press break

How to Break any Press Defense? Use the 1-4 or 4 Across Press Break

Written by: Chris Hungerford



Time to read 4 min

Breaking press defense is a really easy job if your players are trained to react the right way. Rules are simple: no rush, no panic, no extensive dribble, move, no long "NFL" pass. This simple scheme will make your squad feel comfortable if there is a sudden pressure from opponents. 

Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. 

Depending on the position of that defender, you will in bound the ball in the middle or on the side. 

if the ball goes sideway, your player from the mid area will open a passing lane on the same side where the ball is, and this is the more likely scenario. If the ball is inbounded in the middle, there collapse of the defense is immediate. 

So, we will go with the more likely option and we assume that the ball will end up on the side of the court, and that our center position player will open a passing lane on the side of the ball and eventually he gets it, your team will have the situation 3 on 2. We need to say that the player on the opposite side of the ball needs to run straight, and try not to narrow the court. 

Dealing with the 3 on 2 is a matter of reacting on the positioning of defense.

If you want to learn more offensive plays versus the pressure defenses, go rent a DVD by clicking on the link below:



press break

press break

press break

Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. Three players should be in the line with the free throw, positioned one on it and the other two on the wings/corners/sides. In any way, one of the defenders will have to cower two of your players. 

press break. press break. press break. press break. press break. press break. press break. press break. press break. press break. press break. press break. press break. press break. press break. press break. press break. press break. press break.