Basketball Dribbling Drills Guide
Time to read 13 min
Time to read 13 min
Ball Handling drills are a great way to get your body warmed up before you start a work-out. Get your blood flowing and your body moving with these drills!
Ball Handling
For the complete video, purchase Jason Otter's Handle the Rock Beginner Workout or check out his complete dribbling system.
Figure 8 Split
With the ball in your left hand, split your legs with your right leg forward and left leg back. Now pass the ball between your legs to your right hand. Once the ball is in your right hand, jump and switch your legs to your left leg forward and right leg back - and pass the ball back between your leg to your left hand. Continue passing the ball between your legs with your legs changing places.
Drum Dribbles
Start with dribbling the basketball focused on using your fingertips - you'll start with all 5 fingers then work your way down to no fingers. For example, 5 fingers, 4 fingers, 3, 2, 1, then none which basically means you're using your knuckles. You can switch this up to start with whatever number you want but continue to change it up as you're dribbling and try going as fast as possible.
You can find all of Ganon Baker's dribbling drills in his Basketball School Dribbling and Driving dvd or his complete Basketball Fundamentals System.
Front-to-Back. Start in triple threat position with your body sideways and your arm bar out protecting the ball. Start with your ball in your dominant hand and dribble your ball front to back. This will essentially be a letter “v” as well but done with the front to back motion.
Figure 8. Start the ball in your right hand and dribble the ball around your right leg. As it passes between your legs change over to your left hand. With your left hand, dribble around your left leg and as it passes between your legs switch back to your right hand. You’ll continue to dribble around your legs and change between hands as the ball passes through your legs - this should create a Figure 8 motion.
Beginner drills are building blocks to your dribbling foundation. Once you're warmed up, these are the drills you should start with as you're working to improve you dribble game. There are countless drills you can do to practice your dribbling but here are our favorites.
Dribble V. Start in triple threat position and with the basketball in front of you dribble your ball from left to right. Your ball should bounce in the middle of your stance and should create the letter “v” when you go back and forth.
Crossover. As you’re dribbling the basketball, take a step with the foot that is on the same side as the basketball, push off that foot as if you’re going to go in that direction, and then push the basketball across the front of your body to the other side. Your basketball will essentially make the shape of a ‘v’ when you execute your crossover.
From the Streets to the Courts, Jason Otter's Encyclopedia of Dribble Moves gives you the complete dribbling workout.
Behind the Back. As you’re dribbling the basketball, take a step with the foot that is on the same side as the basketball. As you do this, push the ball behind your back so that it hits the ground midway towards the opposite side of your body. When the ball is coming off the ground, you should be ready to begin dribbling with your opposite hand in the same motion. It’s essentially a crossover, but behind your back.
Between the Legs. Dribble the basketball in your dominant hand and step with your opposite foot. As you step, push the basketball towards the ground in the space you’ve created between your feet. While this is happening, be ready to catch the ball in the same dribbling motion with your opposite hand.
See more Jason Otter dribbling moves in his Encyclopedia of Dribble Moves dvd workout.
Blow By
To Blow By a Defender, you're focused on changing speeds when you hit your defender. You'll be going a one speed then your accelerate past your defender.
For the complete video, purchase Jason Otter's Handle the Rock Pro Dribbling dvd or check out his complete dribbling system.
Stutter Step
To Stutter Step, you'll be going full speed at your defender, stutter step to get them on their heels, and change of speed by them.
When you're confident with the beginner drills take it a step further with intermediate dribbling drills. These will push your dribble game to the next level and continue to challenge you to get better with the bounce. Your beginner drills are the perfect foundation and intermediate drills are the right follow-up to use in your work-outs.
In & Out. As you’re dribbling the basketball in your right hand, place your hand on the side of the ball and start to push it across your body. Then as you’re looking as if you’re going to continue that way push off your left foot and cut back to the right while you shift your hand over the ball and push it back to the right. The most important part of this move is selling it to your defender so be sure to use your head, eyes, and left leg like you’re going to change directions. If you sell this move, it will definitely get your defender off balance for you to get by them.
Spin Move. Start with the ball in your right hand - when you want to spin on your defender, you'll step with your left foot then spin your body so that your back is protecting your dribble. As you're spinning, you're bringing your dribble with you and catching the ball with your left hand as you finish the spin.
For more from Dorian Lee check out Explosive Finishing Moves or his complete Offensive Jaggernaut Scoring System.
Advance-Retreat. As you’re dribbling the basketball in your right hand take 3 big strides forward. After 3 strides forward, take 2 shorter steps back like you’re creating a little space between your defender. Then change speeds dribbling hard and fast forward again taking 3 big strides. After 3 strides forward, take 2 shorter steps back. You continue the 3 strides forward, 2 steps back as many times as the drill requires.
Spider Dribble. Start in triple threat position and drop the ball in front of you. Hit the ball with your right hand and then your left hand. Then reach behind you and hit it with your right hand hand and left hand. You’ll continuously try to hit the ball in front of you with each hand and then from the back with each hand. See how long you can keep your dribble alive!
Over the Top Cross
Similar to your basic crossover BUT instead of going under your defender's hands; you'll bring your dribble over the defender's hands.
Machine Gun Dribbles
Keep your dribble low with a focus on getting multiple bounces between moves. Use this type of dribbling to do any basic moves!
When you have mastered the beginner and intermediate drills, it’s time to take it to the next level. Never stop doing these fundamental drills, but you need to work on these moves at an advanced level and here are some ways to make that happen.
2 Ball Dribbling Drills. If you think dribbling with one ball can be tough, try adding a second ball. At first, this will feel really weird and every move will be difficult. Over time and practice, it will start to become second nature and your confidence in handling the ball will definitely increase.
In this video demo, Coach Trey shows you 5 of his favorite 2 Ball Drills:
Tennis Ball Dribbling Drills. By using a tennis ball while you’re practicing your dribbling skills it forces you to not watch yourself dribble. Your eyes have to be on the tennis ball or looking for the tennis ball. This type of drill will work on your reaction time and your ability to adjust in a matter of seconds.
Dribble with a Defender. There’s ultimately no better way to get better with your dribble than going against the defense. Bring a partner with you to the gym and play against each other. Start out with soft defense meaning the defense doesn’t try to steal the ball. After a couple of times, pick up the pace and have the defense try and steal it from you.
You've had all of these moves broken down for you above, but now it's time to see how the professionals use them during games. These players have practiced all of these dribbling moves endlessly and now they are experts with the ball in their hands. Study, practice, and use these moves in your own games!
Kyrie Irving Crossover & Behind the Back
Michael Jordan Between the Leg Jump Shot
Allen Iverson Killer Crossover vs Jordan
Steph Curry & Kevin Durant In & Out Dribble
Carmelo Anthony Jab At
Kemba Walker Double Jab Double Crossover
Dribbling Tips
Training Tips
Weighted Basketball Gloves are beneficial for improving your dribbling skills because they help you develop faster, quicker, and stronger hands while doing your dribbling drills. They are also great for confidence building because the anti-grip surface of the gloves makes them harder to handle. So when you take the gloves off the ball seems much lighter and easier to grip while dribbling. Learn more about Hoop Handz weighted basketball training gloves.
We divide dribbling drills into two types:
Stationary drills are used to develop a solid base of ball handling skills and moving drills are very important for being able to get where you want to go in games. See our Dribbling Drills guide for more details.
Basketball dribbling drills
Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.Basketball dribbling drills. Basketball dribbling drills.
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