Andrea Hudy
(Rental)-9 Essential Lifts For Superior Athletic Performance
9 Explosive Lifts for Basketball Players
By means of these training exercises, you can train your basketball players to increase their acceleration even from a neutral stance. You will also be able to use explosive lifts for basketball players exercises to train different planes of motion. Using plyometric exercises, you can create mental toughness in your basketball players as well as ensure total body workout. These 9 essential lifts will challenge even an advanced athlete and will help develop novice athletes to become more athletic. This way, your basketball players or athletes will be able to compete at the highest level with superior athletic performances.
The 9 essential explosive lifts for basketball players come with over 150 different variations and they can be used to train not only basketball players but athletes in all kinds of sports. These 9 essential lofts are deadlift, squat, snatch, jerk, cleans, explosive movements, upper body push, lunge, and upper body pull. Start training your basketball players or athlete with these essential lifts in a progression starting with the explosive movements and show your players how each lift helps to improve their overall performance in the different sports. You should also learn to spend as much time as possible with your athletes or basketball players to ensure their safety while carrying out this exercise.
Explosive Lifts for Basketball Players in the Weight Room
By teaching your athletes or basketball players the complexities of each progression, you will be able to show them variations of each lift that will address each of their specific needs. This way, your basketball players or athletes will be able to try out different variations of each lift to improve specific needs. There are other essential lifts such as:
A variety of deadlifts, squats, and lunge exercises to develop your athletes lower body. This is important because the lower body is one of the most used muscle group for athletic performance. Hence these lifts help to develop them properly so your athletes and players can be on the top of their game.
A variety of lifts such as the snatch, jerk, and clean exercises which are great power exercises that build the muscles throughout the body of your athletes or basketball players.
A variety of upper body push and pull lifts which develop the upper body (especially the arms and the back) of your basketball players or athletes. One of the most widespread upper body movements in sports is the push movements. They help to develop the upper body of athletes and basketball players.
Teach your players the importance of grip when doing the weight exercises. They should know when to use the wide grip or the narrow grip. They should also be taught how to apply pressure on their feet to get the proper posture. The lift exercises focus on the core strength and stability of your players and athletes. Your players will advance to each lift depending on their performance in the weight room. This way, your weight room will be enhanced by providing stability, safety, and structure. Train your players to reach their peak when it comes to athletic performance. Rent this explosive lifts for basketball players DVD today.

Andrea Hudy
(Rental)-Weight Room Code: Technique & Safety Protocols For Success
Weight Room Safety Code: Technique and Safety Protocols for Success
Only one college basketball program in America has a female strength and conditioning coach – Kansas. Andrea Hudy, the Assistant Athletic Director for Sport Performance, has been labeled the “secret weapon” behind the Jayhawks recent success.
In this weight room safety video, you will see how Coach Hudy organizes the weight room so that it is used in a safe and efficient manner and how she develops a culture of success. Following clear guidelines and expectations, players will use the weight room to maximize their potential and achieve their highest goals.
Coach Hudy starts by developing the weight room environment. It all starts with a practice mentality. Coach Hudy demands that players treat every weight room session the same way they approach a basketball practice. She also sets standards that she holds her athletes to at each training session.
Weight Room Safety Starts with Culture
One of the more important aspects of developing a weight room culture is following rules. Abiding by these rules helps to minimize injuries and keep players safe. Coach Hudy shows you how she acquaints each athlete with the weight room making sure that they are acquainted with the entire facility before beginning training. In the video, Coach Hudy and a number of athletes walk you through the weight room and show you all the key areas and procedures. They will show you how to maintain safety while going through a training session.
Coach Hudy and the student-athletes then begin demonstrating many of the lifts they use in their program. You’ll learn the difference between Olympic lifts and other weight room activity. Olympic lifts are the foundation to explosive athletic movement. Completing these lifts correctly will help athletes become more explosive, faster, and more powerful.
Each lift is explained in detail and Coach Hudy also gets into the importance of the spotter. A well-trained spotter helps to reduce the chance of injury and is of great importance in any weight room. Partners need to rely on each other just as they do in practices and in games.
Any coach that is taking over an athletic program must understand the importance of the weight room for training their athletes. This 30-minute video is great look inside one of the most effective training programs in Division I basketball. Coach Hudy will show you how to run and safe and effective strength and conditioning program at any level. Rent this Weight Room Safety Code DVD today.

Andrea Hudy
(Rental)-Movement Efficiency: Progressions For Agility & Plyometrics
Progressions for Agility and Plyometric Workouts
Today’s basketball players must have the ability to move both forward and backward as well as laterally. University of Kansas Assistant Athletic Director for Sport Performance Andrea Hudy has a long career of helping athletes do just that. Hudy is the only female strength and conditioning coach in men’s Division I basketball and has helped strengthen the Jayhawks’ program utilizing linear and lateral progressions.
In this agility and plyometric workouts video, you will get a close look at how Hudy completes these progressions. You will see how to safely and logically increase workouts to get athletes to improve. All the drills you will see follow an easy and safe progression that are perfect for building into any program.
Linear Progressions
The first part of the agility and plyometric workouts video breaks down linear progressions. Players must have the ability to accelerate quickly in games. The workouts introduced here help increase athletes’ abilities to move forward and backward quickly and safely. The ability to start and stop are addressed here and a number of exercises are introduced to increase power.
Coach Hudy shows a number of drills using the agility ladder and then progresses to agility hurdles. All of the drills are applicable to any sport. Outlined are all of the distances and expectations for each drill. Coach Hudy progresses to her plyometric program as well with athletes learning various jumps to improve power and the ability to accelerate.
Lateral Progressions
Coach Hudy uses the agility ladder and hurdles to help improve lateral movement. Athletes must have the ability to move from side to side and do so quickly. Hudy takes you through drills that go from beginner to advanced. Each drill is demonstrated with the progression to help you understand the progression. Again, plyometric boxes and hurdles are utilized in the advanced progression of both lateral and linear movement.
Finally, athletes are taught to combine the linear and lateral movements in a series of drills that you can use to mimic your sports specific challenges. The ability to beat your opponent from a dead stand still is devastating. You will learn how to improve your athletes’ linear and lateral movement in the is 55-minute video from one of the top strength and conditioning coaches in the country. The drills you will see here can help your program become a dominating force on the court. Rent this agility and plyometric workouts DVD today.