Encyclopedia Of Zone Offense by Bob Knight Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
Bob Knight (Rental)-Encyclopedia Of Zone Offense $39.99
Bob Knight: Encyclopedia of Zone Offense Learn everything there is to know about beating zone defenses in this on-court clinic presentation from one of the legendary coaches of all-time – Bob Knight. Coach Knight won over 900 career games and three national championships using these exact concepts to defeat zone defenses. Concepts & Rules Coach Knight shares and teaches a number of concepts needed to defeat a zone defense. He shares his philosophy and rules on things like transitioning into zone offense. A speedy transition can be a great first line attack against a zone defense. He also discusses proper positioning for players that will allow them to best use their strengths. Players are taught to see the court and pass and shot fakes to beat the defense. You will see how Coach Knight likes to work the ball inside against a zone defense with players fighting for position and then catching and observing. Finally, you will see how to create 2-on-1 matchups by penetrating the zone. This results in better scoring opportunities. Beating the Various Zone Defenses Coach Knight also breaks down how to beat each of the zone defenses you might see. Against the 2-3 zone for example, Coach Knight emphasizes the shot and pass fakes, the dribble drive, and post movement as these all work to beat it. Beating the 3-2 is different and Knight uses two players out front to occupy three defenders. This gives the three baseline players a numbers advantage. Beating the 1-3-1 zone is similar as Knight shows you effective ways to beat the baseline defender. You will also see how to beat combination defenses like the Box-and-1 and Triangle-and-2. Coach Knight shows you the limitations of these defenses and how you can exploit them to your advantage. Knight also demonstrates beating the half-court zone trap using your best player in the middle where he/she can attack and score. In addition to Knight’s philosophy, teaching, and coaching points; you also get an awesome bonus. This DVD contains 30 minutes of game footage that shows you Knight’s zone offense in action against the various defenses he mentions. The film reinforces what Knight teaches and can help you attack any zone defense with confidence.
Complete Guide To Man To Man Defense by Bob Knight Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
Bob Knight (Rental)-Complete Guide To Man To Man Defense $29.99
Bob Knight, a legendary coach and author of man-to-man defense concepts, explains everything. Your opponent will experience a physically exhausting, mentally draining, and dominating experience. Get coaching advice from a legend in the game This 2-DVD set includes over 2 hours worth of instruction and also includes practice and video footage. Bob Knight, a legendary coach and player, will take you to the court to teach you everything you need about man-to-man defense. This two-disc set will show you Coach Knight in a way you have never seen before. He will demonstrate how to get your team on the ground and ready to take down your opponent. This defense will make your opponent feel stifling, dominant and mentally exhausting. Knight works with the ballside defenders and emphasizes creating an atmosphere of denial during the offensive possession. Knight moves into help-side defense and demonstrates the importance of playing defense together. He emphasizes the importance of blocking out, and shows how to do a good block out. Knight shows you his unique method of defensive conversion through his demonstrations and on-court instruction. Knight also shows you footage from a practice as well as two games so that you can see these techniques in action. Knight offers coaching tips you won't find anywhere else in the video. Your team should learn the same defensive principles that helped Bob Knight win over 900 victories and three national titles. Main feature: 98 minutes. Bonus material: 88 mins (2 DVDs). 2009.
Auriemma & Knight: Zone Offense Strategies by Bob Knight Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
Bob Knight (Rental)-Auriemma & Knight: Zone Offense Strategies $15.99
Zone Offense Strategies Two Hall of Fame coaches collaborate to bring you this video which shows you a number of ways to beat a zone defense. Geno Auriemma has over 1,000 career wins, 11 national championships, and has the highest winning percentage of any college coach in women’s basketball history. Bobby Knight has 900-plus career wins, three national championships, and coached the U.S. Men’s Olympic team to a gold medal in 1984. Both coaches provide on-court demonstrations to show you how to effectively attack any zone defense. Coach Knight Zone Offense Strategies Zone defenses have become very good at clamping down on opponents’ offenses. To beat the zone, Coach Knight uses two basic strategies – dribble penetration and beating the defense down the floor in transition. In his on-court demonstrations, you will see every possible attacking angle that can be used to beat the zone off the dribble. Coach Knight shows you how to create offensive advantages as the result of dribble penetration. Using the dribble helps to distort a zone defense. Coach Knight reveals his philosophy of forcing the zone to move as the ball is passed and then shows you the dribble and pass fake to beat most any zone including the 2-3, 1-3-1, and 1-2-2. Coach Knight also shows you how to use screens against the zone to maximize your scoring opportunities. You’ll hear all of Coach Knight’s secrets to dissecting zone defenses. Coach Auriemma Zone Offense Strategies Connecticut women’s basketball has faced its fair share of zone defenses. As a result, Coach Auriemma believes in penetrating the zone to break it down. He will show you two ways to penetrate – drive the gaps and pass attack to bring the ball to your best player instead of bringing the defense and your best player to the ball. After sharing his basic principles behind attacking zone defenses, Auriemma then goes through on-court demonstrations of five quick-hitting actions. Each is designed to get a quick shot against a zone. In addition, Coach Auriemma shows you how to use a man-to-man offense to beat a 2-3 zone. The use of ball screens and dribble penetration produces easy open looks and 3-point attempts just like a man-to-man offense. Any zone offense can benefit from the expertise, instruction, and philosophy of two of the greatest coaches the game has known. This 113-minute video will help your offense create advantages and scoring opportunities against any zone defense. Rent this Zone Offense Strategies DVD today
Bob Knight (Rental)-Bob Knight: Advanced Tactics & Techniques For Man--to--man Offense (knight) $34.99
if You Want To Learn The Motion Offense In The Best Possible Way Then The Coach Bob Knight Is The Ideal Man For This Job. He Has A Living Legend Who Has Worked With So Many Players Over The Years And Has Helped Them Improve Their Offensive Game. You Will Learn His Screening And Cutting Motions That Can Benefit Your Offense. the Man To Man Offense Technique Of Coach Knight Is Very Impressive And He Teaches Every Element Of It Very Gracefully. His Teaching Also Include The On Court Demonstrations Which Include Screens, Cutter Options, Post Screens, Screening Goals, Balance And Spacing. you Will Learn The Coaching Philosophy, Teaching Methods And Crucial Teaching Points Of Bob Knight. philosophy according To Bob Knight, Screening And Cutting Are Two Of The Most Important Points For Shooting. As These Two Points Will Provide You Great Opportunity To Score Down The Court. You Will Get Uncontested Shots Time After Time When A Specific Offensive Pattern Is Adopted By Coach Bob Knight. So, How Does This Offensive Pattern Work?  Well, All The Five Players Are Forced To Guard Simultaneously. you Will Get The Chance To Set Screens And Cut To The Basket With The Help Of Knight’s Spacing Principles. cutting & Screening it Doesn’t Matter What Sort Of Man To Man Offense You Apply. Coach Knight Explains How Can You Use Proper Screening Techniques, Well Balanced Spacing And Set Up Screens To Make Your Offense Highly Efficient. There Is A Very Effective Use Of Down Screen, The Back Screen, The Cross Creen, The Flare Screen, The Slip Screen, The Double Screen And The T Screen And The Coach Bob Knight Teaches The Most Effective Way To Do All These With The Help Of Different On Court Demonstrations. offensive Drills so, There Is A Complete Package Of Offensive Drills By The Coach Bob Knight. The Drills Begin With A 2 On 2 Set Up And Goes On To 5 On 5. All Of The Screening And Cutting Actions Are Covered With The Help Of These Drills. As The Drills Progress, The Constant Motion Along With The Proper Spacing Is Emphasized. In Order To Make The Flow Of The Offense Better, The Coach Bob Knight Implies Some Restrictions On The Drills Which Require Players To See And Observe The Defense. motion Entries there Are Six Motions Entries Introduced By The Coach Bob Knight. You Will Learn All Of Those In This Video By Coach Bob Knight. The Coach Has Used Those Six Motions Entries To Initiate His Passing, Screening Offense And Cutting.Read our BEEF Shooting Guide here.
Bob Knight (Rental)-Advanced Tactics & Techniques For Man To Man Defense $24.99
the Video On Basketball Defense By The Coach Bob Knight Is A Perfection And You Will Not Find A Better Video Than This One. In The Video, The Coach Bob Knight Will Teach You The Most Crucial Steps And Techniques To Master The Art Of Man Defense. you Will Have To Look Closer Into The Techniques And Methods Of Bob Knight Man Defense. These Are The Drills And Workouts Which Led Bob Knight To Become One Of The Best Coaches In The Basketball World. philosophy well, The Philosophy Of The Bob Knight Defense Relies Heavily On The Great Ball Side And Weak Side Help. The Philosophy Of Man Defense Of Bob Knight Is A Clear Depiction Of Man-to-man Principles. The Coach Explains Why Finding The Right Defensive Fit For Your Team’s Personnel Is Very Important. conversion & Rebound rebound Of The Basketball And Transition Defense Are Two Of The Most Important Areas To Be Worked On. With The Help Of Tough Drills And Workouts Shown By Bob Knight Will Help You Face Your Opponent’s Fiercely And Will Help You Deny Any Type Of Transition Attack And Finishing Of Possessions With Securing Rebounds. ball-side & Help-side Defense the Tough On The Ball Pressure Is The First Rule That Makes The Defenses Of A Team Strong. Keeping In Mind The Idea Of Forcing The Ball Into The Corner, The Coach Bob Knight Explains How Ball Side Help Must Close Down The Drive And Apart From That The Recovery To Your Man Is Low And Short. You Are Going To Learn Some Of The Best Rules Of Basketball Like Seeing Both Your Man And The Ball To Avoid Back Cuts And Never Losing Sight Of The Basketball. defensive Drills there Are Eight Defensive Drills That Will Cover Each And Every Part Of Your Defenses. The Coach Bob Knight Will Cover All Of Them. From Rebounding To The Transition Defense To The Man-to-man Pressure To The Help-side Defense To The Ball-side Defense To Post Defense You Are Going To Learn Everything. the Coach Bob Knight Also Shares His Hidden Secrets That How You Can Handle The Modern Day Offense Game Like The Dribble Drive Motion, 5-out Motion And The Flex Offense.Read our BEEF Shooting Guide here.
Auriemma & Knight: Creativity In Your Motion Offense by Bob Knight Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
Bob Knight (Rental)-Auriemma & Knight: Creativity In Your Motion Offense $15.99
Building Creativity and Discipline into Your Motion Offense Two of the greatest to ever walk the sideline – Bob Knight and Geno Auriemma – show you how to build creativity into your motion offense by teaching players to think. Players can go from average to great if they can “think the game” as Coach Knight likes to say. Coach Knight presents a number of drills that are designed to do exactly that – help players think, react, and better understand the game. With over 900 career wins at Indiana and Texas Tech, three national championships, and an Olympic gold medal (1984); Coach Knight is a living coaching legend. Using on-court demonstrations, he shares a warmup series of drills that will make players think about what they are doing on the court. The drills focus on three fundamental concepts – passing, cutting, and screening. These are important in the building of a motion offensive system. Coach Knight then gets into drills and tools that prepare players for game day situations. The drills put players in more challenging positions than they would face in a game. Coach Knight uses a 4-on-5 disadvantage drill that that helps teams deal with traps and double teams. Working in these disadvantage situations makes dealing with game day much easier. Coach Knight gives way to Auriemma who is also a living legend. With over 1,000 career victories and 11 national titles, Coach Auriemma knows a bit about the motion offense. He begins by talking about structure within the motion offense, but then gets into how to give players more freedom. Allowing this freedom forces players to think and react to create scoring opportunities. Coach Auriemma presents four practice drills to lay the foundation of the motion offense. The drills, from 1-on-0 to 5-on-0, will get players from all skill levels involved and teach them the motion offense as well as the fast break. If you run the motion offense, learn how to take your system to the next level by incorporating the teachings of two of the best to have ever coached the game of basketball.
Bob Knight: Spacing To Win by Bob Knight Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
Bob Knight (Rental)-Bob Knight: Spacing To Win $24.99
Bob Knight: Spacing to Win For legendary college basketball coach Bob Knight, there is nothing more important to effective play on either end of the floor than spacing. Knight, winner of over 900 career games, three national championships, and four national Coach of the Year awards, presents his ideas on spacing in this DVD. He explains why spacing is so important on offense and defense and shows you how to implement his concepts into your program. Offensive Spacing To execute your offense effectively, you need space. Coach Knight shows you how to create space so your players can cut, screen, rebound, drive to the basket, or get open for a shot attempt. He also shares some insights on how to get more out of your offense. Coach Knight shows you how spacing can improve your screening and improve the play of your posts, especially when it comes to getting to the free throw line. Coach Knight goes on to use the whiteboard to diagram how his offense attacks various defenses. He uses live demonstration and game film to further teach these concepts. Knight shows you how spacing can get your best scorer open against a Box-and-1. He then goes through how to attack different zone defenses including the 2-3, 3-2, and 1-3-1. You will also see how Coach Knight breaks a number of different presses like the full court 2-2-1, the 1-2-1-1 and the 1-2-1-1 half-court trap. Defensive Spacing Spacing is also important on the defensive end and Knight reveals his strategies for using good spacing, positioning, and conversion on defense. This effectively limits the space an offense needs. Coach Knight talks about playing on the ball side, the help side, jumping to the ball, help and recover, and post defense. Once again, Coach Knight goes on the floor with live demonstrations and shows you game film to explain what his concepts look like in game situations. From the youth level all the way to the NBA, spacing is extremely important to playing championship basketball. Watch as one of the game’s great coaches teaches you how to use it to your advantage.
Practice Planning & Drills For Mental Toughness by Bob Knight Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
Bob Knight (Rental)-Practice Planning & Drills For Mental Toughness $29.99
Your players should be able to think and act in all areas of defense and offense. You can save time by using drills that simultaneously work on offensive and defensive skills. Get insight and philosophy from Coach Knight This 2-DVD set includes over 2 hours of instruction and practice footage. Bob Knight, the legendary coach and trainer of basketball, demonstrates 30 game-action drills in this 2-DVD set. Then, he combines it all into 5-on-5 sets. You will feel the intensity and high expectations surrounding Knight's basketball practices, which build mental toughness for your players and team. You will put your players under increased pressure during practice to help them prepare for fatigue and game stress. Knight also includes drills for ball handling, shooting, screening, and other drills that will prepare your team for a win on the court. These drills can be used to improve your practice time and also work on defense and offense. The "Whole" Knight incorporates all these "Part" drills. This allows for many team offense and defense drills. These drills will allow you to quickly work through your offensive sets. Knight also demonstrates press offense drills, which allow you to practice against both a full court press or a half-court trap. This video will help you coach, train, and compete in basketball, whether you are a youth player or a professional. Main feature: 191 minutes. Bonus material: 31 minutes (2 DVDs). 2009.
Knight: Complete Guide To Motion Offense by Bob Knight Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
Bob Knight (Rental)-Knight: Complete Guide To Motion Offense $34.99
Bob Knight, a legendary coach and author of the motion offense, shares everything you need to learn about it. You will be unable to guard your motion offense if you don't use sophisticated screening and reading techniques. With one offense, consistently beat zone, pressure and man-to-man defenses This 2-DVD set includes over 2 hours worth of instruction and game footage. Bob Knight, a legendary coach and basketball player, will take you on the court to teach you everything you need about motion offense. Coach Knight's two-disc set covers screening angles, fundamental spacing, screen reading, rescreening, and more. Two full games are included so that you can see the offense at work. Knight's unique approach to conversion basketball focuses on how to convert your team from defense into offense. Knight will show you how to use a variety screen types, including the down screen (back screen), the flare screen (cross screen) and the T screen. Knight also explains the options that the cutter and screener have for the screen. Knight demonstrates how to prepare your players to deal with fatigue and stress through shooting and passing segments. Knight not only demonstrates how to beat man-to-man defense, but also discusses strategies for beating zone. Knight demonstrates how important it is to dribble against the zone, with an emphasis on creating overload situations and penetrating the gaps. You will be able to design an offense that can compete against pressure, zone, or man defenses with in-depth teaching and demonstration. This style of play is free-flowing and uses the same techniques (spacing/reading, penetration, ball fakes, etc.) to place pressure on any defense. Bob Knight's proven teaching methods can create an offense that is difficult to stop and scout. Main feature: 127 minutes. Bonus material: 114 min (2 DVDs). 2009.
Bob Knight Basketball Clinic Iii Man To Man by Bob Knight Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
Bob Knight (Rental)-Bob Knight Basketball Clinic Iii Man To Man $19.99
  Rental Term Highlights  We only rent DVDs in the USA.  No rental DVD orders will be mailed outside the USA. This DVD is for rent only and is not for sale.   Before you can rent a DVD, you must download and submit a Rental Membership form. This is a one time requirement. No monthly subscription fee is required. 5 Day (Single Titles) or 10 Day (DVD Sets) Viewing Period FREE Shipping! The price of the rental includes shipping and return shipping. There are no shipping charges added on either way.
Bob Knight Basketball Clinic Iii Defense by Bob Knight Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
Bob Knight (Rental)-Bob Knight Basketball Clinic Iii Defense $19.99
  Rental Term Highlights  We only rent DVDs in the USA.  No rental DVD orders will be mailed outside the USA. This DVD is for rent only and is not for sale.   Before you can rent a DVD, you must download and submit a Rental Membership form. This is a one time requirement. No monthly subscription fee is required. 5 Day (Single Titles) or 10 Day (DVD Sets) Viewing Period FREE Shipping! The price of the rental includes shipping and return shipping. There are no shipping charges added on either way.
Bob Knight (Rental)-Auriemma & Knight: Defensive Tactics & Screens $15.99
defensive Tactics & Techniques And Defending Screens learn From Two Of The Game’s All-time Greatest Coaches – Bob Knight, Former Head Coach At Indiana And Texas Tech And Long-time Connecticut Women’s Head Coach Geno Auriemma. This Video Features A Question-and-answer Session With Both Coaches As Well As Instruction On A Number Of Defensive Tactics And Strategies To Help Your Players Play Championship Level Half-court Defense. coach Auriemma learn The “connecticut Way” Of Defending Screens From 11-time Ncaa Champion Coach Auriemma. See Exactly How To Defend Screens With On-court Demonstrations. From A High Ball Screen To Ball Screens On The Wing, Coach Auriemma Shows You How To Properly Defend Any Type Of Screen. coach Auriemma Also Goes Through All Of The Possible Looks An Offensive Player Will Give A Defender Once He Comes Off A Screen. In Addition, Coach Introduces The Idea Of Defending Ball Screens In Late-game Situations. Defending Screens In Your Half-court Defense Will Depend On Whether Your Team Is Ahead, Trailing, Or Tied. coach Knight coach Knight Guides You Through The Process Of Building A High-level Defense. Using On-court Demonstrations, Coach Knight Begins With The Rebound And Discusses The Concepts And Techniques Involved In Playing Man-to-man Defense. Simplicity And Execution Are Vital To Developing A Championship Defense. Coach Knight Emphasizes These Points As Well As The Most Important Concept In Half-court Man-to-man Defense – Help And Recover. to Help You Install An Effective Man-to-man Defense, Coach Knight Reviews A Series Of 1-on-1 And 2-on-2 Drills That You Can Use In Your Practices. These Drills Form The Foundation Of The Man-to-man Defense As Well As Instilling An Overall Defensive Philosophy In Your Players. q & A at The End Of The Video, Coach Knight And Coach Auriemma Are Presented A Number Of Questions Ranging From When To Call A Timeout To Practice Philosophy To Communicating With Players. With Their Years Of Experience And Nearly 2,000 Wins Between Them, You Will Hear Some Tidbits Of Wisdom That You Can Surely Use In Your Programs.
Knight School: Teaching Coaches How To Coach (knight) by Bob Knight Instructional Basketball Coaching Video
Bob Knight (Rental)-Knight School: Teaching Coaches How To Coach (knight) $24.99
Knight School: Teaching Coaches How to Coach Are looking for coaching wisdom from one of the greats in any sport? Legendary college coach Bob Knight answers over 70 questions pertaining to successful coaching in the this unique DVD presentation. Knight, of course, won over 900 career games as a head coach at Army, Indiana and Texas Tech. He won three national championships (1976, 1981, and 1987) as the head coach of the Hoosiers and led the 1984 U.S. Olympic team to a gold medal. In this presentation, Knight addresses a wide range of topics concerning coaching and a coach’s off-the-court responsibilities. There are plenty of ideas here for coaches at all levels to employ in their programs to help them become more successful. As any coach knows, the success of a program is entirely about on-the-court production and performance. It is also dependent upon what happens off the court. Coach Knight breaks down his beliefs and thoughts on topics such as building your team, a coaching staff, and a program. The wide variety of topics Knight addresses includes the following: Developing a coaching philosophy Dealing with players and their parents Determining team rules Strength and conditioning Team and coaches meetings Calling timeouts in games Staff responsibilities Scouting reports Handling injuries Hiring assistant coaches Marketing your program Characteristics of a successful coach Fund raising Team bonding and goal setting Dealing with other coaches at your school Motivating individual players Time management Bench dynamics Playing on the road And many more! If you have been searching for how to build and improve your program, Coach Knight’s presentation is the answer. Rent this How to Coach Basketball DVD today.