Nuclear First Step

$24.99 $39.99 -38% OFF

Nuclear First Step

$24.99 $39.99 -38% OFF

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  • Digital Access - You can access this product online via computer, tablet, or phone.
  • Rental - Time limited rental with online access (computer, phone, or tablet). Time does not start until you start watching.
  • Physical DVD - choose this option to have a DVD mailed to you.




Developing a Nuclear First Step requires two components:

  1. Building Explosive Power
  2. Triple Threat

Are you ready to start blowing by defenders with quickness you didn't think you had? Are you ready to increase your Basketball I.Q. and actually read the defender playing you so that you make the best move possible to get by him? If so, then Dorian Lee's Nuclear First Step will let you do just that. Order now.

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