Learn the Combat Swimmer Stroke for Special Ops Swimming


Learn the Combat Swimmer Stroke for Special Ops Swimming

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Combat Swimmer Stroke - breakdown. �1 -�Kick off the wall - streamline glide2 - Double arm pull (like the breast stroke pullout - glide3 -�CSS stroke cycle of Pull, breathe, kick, glide.This is the guy who swims a 7 min 500yd swim - so watch and learn.�See three phase breakdown of the CSS. �SEE LINK: �http://military-fitness.military.com/2014/05/military-swimming-how-good-do-you-have-to-be.htmlYou don't have to be a super star swimmer to ace Spec Ops Training - just good and comfortable in the water...1 Combat Swimmer Stroke Article 2 7 Min 500yd swim - CSS 3 3 Part Breakdown of Combat Swimmer StrokeOccupation:�Fitness Writer / Author / Speaker / TrainerSkills: �Tactical Fitness InstructionEmployment: StewSmithFitness.com��President Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. If you are interested in starting a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle - check out the StewSmithFitness.com Fitness eBook store.� To contact Stew with your comments and questions, e-mail him at stew@stewsmith.com