Basketball practice with Shaka Smart is all about mentality and toughness which are the basis of building a team for Shaka Smart. In this All Access basketball practice video, you will go through the process with which the coach will instill his philosophy into the minds of the players. The players will also go through the trademark enthusiastic flair of coach Smart in which he will push the players to their limits with the help of the famed Havoc attacking defensive and offensive systems. The coach builds an amazing program for the players and with the help of weights and workouts, footage from four basketball practices the players will definitely get a glimpse at that.
Basketball Practice Video 1
The second practice of 2013-14 season will be carried out in the first practice session of the program. This will give you a chance to know how the Coach will get familiar with the new players. The Double Fist man-to-man full court pressure defense will be shown in the beginning the when the session will start with a video breakdown. The players will learn lots of things and you will also see how to trap in transition, all pointed out and will be demonstrated by the Coach Smart himself.
You will also get to know numerous new concepts explained by the Coach Smart in the secondary break and you will also see how to defend outnumbered situations. The first practice session focuses mainly on the defensive side and there are several drills dedicated to work on help-and-recover versus baseline penetration as well as defending the 5-on-4 and 4-on-3 situations. There is a strategy that the coach uses when the ball is passed out of the trap and the defense is at disadvantage and this strategy is called as Fix it Concept.
When it comes to the offensive side, you will go through the Flow Work concept. In the flow work concept there is a up-tempo attack which comes right out of transition and is one of the staples of Coach Smarts program.
Basketball Practice Video 2
In order to provide more direct attention to a smaller group of players, you will learn how to split up the team. Furthermore, the coach will also teach the players to learn how to load the ball in the transition in order to control the opposing point guard. In order to have three available outlets all the time the coach will also make you learn spacing of the floor.
After all this the players will go through the Rose Offense in which two-man breakdown drills, 5-on-0 execution, and flowing from the package set play into the offense are carried out. For the defensive side, the players will learn the roles and rotations of the Diamond zone press that are accompanied with an extended walk-through before live play.
Basketball Practice Video 3
There will be a 30 minute individual workout for all the players in this practice session. There will also be a interaction session between the coach and the players for better understanding of the game and it would be like a skill development session. There are overall 10 individual shooting exercises in which there are movements which work within the Rose Offense.
So, how everything works in it? Well, it will begin with the elbow-to-elbow shots and after that it will extend to different parts of the court. The coach will make the players learn the shot fake into the workout and how it can help the players get positive results if they master this move. There are different attacks and works on balance, footwork, shot fakes, and gaining space off of the pound dribble in the workout.
Basketball Practice Video 4
Coach Smart spends a good amount of time working on two main presses, Double Fist and Diamond. The team takes part in three mini-scrimmages.
The first features strictly Double Fist. Both teams work on using this man-to-man run-and-jump press. The second 5v5 battle showcases only the Diamond press, which is a 1-2-1-1 zone press. The final scrimmage mixes both presses, with Coach Smart calling them out to players on the fly. Rent Shaka Smart's basketball practice video today.
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