Unlock Your Leap: How to Increase Vertical by 15 Inches

Written by: Chris Hungerford



Time to read 8 min

Jumping higher is a game-changer for many athletes. Whether you're a basketball player seeking more airtime or a volleyball player aiming to spike with more power, the ability to increase your vertical jump can transform your performance. But is it really possible to add 15 inches to your vertical leap? The short answer is yes, but it takes dedication, proper training, and time.

Improving your jump height by 15 inches means focusing on building strength, power, and mobility, along with mastering proper technique. I've spent years working with athletes to help them jump higher, and I've seen firsthand the incredible progress that's possible when you approach it the right way. Let's dive into the science and strategies behind how to increase vertical jump height by 15 inches. We'll explore the key factors that contribute to explosive jumping power and the most effective methods to boost your vertical leap.

Table of Contents:

Understanding the Foundations of Vertical Jump

Before we get into the specifics of how to increase vertical by 15 inches, it's important to understand what contributes to a powerful vertical jump. It's not just about leg strength-- it's a complex interplay of various physical attributes and skills, such as jump technique and utilizing the correct muscle groups.

The Role of Strength

Strength is the foundation of jumping ability. Without a solid base of strength, you'll struggle to generate the force needed to propel yourself high into the air. But it's not just about how much you can squat or deadlift. The key is developing functional strength, including core strength, that translates directly to jumping performance.

This means focusing on compound exercises that mimic the movements involved in jumping, like squats, lunges, and hip thrusts. It's not merely about building brute strength, it's about training your muscles to work together efficiently to produce maximum power for the vertical leap.

The Importance of Explosiveness

While strength provides the foundation, explosiveness is what allows you to apply that strength rapidly, which is key to improving your vert. This is where plyometric exercises, such as box jumps, come into play. Plyometrics help train your Type II muscle fibers to contract quickly and powerfully, which is essential for a high vertical jump. They also enhance your nervous system's ability to activate muscles rapidly, further boosting your explosiveness.

The Often Overlooked Factor: Mobility

Many athletes focus solely on strength and power, neglecting the crucial role that mobility plays in jumping ability. Without proper mobility in your ankles, hips, and thoracic spine, you'll struggle to achieve the optimal positions for generating maximum force during your jumps.

As mentioned in this Ankle Rocker article, if an athlete can't bend at the ankle properly, their body compensates by rotating around the hips. This inefficient movement pattern severely limits jumping height and can lead to muscle damage.

The Step-by-Step Process to Increase Vertical by 15 Inches

Now that we understand the foundations, let's break down how to increase vertical jump height. This isn't a quick fix - it's a comprehensive approach that addresses all aspects of jumping ability, including muscle maturation, and how to jump high.

Step 1: Assess Your Current Level

Before you start any training program, including this vertical jump program, it's crucial to know where you're starting from to understand your potential gains. Here's a simple method to measure your vertical jump:

  1. Stand next to a wall with your arm stretched upward.
  2. Mark the highest point you can reach while standing flat-footed.
  3. Jump as high as you can and make a mark at the highest point you reach.
  4. Measure the distance between the two marks.

This gives you your baseline vertical jump height. Record this number - you'll use it to track your progress over time as you work towards adding inches to your vertical.

Step 2: Build a Strength Foundation

The next step is to develop a solid base of strength. Focus on compound exercises that target the major muscle groups involved in jumping. These exercises work great for improving overall strength levels and will turn heads with your improved athleticism.

Exercise Primary Muscles Worked Sets x Reps
Squats Quadriceps, Glutes, Hamstrings 4 x 6-8
Deadlifts Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back 3 x 5-6
Hip Thrusts Glutes, Hamstrings 3 x 8-10
Calf Raises Calves 3 x 12-15

Perform these exercises 2-3 times per week, focusing on proper form and gradually increasing the weight or resistance levels as you get stronger. This consistent strength work will help with building speed and power in your lower body.

Step 3: Develop Explosive Power

Box Jumps For Vertical Jumping Training

Once you've built a base of strength, it's time to focus on explosiveness, an essential aspect of how to jump higher. This is where plyometric exercises come into play, forcing your muscles to generate maximum force in short bursts. Here are some effective plyometric exercises to increase vertical jump height:

  1. Box Jumps.
  2. Depth Jumps.
  3. Squat Jumps.
  4. Tuck Jumps.
  5. Broad Jumps.

Start with 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps for each exercise, focusing on maximum effort and proper landing mechanics to avoid muscle damage. As you progress, you can increase the volume and complexity of these exercises. You can also increase the intensity by adding weight plates or using a squat cage.

Step 4: Improve Your Mobility

Mobility work is often neglected but is crucial for maximizing your jumping ability. Improved mobility allows for a greater range of motion, enabling you to generate more power and jump higher. Focus on these key areas:

  1. Ankle mobility.
  2. Hip mobility.
  3. Thoracic spine mobility.

Incorporate mobility drills into your warm-up routine before strength training sessions and consider dedicating 10-15 minutes daily to mobility work. This will not only improve your jumping ability but also reduce your risk of injury during other exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and box jumps.

Step 5: Optimize Your Jumping Technique

Even with all the strength and power in the world, poor technique will limit your vertical jump. By improving your jump technique, you can maximize the power output of each jump, leading to greater jump height. Here are some key points to focus on to get the most out of your jump training:

  1. Use your arms: Swing your arms forcefully upward as you jump to generate more upward momentum.
  2. Extend fully: Fully extend your ankles, knees, and hips at the top of your jump. This full extension ensures you're using your entire body to propel yourself upwards.
  3. Land softly: Practice landing softly to absorb the impact and prepare for quick subsequent jumps. Proper landing mechanics are crucial to prevent injury and maintain a smooth jumping rhythm.

Step 6: Implement a Proper Training Program

To truly increase your vertical jump, you need a comprehensive training program that addresses all these aspects - strength, explosiveness, mobility, and technique. The Pyramid of Development approach is an excellent framework for structuring your training.

This approach ensures you're building a solid foundation of movement quality and strength before progressing to more advanced power and sport-specific training. It emphasizes a balanced approach, incorporating elements like plyometrics, strength work (like heavy squats and hip thrusts), and mobility exercises.

Step 7: Rest and Recovery

Don't underestimate the importance of rest and recovery in your journey to increase vertical by 15 inches. Your muscles grow and adapt during rest periods, not during the workouts themselves. Overtraining can lead to plateaus and increase the risk of injury, hindering your progress.

Ensure you're getting adequate sleep (7-9 hours per night) and consider incorporating recovery techniques like foam rolling and stretching into your routine. These practices can help reduce muscle soreness, improve flexibility, and prepare your body for the next workout.

FAQs about increase vertical by 15 inches

How many inches can you realistically add to vertical?

While results vary depending on individual factors, including genetics, training age, and commitment level, many athletes can realistically add 4-8 inches to their vertical jump with proper training over several months. Adding 15 inches is possible but requires significant time, effort, and the right training approach, addressing all the crucial elements like strength, power, and mobility.

How fast can you gain 10 inches of vertical?

Gaining 10 inches of vertical jump height is a significant improvement that typically takes several months to a year of dedicated training. The exact time frame depends on factors like your starting point, genetics, and training consistency. It's important to remember that everyone progresses at their own pace.

Is it possible to increase your vertical by 20 inches?

While it's theoretically possible, increasing your vertical by 20 inches is extremely challenging and rare. It would likely take years of highly specialized training and would be most achievable for younger athletes who are still growing and developing. However, even for experienced athletes, a well-structured training regimen can still lead to noticeable improvements in jump height.

How do you gain 12 inches on your vertical?

Gaining 12 inches on your vertical requires a comprehensive approach including strength training, plyometrics, mobility work, and technique refinement. Follow the steps outlined in this article, be consistent with your training, and give yourself adequate time - likely 6-12 months or more - to see this level of improvement. It's about making gradual but consistent progress over time.


The journey to increase vertical by 15 inches is not an easy one, but it's certainly possible with the right approach, dedication, and focus on building speed and power. Remember, it's not just about jumping higher - the process will make you a better overall athlete, improving your speed, power, and injury resistance.

As you embark on this journey, keep in mind the words of Brian Singh, a jump specialist for collegiate and professional athletes and creator of the Vertical Jump Program: 'You combine those three things, that's your formula to success.' He's referring to strength, explosiveness, and technique - the three pillars of an impressive vertical jump.

Stay patient, trust the process, and celebrate the small victories along the way. Before you know it, you'll be flying higher than you ever thought possible. Now, it's time to put this knowledge into action and start your journey to increase vertical jump height by 15 inches. Your future highlight reel awaits.

Increase Vertical

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