against the 2-3 zone for example, Coach Knight emphasizes the shot and pass fakes, the dribble drive, and post movement as these all work to beat it. Beating the 3-2 is different and Knight uses two players out front to occupy three defenders. This gives the three baseline players a numbers advantage. Beating the 1-3-1 zone is similar as Knight shows you effective ways to beat the baseline defender.
You will also see how to beat combination defenses like the Box-and-1 and Triangle-and-2. Coach Knight shows you the limitations of these defenses and how you can exploit them to your advantage. Knight also demonstrates beating the half-court zone trap using your best player in the middle where he/she can attack and score.
In addition to Knight’s philosophy, teaching, and coaching points; you also get an awesome bonus. This DVD contains 30 minutes of game footage that shows you Knight’s zone offense in action against the various defenses he mentions. The film reinforces what Knight teaches and can help you attack any zone defense with confidence.
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