- Enhance your hand-eye coordination
- You can think faster when you are on the court
- Practice speed training
In his basketball drills, Coach Sutton stresses the importance of making mistakes with aggression and not omission. He is always striving to improve. This is what drives Sutton's innovative approach to teaching communication and engaging players. Sutton uses two basketball balls in every drill during this basketball workout. Sutton uses tennis balls to encourage players to improve their hand-eye coordination skills through a variety of useful and practical drills. Many of the same drills can be performed with basketballs and Sutton also demonstrates several other basketball drills. Sutton shows the "Rip Hamilton drill" to help with perimeter skills. It focuses on developing motion offense and movement without the basketball. This DVD of a basketball workout is an example of the cleverness and creativity that Coach Sutton has. These drills are simple, but clever and can be used by all levels.
69 minutes. 2009.