He is the Cuba city HS. He is a coach with over 40 years of experience in basketball. He also has 19 conference championship titles to his name. Also, he is a three times Wisconsin state championship winner.
Jerry presents in this video the perfect system of practice for any feeder system who is looking for ways to have the most complete training when it comes to the basics and still have a little fun when doing it. He starts this instructional video by discussing some key elements that he feels are crucial to all coaches who are into the feeder system. Some of the things which he discusses would naturally include Length or time duration of the practice, the plan for training monthly and the exact number of games which is considered to be ideal for each grade of students.
The practice should always begin with a warm-up session. After this is done, the coach begins by taking some fundamentals in the shooting category. These fundamentals are meant to show the right way in which you should take shooting. It does this by helping the players to see the shooting mistakes which are very common among players. He has been able to create a particular technique known as the “spin bounce” which would allow the players to take their shot at the best position possible. These training would allow you to learn all you need to do about shooting and the drills to perform.
Guilty ladders and crazy balls is an ideal drill which focuses on the development of the footwork of the players and also the coordination of their foot to move quicker. This would be combined with ball handling drills. It is expected that the six core drills would be used to enhance the student ball handling techniques. This would prove to be a fun way of ensuring that ball handling is adequately taken care of.
The coach Jerry also focuses on the various dribbling drills which are available. These drills would aloe players to develop the pivot, jump-stop and so much more in an effort to make sure that the ball is protected at all times. Also, you can expect that such techniques like the box-out and outlet methods would also be treated as it is related to passing drills. Also, Coach Jerry also makes sure he includes drills that have to do with rebounds in order to increase the chances of the players taking advantages of rebounds. This drill ensures that the players' workout effectively with the drills in focus. However, it does not stop them from having fun in the process. This is exactly what he is targeting.
As a coach, you should strive to make sure that your young players are trained effectively as to the fundamentals while also ensuring that they have all the fun they can have in the process. This aids their development immensely.