The Complete Guide to the Inside-Out Offense
Tempo di lettura 8 min
Tempo di lettura 8 min
There are many different offenses out there to run with your team, but if you're looking for a well-balanced, attack-minded offense that utilizes getting the ball inside and outside then the Inside-Out offense could be the right fit. Most people think the Inside-Out Offense revolves around passing the ball to a post player inside the paint and then kicking the ball back out to the perimeter. It does include feeding the post, but other ways to get the ball inside is using dribble penetration and back door cuts. It isn't limited to simply running everything through a post player which is why this offense works great for many different types of teams.
In this article, Indiana Pacers' assistant coaches, Dan Burke & Ronald "Popeye" Jones, teach you how to run a successful Inside-Out Offense just like they teach their team! By the time you finish reading this article, you will know exactly what offensive actions are made in the Inside-Out Offense, four different looks to get the offense started and your players moving, and two set plays you can use against your opponent.
The first thing we do on offense is get the ball to our Point Guard. Once the Point Guard has the ball, they have to declare a side of the court. As the ball moves up the court, the Wings are going to get out wide and run the lanes on both sides of the court all the way to the corners. The first post player running down the court is known as the Rim Runner which means they’re running down the middle of the court until they are under the rim. When they hit their spot, they’ll try to get position on a defender before moving to the low block away from the ball. The other post player will be the Trailer or the last person on offense and will fill the other top spot opposite of the point guard.
Starting Spots: 1 - Point Guard, 2 - Wing, 3 - Wing, 4 - Post Player (Trailer), 5 - Post Player (Rim Runner)
Look 1: Back Cut
Our first look is at the ball side Wing (Player 2). If their defender is overplaying them then they will back cut to the basket for a pass from the Point Guard (Player 1). The Point Guard passes to the cutting Wing and as that happens the other offensive player has to see it and read the defense.
When the pass happens, the Rim Runner (Player 5) is going to shift to the middle of the lane and the opposite Wing (Player 3) is going to slide down further into the corner. These moves create passing lanes for the cutter in case they do not have an open look at the basket.
Actions: Player 2 back cuts for a pass from Player 1. As that happens, Player 3 drifts down to the corner, and Player 5 shifts up to the middle of the lane. Player 2 has the option to score off the pass, kick out for a shot in the corner, or dump a pass for a shot in the lane.
Look 2: Ball Screen
Our second look is reversing the ball to the Trailer. On the reversal pass, the Rim Runner will flash to the middle and try to get a high-low passing angle. If that isn’t open they will get out of the lane and go to the opposite low block. The Trailer will then swing the ball to the Wing. After passing to the Wing, the Trailer is going to follow the ball and set a ball screen for the Wing to come off attacking the middle. As the Wing comes off the screen, the Rim Runner is going to look to get position on a defender on the low block and the opposite Wing will look to create a passing lane for a kick out pass.
Actions: Player 1 reverses the ball to Player 4. As that happens, Player 5 flashes to the middle looking for a high-low then shift to opposite low block. If Player 5 isn't open, Player 4 swings the ball to Player 3. After passing, Player 4 walks his defender down then goes to set a ball screen. Player 3 comes off the screen looking to score, dump pass to Player 5 on the opposite low block, or kick out to Player 2 who has relocated to create an open passing lane. *A variation of this look: Utilize a dribble handoff between Player 4 and Player 3 instead of a pick and roll.*
Look 3: Re-Screen Ball Screen
Our third look continues from our second look in that after the ball screen the Trailer will turn around and screen for the Wing again which is called a rescreen. This will happen all depending on how the defense handles the screen. On the rescreen, the Wing will come off of it going towards the baseline. After the screening, the Trailer will pop out to the perimeter. As the Wing comes off the screen in attack mode, the Rim Runner is going to look to get position on a defender on the low block and the opposite Wing will look to create a passing lane for a kick out pass.
Our fourth look starts with the Point Guard swinging the ball to the Trailer who reverses it to the Wing. After passing, the Trailer sets a quick away screen for the Point Guard who comes over to fill. The Wing passes to the Point Guard in the top spot. When the Point Guard catches the ball, the Rim Runner sprints up to set a ball screen and then rolls to the basket. As this happens, the opposite Wing and Trailer are going to interchange positions. The Point Guard comes off the screen and passes out to the Wing. On this pass, the Wing can see the Rim Runner has opened up on their roll to the basket until finally posting up to get the ball inside.
Actions: Player 1 passes the ball to Player 4 who quickly reverses to Player 3. After passing, Player 4 goes and sets an away screen for Player 1 who comes over to fill the top spot. Player 4 continues moving to the opposite side of the court after screening.
Actions: Player 3 pass the ball to Player 1 at the top spot. On the pass, 5 sprints up to set a ball screen for Player 1. As this happens, Player 2 and Player 4 interchange on the opposite side of the court. After screening, Player 5 is going to open up and start rolling to the basket.
Actions: Player 1 comes off the ball screen then skips it to Player 3 on the opposite side of the court. Player 5 rolled towards Player 1 but on the pass they open up the other direction looking at Player 3. When Player 3 catches the ball, they are looking for Player 5 on the cut to the basket. If they aren't open, wait for them to get posted up then enter the ball into Player 5. With the ball in the post, Player 5 can work on their defender to score, look for open cutters to the basket, or kick the ball out to a shooter on the perimeter.
Play 1: Chin 15
Starting Spots: Player 1 is Point Guard, Player 2 and Player 3 are Wings, Player 4 is Trailer, Player 5 is Rim Runner but is starting on ball side elbow
Player 4 goes and sets an away screen for Player 3 to get to the top spot and catch a pass from Player 1. After screening, Player 4 relocates to the corner.
After Player 1 gets rid of the ball, Player 5 steps up to set a back screen for 1. Player 3 looks at 1 for a lob pass and score. If not open, Player 5 comes over and sets a ball screen for Player 3 to attack the middle for a score, 5 rolling to the basket, or a kick out pass to a shooter.
Play 2: Power
Starting Spots: Player 1 is Point Guard starting in the middle at the top, Player 2 and Player 3 are Wings starting in the middle of the bottom of the paint, Player 4 is Trailer and Player 5 is Rim Runner starting just above low blocks and facing Wings
Player 2 screens for Player 3 in the middle of the lane and 2 sprints out to the wing. After screening 3 sprints out to other wing. Essentially, the wing players are switching sides of the court. Player 1 passes the ball to 3 on the wing then relocates to the opposite corner. On the pass, Player 4 comes across the lane to set a ball screen.
Player 4 sets the ball screen for Player 3. As this happens, Player 5 is going to clear the lane and go to the opposite side. This gives Player 3 the ability to attack for a score, pass to 4 rolling to the basket, dump pass to 5 for an easy score, or kick out to shooters.
This Complete Guide to the Inside-Out Offense should be a good starting point for building a strong foundation for your offense, but there's always room to grow. To learn more start browsing through our vast selection of Coaching DVDs right now.
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