Complete Player Development Workouts for Perimeter and Post Players
Mike Procopio has worked with over 100 NBA players including the likes of Kevin Durant, Kobe Bryant, and Dwyane Wade. Coach Procopio is an instructor at the Michael Jordan Flight School and Skill Academies and is an Attack Athletics Player Development Trainer. In this video, he gives you one of the most comprehensive skills development presentations on record. From the warm-up to shooting and dribbling drills, Coach Procopio can help you improve your team’s fundamental basketball skills.
Shooting Drills
Coach Procopio gives you a progression of position-specific shooting drills that emphasize catching and shooting without the dribble, the post up, and coming off the pin-down screen. A series of 1-minute shooting drills incorporate both posts and guards. You will see Coach Procopio demonstrate the “peel cut” and “fade cut” scoring opportunities that are difficult to defend within the motion offense.
Footwork technique, reading screens, and attacking defenders is part of the individual wing portion of the workout. Coach Procopio goes over four different reads off of the pin-down screen. He will add defenders which incorporates more decision making in the drill.
Players are also taught a variety of moves that permit quick scoring opportunities. The one dribble pull-up jump shot is an excellent scoring chance and players work on it in a number of directions. Coach Procopio also teaches Kobe-like jab steps and shot fakes which help create space and make players harder to defend.
Position-Specific Drills
Guards work on post up opportunities as well as feeding the post. The wing workout concludes with a challenging 3-point shooting drill where players must make shots from different spots on the floor. The post portion of the workout features 15-foot jumpers and one dribble pull-up shots from different areas on the perimeter. Posts are also taken through a number of drills that work on 15-foot perimeter jumpers and one-dribble pull-up shots. They also work on the proper technique for the pick and pop, screen and roll, and roll and replace. Each of these is used on a nightly basis in the NBA.
Coach Procopio’s skills video will improve your team’s scoring from every position on the floor, which makes this presentation a must-have for any coach’s library.

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