5 Basketball Drills for Centers to Improve Their Game

5 Basketball Drills for Centers to Improve Their Game

Written by: Chris Hungerford



Time to read 10 min

Are you looking for ways to help your centers become better basketball players? You’re in luck. Basketball drills for centers can be a great way to improve their overall skill set and make them more effective on the court.

5 Basketball Drills for Centers to Improve Their Game

Whether it's working on posture and footwork, rebounding, passing and catching, or offensive moves - there are drills that will help each of these skill sets. We've compiled five headings worth of basketball drills specifically designed with the center position in mind so they can reach peak performance levels during games. So let’s get started by learning some useful basketball drills for centers today.

Table of Contents:

Posture and Footwork Drills

Posture and footwork drills are essential for any basketball player, especially centers. Proper posture is key to being able to move quickly and efficiently on the court. Centers should focus on keeping their feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight, chest up, and head up while playing defense or offense. This will help them maintain balance when making cuts or pivoting around defenders.

Footwork fundamentals are also important for centers to master in order to be successful on the court. They need to learn how to properly plant their feet before taking a shot or making a pass as well as how to pivot quickly without losing balance or control of the ball. Ladder drills can help with this by teaching players proper foot placement and quickness when moving laterally across the court.

Ladder drills involve running through an agility ladder while performing different movements such as shuffles, high knees, skips, and hops. This helps improve coordination and speed of movement when transitioning from one side of the court to another. It is important that centers practice these types of exercises regularly in order for them to become more agile on the court so they can make quick moves without sacrificing accuracy or control over their body movements.

Having a strong foundation in posture and footwork is essential for any basketball center. With these drills, centers can build the skills they need to become better rebounders and defenders on the court.

Centers: Improve your posture and footwork with ladder drills. Practice shuffles, high knees, skips, and hops to become more agile on the court. #BasketballDrills #CenterTraining Click to Tweet

Rebounding Drills

Rebounding drills are essential for any basketball player, especially centers. Box out basics involve positioning your body in front of the opposing player to gain an advantage when a shot is taken. Rebounding positioning involves staying low and keeping your arms wide to create more space between you and the other players. Finally, rebounding reaction drills help develop quick reflexes so that you can react quickly when a shot is taken.

Box Out Basics:

The proper box-out technique starts with getting into position before the ball is released from the shooter’s hands. You should be facing away from the basket and have one foot slightly ahead of the other as if you were about to take off running in that direction. Your arms should be spread wide, creating a barrier between yourself and anyone else who may try to get around you for a rebound. When done correctly, this will give you an edge over opponents trying to get past you for rebounds.

In order to maximize your chances of grabbing rebounds, it is essential to remain low while boxing out or waiting for shots off the rim. This requires having your knees bent at all times and keeping a straight back so that there is not too much strain on it during jumps or dives after loose balls or missed shots near the hoop area.

Additionally, extending one's arms wide will help prevent opponents from getting close enough to grab rebounds without fouling them first; this could result in free throws being awarded instead of possession going back towards either team's offense side depending on who committed what fouls against whom first.

Rebounding drills are essential for any center to master in order to secure possession of the ball. By honing these skills, centers can then move on to developing their passing and catching abilities.

Key Takeaway: Key takeaway: Rebounding drills are essential for centers, and involve proper positioning (facing away from the basket with one foot slightly ahead of the other, arms spread wide), staying low, and quick reaction time.

Passing and Catching Drills

Passing and catching drills are essential for basketball centers to master. Chest passes and bounce passes are two of the most important passing techniques that a center should learn. To execute a chest pass, the passer needs to hold the ball with both hands in front of their chest, then step forward while pushing off their back foot and throwing the ball outwards towards their target. A bounce pass is similar but requires more accuracy as it involves bouncing the ball off of the floor before reaching its intended recipient.

Timing and anticipation are also key components when it comes to successful passing and catching drills. The passer must be able to read where their teammate will be at any given moment so they can accurately throw them an on-target pass. Meanwhile, receivers need to know how long they have until they receive a pass so they can adjust accordingly by either moving closer or further away from their target area depending on what type of pass is being thrown at them.

Finally, centers must practice catching on the move if they want to become proficient passers and catchers during games. This requires good hand-eye coordination as well as quick reflexes in order for players not only to catch successfully but also to make sure that no defenders get in between them and their target area during gameplay scenarios.

Passing and catching drills are essential for any center to become a complete player. Now let's move on to offensive moves drills, which will help centers develop their scoring ability.

Centers: Master your passing and catching skills with chest passes, bounce passes, timing & anticipation drills. Improve hand-eye coordination & quick reflexes to catch on the move. #basketballtraining #centerskills Click to Tweet

Offensive Moves Drills

Basketball coaches know that offensive moves are essential for a successful game. Offensive moves drills help centers develop the skills needed to be successful on the court.

Jab Step Fundamentals:

The jab step is an important move for any center and can be used to create space between them and their defender. To practice this move, have your players start in a defensive stance with one foot forward and one back. Have them take quick steps with their front foot while keeping their body low and balanced. Make sure they keep their eyes up so they can see what’s happening around them as they make the move.

Players can practice their up-and-under moves by starting at half-court, facing away from the basket. Then they should turn towards it while dribbling once or twice before making a fake pass or shooting motion with both hands over their head.

Quickly turning underneath the basket afterward allows for either a layup attempt or a passing opportunity depending on where defenders are located around them.

Offensive moves drills are essential for centers to develop their agility and footwork on the court. With these fundamentals in place, it's time to focus on shooting drills that will help them sharpen their accuracy and precision.

Key Takeaway: Centers need to practice offensive moves such as the jab step and up-and-under move in order to create space and score. To do this, they should start with a defensive stance, take quick steps while keeping their body low and eyes up, turn towards the basket while dribbling once or twice before making a fake pass or shooting motion, then quickly turn underneath for either a layup attempt or passing opportunity.

Shooting Drills

Shooting drills are an essential part of any basketball coach’s practice plan. Form shooting is the foundation for all other types of shooting and should be done regularly to ensure proper technique. Form shooting involves taking shots from various spots on the court while focusing on mechanics such as footwork, hand placement, and follow-through. Spot shooting helps players develop accuracy by having them take shots from specific locations that they will likely encounter in a game situation. Free throw shooting is also important for developing consistency at the line, which can make or break a close game.

Form Shooting:

This drill focuses on proper form when taking a shot from anywhere on the court. Players should start with their feet shoulder width apart and slightly bent at the knees before bringing up their hands into triple threat position (ball held above head). As they bring up their shot, players should focus on keeping their elbow tucked in and using correct wrist action to release the ball towards the basket with good arc and backspin.

Spot Shooting:

Once players have mastered form shooting, spot shooting can help improve accuracy by teaching them how to shoot accurately from different areas of the court such as outside corners or top of key areas, etc During this drill coaches may set up cones around each spot so that players know exactly where they need to stand when taking each shot; this will help them become more consistent over time when it comes to hitting those same spots during games.

The free throw line is often overlooked but it is one of the most important places for shooters because it can decide close games if done correctly. During this drill, coaches can have players focus on things like stance (shoulders squared), eyes focused directly ahead, breathing techniques (inhale/exhale), and following through after releasing each shot. By mastering these basics, free throws will become second nature.

Key Takeaway: Shooting drills are essential for any basketball player and should include form shooting, spot shooting, and free throw shooting. Form shooting helps with proper technique while spot shooting increases accuracy from specific locations on the court. Free throw shooting is key for close games as it requires mastering stance, focus, breathing techniques, and follow-through.

FAQs in Relation to Basketball Drills for Centers

How do you train a center in basketball?

Training a center in basketball requires focusing on their individual strengths and weaknesses. It is important to focus on developing the fundamentals of the game such as shooting, dribbling, passing, rebounding and defensive positioning. Additionally, centers should work on agility drills to improve footwork and quickness. Strength training can also be beneficial for centers to build up core strength and muscle mass which will help them battle with bigger opponents in the post. Finally, it is essential that coaches provide mental guidance so that players understand how to read defenses and make smart decisions when playing offense or defense. With these components in place, any center can become an effective player at any level of basketball.

1. Layup Drill:

This drill focuses on the fundamentals of shooting layups, such as proper footwork and form. Players practice by dribbling down the court and then finishing with a layup off one or two feet.

2. Rebounding Drill:

This drill helps players learn how to box out opponents and secure rebounds in game situations. Players will practice jumping for rebounds while their teammates shoot from different spots on the court.

3. Passing Drill:

The passing drill teaches players how to make crisp passes that lead to easy scoring opportunities for their team mates. Players will practice making quick passes between each other without allowing defenders to intercept them.

4. Shooting Drill:

The shooting drill is designed to help players develop accuracy when taking shots from various spots on the court, including three-pointers and mid-range jumpers

5. Defensive Slides Drill:

Defensive slides are an important part of basketball defense, as they allow defenders to stay in front of their opponents while still being able to move quickly around them if needed In this drill, players practice defensive slides by sliding back and forth across a designated area while staying low and keeping their hands up at all times

What should a center do in basketball?

A center in basketball is typically the tallest player on the court and plays a pivotal role in both offense and defense. On offense, they are responsible for setting screens, establishing position near the basket to receive passes, and finishing around the rim. On defense, centers need to be able to protect the paint by blocking shots or altering them with their size. They also need to be able to rebound well so that their team can start fast breaks quickly. Centers must have good footwork and agility as well as strong post moves if they want to excel at this position.

What is the 17s drill in basketball?

The 17s drill is a basketball training exercise that helps players improve their shooting accuracy. It involves setting up two lines of players, one at the free throw line and one at the three-point line. The first player in each line passes to the next player in line, who then shoots from where they received the pass. The shooter then sprints to the back of their respective lines while the passer follows their shot and rebounds it if necessary. This drill is repeated until all players have taken a shot from both positions. The goal is for each player to make 17 shots before moving on to another drill or practice session. This drill is beneficial for players of all skill levels as it helps them develop their shooting accuracy and quickness.


In conclusion, basketball drills for centers are essential to improving the skills of any center. By focusing on posture and footwork, rebounding, passing and catching, offensive moves, and shooting drills you can help your center become a more effective player. With regular practice and dedication to mastering these techniques, your center will be well-equipped to dominate the court.

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5 Basketball Drills for Centers to Improve Their Game

5 Basketball Drills for Centers to Improve Their Game