Mastering Badminton Vol. 2 - Doubles featuring Coach Kowi ChandraTake your badminton doubles game to the next level with over two hours of instruction from Kowi Chandra. Assisting him are several other top players:� Andrianus Prasojo Adi, Jenna Gozali and Febriyan Irvannaldy. Chandra teaches numerous tips, techniques, strategies and drills that will help give your doubles team an edge over the competition. Among the topics covered are: The Four Major Areas and Rotation, Back Court Drills, Front Court Drills, Defense and Various Training Methods. This comprehensive video can help improve your game and teach you to play like a champion!1 Introduction� 2:17
2 4 Major Areas in Doubles 14:35
3 Mastering the Back Court 29:39
4 Mastering the Front Court 23:21
5 Doubles Rotation 8:29
6 Rally - Back Shot, Front Shot and Rotation 28:24
7 Doubles Rotation Rally 6:17
8 Master Your Defense 15:30
9 The Wall Drill Exercise 5:14
10 Closing Comments 1:00

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