- Jamie Dixon, 2009 Naismith Men's College Basketball Coaches of the Year, offers offensive insight
- Philosophy and instruction regarding the 4-out 1-in motion offense
- Discussion of the various options available within the offense
Taken from several coaches, Coach Jamie Dixon's "4 out, 1 in" motion is difficult to defend and places great pressure on the defense. This motion prioritizes spacing, screen for driving opportunities, and post isolation. Two-guard fronts guarantee ball reversal which is essential for extending the defense's reach. The 3-on-3 formation is the best way to teach offense. The diagonal screen is created by the guard to guard pass. The diagonal screen's key features are keeping your feet wide on the ground and reading the defense. Based on the defense's position, seven reads can be used for the cutting. Flare screen is another weapon in perimeter motion. The screen is removed from the wing by the passer, leaving the area for his flare to be cut. There are many cuts, such as the basket cut, curl/screen, re-screen/fade and back cut. The back screen is a good option in a post-and-wing situation. Perimeter players can cut into the open area of the post and become back screeners when ball reverses. This allows for flexibility. It is easy to screen action that involves perimeter and posts. Dixon also addresses the options available after the ball has been passed to the post.
53 minutes. 2007.