Basketball Practice 1
There are numerous basketball drills shown by the coach Keno Davis that will develop your transition offense and defense. A simple 2-on-0 and 2-on-1 drill are used by the coach Davis to work on catching the ball in the transition and explaining the importance of finishing strong around the rim. After that, he will develop the transition game into 5-on-0 segments where the players will do some sprinting on the floor and will try to finish in transition or will move right into their motion offense.
The players will watch films as well and this way the players will have a better understanding of different drills and practices. The coach will make you understand key points and will outline the use of stats and how vital it is to get better and make progress on every single day.
You will see how Davis takes full advantage of his practice space and time while being in the station break. These small learning segments are very important and will help you get better eventually and these small segments focus on cutting to the hoop, using effective pump fakes and also finishing around the rim.
He will also make you understand the importance of defense. From ball pressure to help the player to basic defensive principles to stunt and recover, you will understand each and everything. The practice 1 will come to an end with the 5-on-5 break out session in which the players will work on offense side which include cutters and quick hitters.
Basketball Practice 2
When the players make their way back for the second practice session. You will be able to see that the players are learning and developing individually with the help of pre-practice break-out drills used by the coach Davis. The drills are very special as these drills allow the players to get up lots of shots at game spots within their offense. The post players face lots of challenges as well that will build their intensity level for practice.
Coach Davis will work on offense, defense and fast break play and it brings the whole team back together. The coach is very hard working and explains everything very deeply like the demonstration of the 5-on-5 segments where the players will review their offensive principles and will see where they are going wrong. When in the 5-on-5 segments, he will work on perfecting his offensive sets and motion offense against a live defense. You will get to learn lots of things in this practice session and you will be able utilize your assistants in practice that will help your players get a different perspective for the offensive and defensive concepts.
Basketball Practice 3
The third part of the practice is all about coachs clinic. Keno Davis and the Central Michigan Universitys Chippewas will take you through a clinical process. So, what will happen here exactly? Well, the coach will walk you through the usual practice, but this time it will open up the floor for more demonstration of why they run a certain drill, offensive plays or the defensive match-ups and what will happen after this drill and all.
A stat board will be taken out as well that is used in the practice and with the help of that the coach will make you understand how you have been performing and will show each and every stat possible. This will let the players know of their shortcomings and they will understand the learning process better.
With every passing drill, the coach Davis will make you understand the points of emphasis, things to watch for and yeah how to correct mistakes during the drill. The coach makes full use of the scrimmages in the half court in order to make his players play with energy, passion and intensity. It includes explanation of different things and drills like the use of pads during a finishing drill, breaking down the reasoning and responsibilities of their 3-2 zone defense or walking you through the several offensive series such as cutters. Rent this Keno Davis basketball practice video today.
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