Brian Field
(Rental)-Pack Line Defense for High School Basketball
Pack Line Defense
About building and teaching the pack line defense Brian Field has developed a really great video. He uses the chalkboard to illustrates the primary defenses concepts. After that he will give you a detailed on-court presentation with lots of explanations of techniques and drills.The players will force the offense to the baseline when you will meet different variation of the pack lines. The Coach Field has beautifully explained everything and has demonstrated how this defense has taken his team to the next level and how it helped them to improve their skills and abilities. This defense has helped them to force the opponent players into much tougher shots. He has also explained when he wants his player to switch and also explained the half court philosophies which were used with this defense.
In this technique, one pass away, the defenders are inward and upward towards the ball. So against the dribble penetration this technique will allow the defender who is one pass away to be there against the dribble penetration. In the defensive assignment, so many young players will be guarding too close. This too much closeness shows rotation. There are so many advantages of maintaining this kind of triangle like the defender can get into the closer area, into the passing lane and be available for help when needed.
Forcing Baseline
When it comes to explaining the pack line defense most players have been forced to the middle of the floor and which is the point where most of the help is waiting. So, with this kind of technique, the opponent players are left with minimum offensive abilities. The Coach Field has beautifully explained that how keeping the offense on the sideline forces them to float a pass and when they move to the weaker side. When a difficult pass is forced across the court, the defensive players will be available there for help position to jump that pass.
Brockport Drill
Just like in Shaka Smarts Ironman Drill where players must take a charge, this technique is pretty similar to that. There is only difference which is in Brockport Drill is more of a variation of the Shell Drill. One player is not forced to do multiple effort or drills instead the Brockport uses four players who must rotate into help and on-ball defense as the ball rotates. On the other hand, the weaker side helpers will help in cutting off the baseline and take a charge. This drill makes sure that you are getting proper rotations and communications while giving you that mental toughness element. Rent the Pack Line Defense for High School Basketball today.

Brian Field
(Rental)-Chaos Full Court Pressure Defense
Brian Field has gained so much knowledge from one of the best brains of the NBA world. From Dave Price to Kipper Todd to David Carrier he has been learning from all of the greats of the game. Field has also made a full court pressing system which is based on the details and philosophies from each coach. Well, to be very honest his system of full court defensive system is no doubt one of the most chaotic system in the Basketball and the reason is his abilities to create unthinkable traps in the court.
Black 1-2-1-1
Well, in the typical 1-2-1-1 full court trapping defense, all you have to do is to increase your speed up and force some rushed shots and passes. But the case is different in this case as the coach field uses the same philosophy but there is an addition of the flooding system. The moment ball gets into the front court and into the deep corner, the defense floods the paint that eventually saves the rim from easy baskets. The coach Field uses this system off of any made basket in the paint.Whenever you are forcing the opponent player to play a false shot or turn the ball over, your team will be there to assist you and
will help you create re-tapping angles and opportunities. Communication is everything for this kind of defense.
White Run and Jump
Man-to-man-run and jump press are shown by the coach Field while building on his defense system. He has explained everything so beautifully and has highlighted key points like the element of surprise and why he doesnt this as a typical run and jump press.The moment defense turns their back at the half court, the trail defender is being used by the coach Field for sprinting ahead and trap just after half court. This will allow a long, cross the court skip pass as an open look out of the trap. The team will be able to make create deflections and pressure all over the floor when they take away the passing lanes with off-ball defenders.
Full 2-2-1
This is kind of a traditional approach which is being used by the coach Field. He uses the 2-2-1 full court press to lure the opponents in traps and forces them to make mistakes just pass half court. So, its all about breaking into the strengths of the opponents and forcing them up the sideline into a trap with his most athletic and long players. When the ball starts moving up the floor, the trapping players start moving up the floor as well. Eventually, the players start to trust each other as they will set out once the traps occur to cover open areas.
Blue 2-3 Zone Trap
The coach Field tries to change the pace while taking advantage of the stoppage in play. Using a packed in style of play, guards start the implementation of the trap the moment ball gets below the free throw line. The defenders will be focusing on trapping in the deep corner and only allowing a skip pass.
Pink 1-3-1
So, there is another technique which is very effective in the Fields Chaos pressing system which is Pink 1-3-1. In this half court trap technique, the players fly all over the floor trapping in the four corners. This trapping defense is being used by the coach Field to trap in the high corners, low corners, or all over; this style of defense is used at a stoppage of play or during a timeout.

Brian Field
(Rental)-4 Out Ball Screen Continuity Offense
4 Out Ball Screen Continuity Offense
The Province Day School Head Coach Brian Field has come up with an exceptional and result orientated 4-out ball screen continuity offense that will take your reversals and ball screens to the next level. In this video, you are going to learn a lot of new things like the implementation of offense and how it will create more goal scoring opportunities for you. You can improve your game by utilizing your guards playmaking abilities and you can do that by pulling the post defenders away from the basket.
Well, there are overall seven quick hitters for the 4 out ball screen continuity offense which are created to be used along with the 4-out ball screen continuity offense. There are lots of advantages of it like the players will learn how to pick and pop, pick and roll, slip screens, set flare screens and run dribble hand-offs -all actions and all these are very difficult to defend. So, you got to try this.
Gator Shooting for the 4 Out Ball Screen Continuity Offense
You can learn many amazing techniques like the primary shooting and finishing drill which are used by Coach Field. So, what does the coach do exactly? Well, he will incorporate all potential shots that players while taking the ball screen continuity offense. As you know, the drills has multiple players getting shots up, so it will eventually lead to more reps for each player. You will learn some really cool things like how to run the drill on both the sides of the floor with each action so you can make your own strategies and philosophies into the drill.
Inside+ Quick Hitters
There are overall seven quick hitters that are being used when practicing the 4-out ball screen continuity offense. Many guards will be able to dominate the ball with the 4 out ball screen offense. The Coach Field has developed a technique to get your best post player get a chance at scoring as well.
Well, you will face some difficulties like the opponents may try to make adjustments to guard you ball screen continuity offense, but because of the several plays covered there is a plan and counter measure already developed by Coach Field.
This ball screen continuity offense video is an ideal one for all the coaches out there who want to implement a simple, continuous offense for their team. Field has done an amazing job of demonstrating how the pieces within the offense move together to build continuity. Rent the 4 Out Ball Screen Continuity Offense today.