Circle Movement

Rick Torbett's Read & React Circle Movement: Part 2

Scritto da: Chris Hungerford



Tempo di lettura 5 min

As we said before, circle movement is a logical movement in offense in the situations when the dribble penetration occurs. As we analyzed the positioning when the ball is dribbled from the Point position, let us see how it goes when the attack is coming from the wing.

Again we have 5 players on the arc, but now the ball is on the wing. First, let us see how it goes if the drive penetration is headed inside.

The players from the Point and the opposite wing are sliding towards the corner, moving down for 1 spot, and the corner player is cutting. The player from the passive corner is filling up the spot from the player that has the ball. 

The first help defender will come from the point, the wing defender will cover for the point defender, and the corner defender will cover both the wing and the cutter. The defender from the passive side will move into the paint area. 

But, if the drive penetration goes outside, we must consider different kinds of situations. Depending on how the help comes from the corner of the active side, we will have 2 options. 

Option 1: The help defender goes towards the paint and tries to close the driving lane low and near the basket.

In this case, the player on the Active side should stay in the corner and be ready to take a shot, and the offensive player from the Passive side corner must Read the defense and then React, either cut or move up for an extra pass. 

Option 2: The help defender goes higher and tries to deny the penetration early. 

In this case, the offensive player from the Active side should cut, but needs to expect that the defender from the Passive side will come at him, so the offensive player in the corner needs to go near the baseline and give the cutter open passing lane. 

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As we said before, circle movement is a logical movement in offense in the situations when the dribble penetration occurs. As we analyzed the positioning when the ball is dribbled from the Point position, let us see how it goes when the attack is coming from the wing.

Again we have 5 players on the arc, but now the ball is on the wing. First, let us see how it goes if the drive penetration is headed inside.

As we said before, circle movement is a logical movement in offense in the situations when the dribble penetration occurs. As we analyzed the positioning when the ball is dribbled from the Point position, let us see how it goes when the attack is coming from the wing.

Again we have 5 players on the arc, but now the ball is on the wing. First, let us see how it goes if the drive penetration is headed inside.

As we said before, circle movement is a logical movement in offense in the situations when the dribble penetration occurs. As we analyzed the positioning when the ball is dribbled from the Point position, let us see how it goes when the attack is coming from the wing.

Again we have 5 players on the arc, but now the ball is on the wing. First, let us see how it goes if the drive penetration is headed inside.

As we said before, circle movement is a logical movement in offense in the situations when the dribble penetration occurs. As we analyzed the positioning when the ball is dribbled from the Point position, let us see how it goes when the attack is coming from the wing.

Again we have 5 players on the arc, but now the ball is on the wing. First, let us see how it goes if the drive penetration is headed inside.

As we said before, circle movement is a logical movement in offense in the situations when the dribble penetration occurs. As we analyzed the positioning when the ball is dribbled from the Point position, let us see how it goes when the attack is coming from the wing.

Again we have 5 players on the arc, but now the ball is on the wing. First, let us see how it goes if the drive penetration is headed inside.

As we said before, circle movement is a logical movement in offense in the situations when the dribble penetration occurs. As we analyzed the positioning when the ball is dribbled from the Point position, let us see how it goes when the attack is coming from the wing.

Again we have 5 players on the arc, but now the ball is on the wing. First, let us see how it goes if the drive penetration is headed inside.

As we said before, circle movement is a logical movement in offense in the situations when the dribble penetration occurs. As we analyzed the positioning when the ball is dribbled from the Point position, let us see how it goes when the attack is coming from the wing.

Again we have 5 players on the arc, but now the ball is on the wing. First, let us see how it goes if the drive penetration is headed inside.

As we said before, circle movement is a logical movement in offense in the situations when the dribble penetration occurs. As we analyzed the positioning when the ball is dribbled from the Point position, let us see how it goes when the attack is coming from the wing.

Again we have 5 players on the arc, but now the ball is on the wing. First, let us see how it goes if the drive penetration is headed inside.

As we said before, circle movement is a logical movement in offense in the situations when the dribble penetration occurs. As we analyzed the positioning when the ball is dribbled from the Point position, let us see how it goes when the attack is coming from the wing.

Again we have 5 players on the arc, but now the ball is on the wing. First, let us see how it goes if the drive penetration is headed inside.

As we said before, circle movement is a logical movement in offense in the situations when the dribble penetration occurs. As we analyzed the positioning when the ball is dribbled from the Point position, let us see how it goes when the attack is coming from the wing.

Again we have 5 players on the arc, but now the ball is on the wing. First, let us see how it goes if the drive penetration is headed inside.

As we said before, circle movement is a logical movement in offense in the situations when the dribble penetration occurs. As we analyzed the positioning when the ball is dribbled from the Point position, let us see how it goes when the attack is coming from the wing.

Again we have 5 players on the arc, but now the ball is on the wing. First, let us see how it goes if the drive penetration is headed inside.

Circle Movement. Circle Movement. Circle Movement. Circle Movement. Circle Movement.  Circle Movement. Circle Movement. Circle Movement. Circle Movement.  Circle Movement. Circle Movement. Circle Movement. Circle Movement.  Circle Movement. Circle Movement. Circle Movement. Circle Movement.  Circle Movement. Circle Movement. Circle Movement. Circle Movement.  Circle Movement. Circle Movement. Circle Movement. Circle Movement. 

Circle Movement

Circle Movement

Circle Movement