Scott Adubato
(Rental)-Pick, Pop And Roll Offense
Coach Adubato says pick, pop, and roll can be a threat to defenses as it forces them into making decisions and creates mismatches on court. This style can often get opponents into trouble, and it can force rotations and scrambling from the defense. Pick and roll can be done anywhere on the floor: at the top, side, corner and elbow as well as in transition. Adubato explains how to attack each area on the floor. To get to screen level, Adubato will show you the Z effect and controlled back down. There are many options available for the dribbler at each screen. If you incorporate the drills into your team's practices, they will improve your pick and roll game. The transition pick-and-roll game is a great way to get the defense under pressure and can be used as an offensive tool. Great teaching tool by a great teacher!
68 minutes. 2007.
Scott Adubato
(Rental)-The Point Guard
Rental Term Highlights
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This DVD is for rent only and is not for sale. Before you can rent a DVD, you must download and submit a Rental Membership form. This is a one time requirement. No monthly subscription fee is required. 5 Day (Single Titles) or 10 Day (DVD Sets) Viewing Period FREE Shipping! The price of the rental includes shipping and return shipping. There are no shipping charges added on either way.
Scott Adubato
(Rental)-Becoming A Champion:perimeter Player
Rental Term Highlights
We only rent DVDs in the USA. No rental DVD orders will be mailed outside the USA.
This DVD is for rent only and is not for sale. Before you can rent a DVD, you must download and submit a Rental Membership form. This is a one time requirement. No monthly subscription fee is required. 5 Day (Single Titles) or 10 Day (DVD Sets) Viewing Period FREE Shipping! The price of the rental includes shipping and return shipping. There are no shipping charges added on either way.