shooting drill

1-2 Step Basketball Shooting Drill

Written by: Chris Hungerford



Time to read 4 min

In this drill, you start at the right elbow, spin out your basketball then 1-2 step into your shot. By spinning out your basketball, you're simulating a pass so picture catching to shoot while you work on this drill. Continue going back and forth from elbow to elbow, working on your footwork, and your shot. 

shooting drill

Start at the right elbow, spin out your basketball then 1-2 step into your shot. On the right elbow, you're 1 step with be with your inside (right) foot and the 2 step will be your outside (left) foot coming around to square yourself to the basket.

shooting drill
shooting drill

Move to the left elbow, spin out your basketball then 1-2 steps into your shot. On the left elbow, you're 1 step with be with your inside (left) foot and the 2 steps will be your outside (right) foot coming around to square yourself to the basket.

Continue going back and forth from elbow to elbow, working on your footwork, and your shot.

The 1-2 Step Basketball Shooting Drill is a fundamental exercise that helps players improve their shooting technique and footwork. It is a simple yet effective drill that can be practiced by players of all skill levels. By mastering this drill, players can enhance their shooting accuracy, increase their shooting range, and develop better overall shooting mechanics.

To perform the 1-2 Step Basketball Shooting Drill, follow these steps:

  • Start by standing at the free-throw line with a basketball in your hands.
  • Position your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing towards the basket.
  • Bend your knees slightly and get into a comfortable stance.
  • Take a deep breath and focus on your target—the center of the rim.
  • Begin the shooting motion by taking a small step forward with your non-shooting foot (left foot for right-handed shooters, right foot for left-handed shooters).
  • As you take this step, simultaneously lift the basketball into your shooting pocket, which is the area near your shooting shoulder.
  • Keep your shooting elbow tucked in and your shooting hand underneath the basketball.
  • Push off your non-shooting foot and transfer your weight onto your shooting foot.
  • Extend your shooting arm towards the basket, using a smooth and fluid motion.
    Release the basketball at the peak of your jump, flicking your wrist to add backspin and control.
  • Follow through with your shooting hand, keeping your eyes locked on the target.
    Land softly on both feet, maintaining balance and stability.

Repeat this drill for a designated number of repetitions or a specified amount of time. Focus on executing each step with precision and consistency. Pay attention to your footwork, shooting form, and release technique.

To get the most out of this drill, here are some tips:

  • Start with close-range shots: Begin practicing the drill from a close distance to focus on proper technique and form. As you become more comfortable, gradually increase the shooting range.
  • Practice at game speed: Try to simulate game-like conditions while performing the drill. This includes shooting with a defender or incorporating dribble moves before taking the shot. This will help you transfer the skills learned in the drill to actual game situations.
  • Seek feedback and adjust: Ask a coach, trainer, or experienced player to observe your shooting technique and provide feedback. They can help identify any flaws or areas for improvement, allowing you to make the necessary adjustments.

Track your progress: Keep a record of your shooting percentages and monitor

shooting drill

shooting drill

Start at the right elbow, spin out your basketball then 1-2 step into your shot. On the right elbow, you're 1 step with be with your inside (right) foot and the 2 step will be your outside (left) foot coming around to square yourself to the basket. Start at the right elbow, spin out your basketball then 1-2 step into your shot. On the right elbow, you're 1 step with be with your inside (right) foot and the 2 step will be your outside (left) foot coming around to square yourself to the basket. Start at the right elbow, spin out your basketball then 1-2 step into your shot. On the right elbow, you're 1 step with be with your inside (right) foot and the 2 step will be your outside (left) foot coming around to square yourself to the basket. Start at the right elbow, spin out your basketball then 1-2 step into your shot. On the right elbow, you're 1 step with be with your inside (right) foot and the 2 step will be your outside (left) foot coming around to square yourself to the basket. Start at the right elbow, spin out your basketball then 1-2 step into your shot. On the right elbow, you're 1 step with be with your inside (right) foot and the 2 step will be your outside (left) foot coming around to square yourself to the basket. Start at the right elbow, spin out your basketball then 1-2 step into your shot. On the right elbow, you're 1 step with be with your inside (right) foot and the 2 step will be your outside (left) foot coming around to square yourself to the basket. Start at the right elbow, spin out your basketball then 1-2 step into your shot. On the right elbow, you're 1 step with be with your inside (right) foot and the 2 step will be your outside (left) foot coming around to square yourself to the basket. Start at the right elbow, spin out your basketball then 1-2 step into your shot. On the right elbow, you're 1 step with be with your inside (right) foot and the 2 step will be your outside (left) foot coming around to square yourself to the basket. Start at the right elbow, spin out your basketball then 1-2 step into your shot. On the right elbow, you're 1 step with be with your inside (right) foot and the 2 step will be your outside (left) foot coming around to square yourself to the basket. Start at the right elbow, spin out your basketball then 1-2 step into your shot. On the right elbow, you're 1 step with be with your inside (right) foot and the 2 step will be your outside (left) foot coming around to square yourself to the basket.

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