Beginning Basketball for Youth Basketball Coaches

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Format - Online Access (Permanent Access)

Beginning Basketball for Youth Basketball Coaches

$24.99 $39.99 -38% OFF

Format - Online Access (Permanent Access)

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  • Digital Access - You can access this product online via computer, tablet, or phone.
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Beginner Basketball Drills for Youth Players 

  • For beginning coaches and players
  • Teach the fundamentals correctly from the beginning
  • Multiple camera angles, on screen graphics, & exciting presentation
  • Easy to follow instruction
  • Top Ten Youth Coaching Tips

You've just volunteered to coach your child's youth basketball team. What do you do now? How are you going to run a practice? How are you going to teach the players the fundamentals of the game? How will you make your players better?

Get Randy's Plan for Beginner Basketball Drills

Many parents who choose to coach a youth basketball team just wing it and use the knowledge they have gained from playing many years ago. This method usually shortchanges the players, even if the parent is well meaning. Many parents won't volunteer to coach their child's team because they cringe at the thought of dealing with a group of young children. A blueprint to coaching the fundamentals is necessary to being a good youth coach and having a successful season.

Even if you have limited basketball experience you now can coach your youth basketball team like a pro. Here's the secret to being a great youth coach - "Just focus on teaching the fundamentals." If you teach the kids how to dribble, pass, shoot, catch the ball, and play defense, you'll be successful. You aren't going to have to get out the coaching board and start drawing up Xs and Os on the sideline very often, because pretty much 6th grade and under, youth players will struggle with any basketball concept if they can't execute the basic fundamentals.

Now you can go on YouTube and get a bunch of random drills and you'll just be doing drills without an overall plan.  What Randy's vdieo will give you is a complete look at how to run a youth basketball practice that goes beyond what drills to do. You'll see Randy's progression of beginner basketball drills and how they fit together into teaching players how to learn the fundamentals of basketball.  If you go to YouTube you'll just get a bunch of videos but no coordinated plan and method of teaching and learning.

Beginner Basketball Drills will help you teach the fundamentals correctly and give you the blueprint to having a successful season.  Order Beginner Basketball Drills today.