Pro Style Transition & Secondary Break by Dan Majerle Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
Dan Majerle (Rental)-Pro Style Transition & Secondary Break $17.99
Dan Majerle: Pro-Style Transition and Secondary Break Former NBA All-Star Dan Majerle has built a solid foundation at Grand Canyon University by utilizing what he learned in 14 professional seasons – up-tempo, fast-paced offense. In this video, Majerle shares what he learned from some of the best NBA coaches of all-time and shows you how to run a pro-style transition offense as well as a secondary break offense. Both can be run off of makes or misses and will allow you to exploit matchups and wear out opponents over the course of a game. Transitions Off a Miss The fast break off the miss begins with the outlet pass. Majerle then explains how the 2 and the 3 run the floor and where they are to position themselves. Coach Majerle also shows you how the 4 and 5 run the floor and the options they have in the primary break. If the primary break fails to score, Majerle demonstrates the secondary break showing three easy plays you can run. He shows you how these secondary break options deliver back doors, dribble hand offs, screens and double screens, and help with defenses that switch. Transitions Off a Make Majerle then shows you how the same concepts can be applied to the fast break off a made basket. He shows four different secondary break plays after a make. These include the two-player game, drag and double drag, and pinch the post. You will also see how Majerle empties one side of the floor to make space for his best player to operate. Shooting Majerle was well known throughout his playing career as one of the top shooters in the league. In this segment, Coach Majerle shares the fundamentals that are key to becoming an elite shooter. He emphasizes proper footwork, catching the basketball, the release, and shooting in game-like situations. This 62-minute video focuses on transition plays and options on the secondary break. If you are looking for more ways to score in transition and help your program take the next step, this video is for you.
Half Court Sets With Multiple Scoring Options by Dan Majerle Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
Dan Majerle (Rental)-Half Court Sets With Multiple Scoring Options $18.99
Dan Majerle: Half Court Sets with Multiple Scoring Options The half-court offense is an important means of scoring for teams at any level. You must be proficient in the half-court if you want to be successful. Grand Canyon University head coach Dan Majerle, a three-time NBA All-Star, teaches you four NBA pro sets – Floppy, Down, Pop, and Elbow – as well as a variety of options off of each set to give you numerous ways to score in the half-court game. Majerle, who played 14 seasons in the NBA, shows you how to attack the half-court defense out of transition and get into an offense that is both tough to guard and highly effective. He will also help you train your players to get to the right spot on the floor in the offense. Pre-Practice Segments Majerle likes to begin his practices with drills that focus on what he wants to work on for that day. Coach Majerle will pick and choose from 12 different drills to keep practices fresh and exciting. His marquee drill is the Create a Lead. The drill combines a lot of the actions and fundamentals that are used in his half-court offense. Create a Lead reinforces such basic concepts as: Creating space Using the proper pivot foot How to create a hand target Stepping to make a pass How to free up your shooting foot’ Catch, turn, and face NBA Half-Court Sets Majerle then moves into the teaching of his four half-court sets. Each set has a number of options as you will see. Floppy Series: Run multiple sets like Weak, Strong, and Flash. Coach Majerle also presents the options that include post flashes, back-door cuts, dribble hand-offs, and lobs. Down Series: Majerle teaches the Two Down and Three Down within the series. You will see how to get flex cuts with the offense, how to run Reverse and Snap to counter defenses that cheat, and how to incorporate flare screens in the offense. Pop Series: This series allows you to get your point guard or 4 a specific look within the offense. Pop uses slip screens, pin downs and double screens to get players open. Coach Majerle also shows you Four Pop Fist which gets you pick and roll action in the offense. Elbow Series: You will see how to use the traditional 1-4 High set to create mismatches for your offense. Coach Majerle again shows you a number of variations to create multiple looks. Elbow Clear is used when your post player is quicker than the opponent’s. Elbow Get uses pick and roll action with your bigs and you will also see how to use curl and double screens to get your players open looks. Coach Majerle’s 64-minute video is full of plays run at the highest levels of basketball. They are all adaptable to your level and will keep defenses constantly on their toes.
Dan Majerle: Transition Offense & Set Plays by Dan Majerle Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
Dan Majerle (Rental)-Dan Majerle: Transition Offense & Set Plays $18.99
Transition Offense and Set Plays Former Grand Canyon University head coach Dan Majerle drew on his experience in the NBA to develop an offensive system that can work at any level. In this video, you will see over 30 plays that Majerle used to score quickly in transition or in the half-court offense. You will learn how to space the floor properly in an effort to get quality scoring opportunities from all over the court. Transition on Misses Majerle demonstrates four plays to show you how to score in transition off of a missed shot. You’ll see multiple pick and rolls with incredible floor spacing using the “Drag” option. This can also be used in the “21/31” play where ball screens are used with your other guards. “22/32” uses off-ball screens to pressure on the rim with cutters. “Push” creates confusion for the defense with handoffs and screening actions plus the weak side hammer screen option. You will also see how to create a mismatch with a bigger guard versus defenses that try to switch on all their screens. Transition on Makes Majerle shows you 10 additional plays off of made baskets. Both “Oklahoma” and “Oklahoma Touch” use a double drag screen with secondary screening actions to free up a post that can shoot from outside. The Rub series has three plays that create scoring opportunities with a quick screen away for a trailing big man. Each play in the series delivers a nice variation to the main ball screen. “Cut” is a great way to get the ball inside using a screen-the-screener action. “Open” really confuses defenses with simultaneous cutting and dribble-handoff actions. The “Chin” series gives you clean layups off back screens. Half-Court Sets Coach Majerle shows you 18 different plays to run in the half-court offense via his “Floppy” and “Loop” series. There are 10 plays initiated from floppy action that create high-low post feeds, off-ball screens to open shooters, and much more. You will see how you can align against teams that like to front the post player. Loop creates guard movement from a 1-4 high set to get defenders chasing before they get slammed with a ball screen or other action. Loop can set up a lob pass to your guards, open up perimeter shots, and more. In this video, you will see a large portion of Coach Majerle’s playbook. It’s a playbook that helped him transition the Grand Canyon program into Division I and one that produces plenty of scoring actions. Rent this transition offense DVD today.