Effective Field Goal Percentage (eFG%): What It Is and Why It Matters

Scritto da: Chris Hungerford



Tempo di lettura 4 min

In basketball, everyone loves to see a high field goal percentage. This easily understood stat can show a player's shooting proficiency. But, it doesn't tell the whole story. As the game has changed with the popularization of the three-point shot, we need a metric that accounts for that. This is where effective field goal percentage (eFG%) comes in.

Table of Contents:

What is Effective Field Goal Percentage?

Effective field goal percentage gives a more accurate picture of a player or team’s shooting efficiency because it factors in the extra point earned for three-point field goals. It shows the value of taking high-percentage shots, especially from beyond the arc.

How to Calculate Effective Field Goal Percentage

Calculating effective field goal percentage is straightforward. You can find it by:

  1. Adding the number of two-point field goals made to 1.5 times the number of three-point field goals made.
  2. Dividing that number by the total number of field goal attempts.
  3. Multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

The formula looks like this:

eFG% = (FGM + (0.5 * 3PM)) / FGA


  • eFG% = Effective Field Goal Percentage
  • FGM = Field Goals Made
  • 3PM = 3-Point Field Goals Made
  • FGA = Field Goals Attempted

Effective Field Goal Percentage Example

Let's say Player A makes 5 two-pointers and 2 three-pointers in a game where they attempted 10 shots. To calculate their eFG%, we follow these steps:

  1. Calculate points from 2-pointers: 5 two-pointers * 2 points/two-pointer = 10 points
  2. Calculate points from 3-pointers: 2 three-pointers * 3 points/three-pointer = 6 points
  3. Calculate total points: 10 points + 6 points = 16 points
  4. Divide total points by field goal attempts: 16 points / 10 field goals attempted = 1.6
  5. Multiply by 100 to express as a percentage: 1.6 * 100 = 160%

In this scenario, their effective field goal percentage would be 60%, a high mark. This is significantly better than if all 10 of those shots had been two-pointers because this would be a 50% eFG%.

Why is Effective Field Goal Percentage Important?

As basketball evolves, we need stats that evolve with it. Traditional metrics like field goal percentage don’t consider the strategic importance of the three-pointer. This makes effective field goal percentage crucial for coaches, players, and fans for numerous reasons.

Understanding Offensive Efficiency

Effective field goal percentage gives a clearer understanding of a player or team’s scoring efficiency compared to traditional field goal percentage. A player might have a lower field goal percentage but a higher eFG% if they consistently make three-pointers.

Evaluating Player Value

This advanced stat is helpful for evaluating players, especially in today's basketball landscape. Two players can have the same number of points scored in a game but very different eFG%s. The player with a higher eFG% likely took higher-percentage shots and used possessions more effectively. This can also be an indicator of a team's offensive rebounds and second-chance points, both of which are influenced by field goal attempts.

Game Strategy

Effective field goal percentage isn't just a number in a box score. Coaches can use it to make strategic decisions during the game. A team with a lower eFG% might need to adjust their shot selection or offensive strategy to improve scoring efficiency. This adjustment in strategy could involve encouraging more free throw attempts or focusing on higher percentage field goals, ultimately leading to more points on the board.

Player Development

Players and coaches can use eFG% as a tool to focus on areas for improvement. For example, a player might be encouraged to work on three-point shooting to boost their eFG%. Coaches can also use this metric to determine which players are more efficient at certain types of shots and adjust their offensive plays accordingly.

FAQs About Effective Field Goal Percentage

What is a Good Effective Field Goal Percentage?

While there's no magic number for a good eFG%, anything above 50% is generally considered above average. Anything below that might indicate a need for improvement in shot selection or shooting efficiency. Remember to consider various factors like position, playing style, and league average.

How Is Effective FG% Calculated?

You calculate effective field goal percentage by dividing the sum of field goals made and half of the three-pointers made by the total number of field goal attempts. The final result is then multiplied by 100 to represent a percentage.

What is the Difference Between True Shooting Percentage and Effective Field Goal Percentage?

Although both stats look at shooting efficiency, true shooting percentage differs slightly from eFG%. This metric accounts for free throws in addition to field goals and three-pointers, giving a complete view of a player's scoring efficiency.

What Is a Good FG% for a Center?

Since Centers usually play closer to the basket, a good field goal percentage for a center is often above 55%. However, remember that this can fluctuate based on their playing style, the league, and if they are taking three-point shots.


Effective Field Goal Percentage

While fans might not always talk about it, effective field goal percentage provides a more nuanced view of a team or individual player's offensive performance, supplementing traditional field goal percentage and showcasing the true value of each possession. If you're looking to analyze a player or team beyond basic stats, you've gotta know eFG%.

Effective Field Goal Percentage. Effective Field Goal Percentage.

In basketball, everyone loves to see a high field goal percentage. This easily understood stat can show a player's shooting proficiency. But, it doesn't tell the whole story. As the game has changed with the popularization of the three-point shot, we need a metric that accounts for that. This is where effective field goal percentage (eFG%) comes in.

In basketball, everyone loves to see a high field goal percentage. This easily understood stat can show a player's shooting proficiency. But, it doesn't tell the whole story. As the game has changed with the popularization of the three-point shot, we need a metric that accounts for that. This is where effective field goal percentage (eFG%) comes in.