Need an Offense that Perfectly Works Against any Type of Defense? Take a Look at Hubie Brown's Hawk Offense explained by Lason Perkins

Scritto da: Chris Hungerford



Tempo di lettura 5 min

About the Hawk Offense

The Hawk Set is a unique offense that was originally designed by NBA Coach Hubie Brown, who had a lot of success running this offense. It's designed to be the perfect solution against both men and zone defenses, since there is a variety of options for taking advantage of strong post players, great shooters, and even great one-on-one players. With a great spacing and easy setup, the Hawk offense can be played at any basketball level: high school, college, or professional. By teaching your players this play, you will be able to use your dominant players through post plays, isolation actions, Pick-and-roll games, shooting actions, etc.

Hawk Offense Set up

The initial alignment of the Hawk Offense is one of the crucial things to start the play, every player has to know his position and movement in addition to running this offense properly and successfully.

Position 1 is your point guard who is positioned on the right side of the court above the three-point line. It's important to mention that you need a good point guard in order to run the Hawk Offense. He should be the one who controls the situation on the court besides the coach. 

Position 2 is just a cross Position 1, and he should be the best shooter in the team/shooting guard, also somebody who reads screen situations well. 

Position 4 is a big forward, positioned at the high post position just above the free-throw line. 

Position 5 is our biggest man on the court staying on the left side of the key. 

Right behind him is our small forward, Position 3.   

After you set up the basic alignment, you have plenty of opportunities to create an advantage for your best players. Coach Lason Perkins, during this coaching clinic, is clearly explaining numerous plays for the shooters, post players, Pick-and-Roll game, etc., and we will demonstrate one of each.  

Primary Hawk Offense 

We will demonstrate one of the most common NBA plays in the past 20 years, and that's a Primary Hawk Offense. Position 1 is dribbling the ball to the right wing. If there is a chance, Position 1 could play one-on-one and penetrate to the basket since there is an empty right side. 

After dribbling on the right wing, Position 1 is waiting for a screen exchange between Position 2 and 4. Position 4 is giving a back screen to Position 2, Position 2 cuts to the basket at the ball side. 

After giving a screen, Position  4 pops out and asks for the ball from the Position 1. The point guard, Position 1, if there is no one-on-one situation, and the possibility to make a pass to Position 2, will pass the ball to Position 4 to continue the action. 

Mark "5:45-6:39"

After receiving the ball, Position 4 is looking to change the side of attack by passing the ball onto another wing. Meanwhile, Position 5 is giving a strong screen to Position 3, who is getting out for a potential shot. 

After giving a screen, Position 5 has a perfect position for the post-up game, so he can be a second solution if Position 3 doesn't have an open shot.  

It's also important that Position 2 cleans the key and gets to the corner to drag his defender away from the active playing area. 

Mark "6:56-8:13"

Hawk Play for Shooters 

Coach Lason Perkins is showing six shooting plays that you can run through the Hawk Offense, and we will demonstrate one.

Entry into this play is the same as the Primary Hawk Offense, Position 1 is dribbling to the right side, Position 2 uses the back-screen, and after giving the back screen Position 4 steps out and receives the ball from the point guard.

Instead of cleaning the side and moving to the corner, which was the case in the Primary Offense, Position 2 will use two screens made by Position 3 and 5, and receive the ball on the left wing, wide open for a three-point shot.

Mark "13:55-14:04"

Hawk Post Play 

As we mentioned before, there are numerous set-ups to create a perfect position for the post-up game. Below you can see one of the seven demonstrated Post-up Hawk Plays by Lason Perkins.

Once again, the entry of this play is the same as the Primary Offense. Position 1 is with the ball on the right wing, and Position 2 uses a back-screen and cuts to the basket. 

Since we want our dominant post player on the low post position, Position 4 will move down to the key and make a screen for Position 3, together with Position 5.

Next, Position 2 will make a side-screen for the Position 4, who should get a dominant position after this screen and create an advantage under the basket. 

Mark "26:36-26:44"

Pick and Roll Hawk Play

The Hawk Offense also offers great spacing and opportunities to set up several Pick-and-Roll situations. One of the quickest options to create a Pick-and-roll game of the Hawk Offense is to make sure that your point guard/ Position 1 keeps dribble alive, and after already mentioned back-screen for Position 2, Position 4 is going to set a screen for Position 1. 

It's important that Position 2 cleans the side and get to the opposite corner. 

While Pick-and-roll is happening, Position 5 is setting a screen for Position 3. Because of this, the defensive help side will be occupied with their Players 3 and 5, and will not be able to help during the Pick-and-Roll game. 


Hawk Isolation Play

If you have a good one-on-one player and you want to create space for him to do his work, the Hawk Offense has great plays for that. You can also use Hawk Isolation Plays in order to create miss-match situations and take advantage of them. 

There are four Hawk Isolation Plays presented by Coach Lason Perkins, and this is one of them.

After the Primary Hawk Entry Position 2 will pop out on the ball side in order to receive the ball.

 After receiving the ball, Position 2 has a good position to play one-on-one on the side. During his penetration, other players shouldn't be static, they should move and keep occupied their defenders so they cannot help. 

Position 3 moves to the corner to create a good angle for the potential three-point shot. 

Position 5 moves to the middle of the key for the same reason as Position 3, to create a better passing angle. 

The same goes for Position 1, who is positioning himself behind the player who penetrated. 

Position 4 is stretching the defense by moving to the left wing.   


Who Might Use the Hawk Offense

The Hawk Offense is an offense for high schools, colleges, and professional teams. Every level can run this play, especially teams with a good point guard, great post players, and shooters. Coach Hubie Brown had a lot of success in running this play with the Atlanta Hawks in the NBA . You can score a lot of easy points by using your players in the right way, and the Hawk Offense will definitely help you to achieve that.   

 To learn more about the Hawk Offense from Lason Perkins rent a DVD by clicking on the picture below                                       

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