Turn both your half-court and full-court defenders into a swarming of ball-hawks that wear the badge of "aggressive defense" proudly!
- Build-up drills are used to increase full-court defensive pressure, intensity and toughness. They can be done anywhere on the court: 1-on-1 competitive drills, Mirror Drills, 1-on-1 Press Drills, Circle-Trap Drills, 4-on-4 Full Court Trap Drills, 5-on-5 Short Side Drills, the "No Escape" Drills, the PivotÐAttack Drills, Jump-AndÐSwipe Drills and many more
- This article covers Run and Jump Defense Essentials. It includes key concepts, coaching points, and drills that will instill an aggressive defensive mindset.
- Apply full-court pressure concepts to half court defensive situations.
Ronald Hughey is a fast-paced player. His teams are able to play fast, high-speed offense or a defensive style that is in-your face. They make their opponents work hard every time they play them. Many coaches believe that a pressure-style defense on the defensive side can create a fun environment for their program.
Hughey's play style has resulted in his teams being among the Top-20 in creating turnovers every season. It has also helped his teams to limit their opponents' shooting percentage to 24%
This video gives viewers a detailed look at the University of Houston's head womenÕs coach and shows how he builds his pressure defense. It also shows how he uses run-and-jump presses to create transition scoring opportunities and force turnovers.
Build-Up Drills To Teach Run-And-Jump Pressure
When it comes to learning new concepts or playing pressure defense, it is crucial to be able to correct and teach mistakes. Hughey uses breakdown drills in this video to teach his players how to play pressure defense.
The drill is called "Press 1-on-1 ". This allows defensiveplayers to learn how to get closer to their opponent's baseline and short corner. This technique helps help-side defenders understand the position they should be in for the ball to fly. The next drill is the Mirror Drill. This allows defenders to learn how to cut off an offensive player while the ball handler continues to apply pressure. It helps to create a culture that applies constant pressure.
Hughey continues with a demonstration and description of how to get in the first trap and lure the opposing offense up the sideline into your trap. The drill 'Reversal Pass" teaches defenses how to reverse the pass. It puts your players in a position where they can intercept the defense and read it. This helps your players to anticipate what your opponent will do next.
Half Court Defense
Hughey's presentation about pressure defense is completed with an overview of the game in the half-court. It still applies the same pressure principles. The Cougars' head coach explains to viewers why defenders should be placed a "third" distance from the person they are protecting. This forces your opponents into constant pressure and allows you to provide proper help-side defense simultaneously.
Your program can enjoy pressure defense. This allows your defense the ability to force your opponent into turnovers and rushed shots. It also creates havoc in full-court or half-court situations.
This video is high-energy, informative and fun. Ron Hughey gives viewers the opportunity to learn from him about teaching techniques that can help them prepare their players for a fast-paced style of basketball in a system that emphasizes aggressive defense pressure.
80 minutes. 2022.
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