Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense

How to score EASY buckets using transition screens? Use Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense drills and play some perfect Pick&Roll in transition

Scritto da: Chris Hungerford



Tempo di lettura 4 min

“Make the practices like games and the games like practices” – Don Meyer

In other words, you have to practice the things that you will do in games. Give your players the drills that will mimic the things that they will be doing in real live games.

Ball screen offense is something that is the core of today`s basketball, and your goal should be to teach your players how to make the right decisions out of it. And not just the ball handler and the screener, but the movement of your players on the both strong and weak sides of this play.

To start this drill, we will have two players on one side of the court, and the chairs will present the screen.

To make your practice real, the ball handler should come from the center and attack the 45-angle spot with the drive, while the other player should lean toward the corner and make the good offensive geometry.

When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll.

At this moment, the active side of the offense becomes passive, so the play demands that our offensive player without the ball must correct his position by running towards the 45-angle spot. His direct defender (shown like a red triangle) needs to adapt to the newly created situation by leaning to the paint (green circle).

When the screener rolls to the basket our second player should be on 45 angle spot and open up a passing lane for our ball handler.

 If you want to learn more drills witch will improve your ball screen offense, go rent a DVD by clicking on the link below:



Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense

Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense

Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense

When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. When the ball handler comes near the screen, he should make a small change of rhythm which will make his defender go unbalanced, and then go play pick and roll. 

Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense. Steve DeMeo's Ball Screen Offense.