Applied Sport Psychology and Effective Coach Leadership


Applied Sport Psychology and Effective Coach Leadership

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With over 11 hours of highly engaging video content, this comprehensive and in depth course is presented as an applied sport psychology course for coaches, athletes and leaders, or anybody considering some learning in this area. The course consists of 57 video lectures and includes numerous additional resources to demonstrate applied use of sport psychology concepts in contemporary sport. The lectures are pitched at a very attainable level to cater for all learners irrespective of experience. Providing you have some form of coaching experience or athlete experience in sport, this course is suitable for you and covers a broad range of topics, including those listed below plus many more. Athlete Motivation Group and Team Dynamics Effective Leadership Effective Goal Setting Creating a Positive Motivational Climate Athlete Mental Health and Well-being Visualisation Self-talk Relaxation and Deep Breathing Attentional Focus and Arousal Regulation With over 20 years coaching experience including 12 years in a sport psychoogy consultant capacity across a range of sports and levels, from child and youth level sport up to and including Olympic and senior international level, I have developed this course to help you broaden your understanding of sport psychology in an easy and practical manner.�� With applied references to the most cutting edge research in sport psychology, I have included countless examples of how the best teams, coaches and athletes across the world, apply best practice in utilization of sport psychology in their pursuit of excellence. Using a series of multiple choice quizzes and a complimentary 45 page work-book with 33 separate practical and applied tasks, this extensive course is designed to significantly enhance your knowledge in this area as an athlete, coach or leader in your field.� It also includes complimentary deep breathing and relaxation exercises with some practical advice around implementing these practices. See Course Content tab for the level of depth across 7 units of work. Thank you for taking the time to research this brand new course. I look forward to you signing up and seeing you on the other side, where you will greatly enhance your knowledge in this area.1 Course Content Promotional Video Free 2:50 2 Unit 1 - Introduction to Sport Psychology 3 Welcome Message 1:10 4 Course Workbook 5 Introduction to Course 6:20 6 History of Sport Psychology 8:11 7 The Role of a Sport Psychologist Free 9:11 8 Unit 1 Quiz 9 Unit 2 - Social Perspectives in Sport Psychology 10 Unit 2 Introduction 0:58 11 Children in Youth Sport 7:17 12 Dropout from Youth Sport 13:16 13 Gender Differentiation in Sport Free 12:38 14 Disability in Sport 5:17 15 Parenting in Sport Free 16:13 16 Aggression in Sport 13:07 17 Character Development and Good Sporting Behavior 6:27 18 Unit 2 Quiz 19 Unit 3 - Individual Considerations Within Sport 20 Unit 3 Introduction 0:35 21 Arousal, Stress and Anxiety 12:41 22 Example 1 - Anxiety in Sport 7:26 23 Example 2 - Anxiety in Sport 19:47 24 How Over-arousal, Stress and Anxiety Affects Performance Free 15:03 25 Regulating Anxiety, Over-arousal and Stress 18:30 26 Attention Control, Processing Efficiency and Ironic Effects Free 8:44 27 Personality in Sport 13:00 28 Unit 3 Quiz 29 Unit 4 - Introduction to Mental Skills Training (MST) 30 Unit 4 Introduction 0:57 31 Introduction to Psychological Skills Training 7:47 32 Self Talk and Self Confidence 17:41 33 Visualization / Imagery 17:10 34 Goal Setting 1 Free 9:17 35 Performance Profiling and Goal Setting 2 16:35 36 Arousal Regulation 1 4:57 37 Arousal Regulation 2 6:59 38 Mindfulness in Sport Free 10:14 39 Unit 4 Quiz - Mental Skills Training (MST) 40 Unit 5 - Team Processes - Cohesion and Motivation 41 Unit 5 Introduction 0:41 42 Group and Team Dynamics 12:17 43 Group Cohesion 1 17:13 44 Group Cohesion and Social Loafing 12:43 45 The Role of Self Efficacy in Performance and Motivation Free 13:36 46 Introduction to Motivation 4:34 47 Theories of Motivation 1 11:36 48 Theories of Motivation 2 18:07 49 Theories of Motivation 3 6:52 50 Guidelines For Improving Motivation Free 7:34 51 Unit 6 - Effective Leadership and Communication 52 Characteristics of Effective Leaders 3:34 53 Leadership - Athlete Needs 10:49 54 Leadership Styles Free 6:13 55 Transformational Leadership 22:26 56 Psychological Models of Leadership 3:49 57 Process of Effective Communication 13:44 58 Creating a Positive Team Climate - Introduction and the 'Leicester Effect'. 8:31 59 Creating a Positive Team Climate - the practical stuff - Part 1 Free 16:48 60 Creating a Positive Team Climate - the practical stuff - Part 2 12:21 61 Effective Leadership - A Values Based Approach 1 16:15 62 Effective Leadership - A Values Based Approach 2 25:25 63 Unit 5 & 6 Quiz - Leadership, Communication and Motivation 64 Effective Leadership - Self Reflection 4:26 65 Unit 7 - Enhancing Health and Well-being 66 Resilience 13:03 67 Developing Resilience and Mental Toughness Free 26:39 68 Psychological Well-being - Anxiety and Depression Free 20:16 69 Managing Anxiety and Depression 8:11 70 Psychological Well-being - Athletic Identity Free 9:32 71 Burnout and Over-training 11:13 72 Well-being and Lifestyle Factors - Social Media 24:13 73 Well-being and Lifestyle Factors - Gambling and Substance Misuse 12:41 74 Exercise Behavior and Adherence 7:28 75 Exit Pass 7 and Course Wrap-up 8:14With over 20 years coaching experience, I am an accredited sport psychology consultant with Sport Ireland Institute and registered with British Association of Sport & Exercise Science (BASES). I have acted as a performance psychologist to Irish international boxers and Irish international athletes (at junior and senior level), up to and including Olympic, World Championship and Commonwealth Games level while I have also consulted successfully with numerous championship and league winning elite level senior hurling and football teams (GAA) at inter-county level. My experience also includes working with representative rugby players and various athletes up to elite level in golf, rowing, tennis, badminton, soccer and swimming among other sports. Previously, I have acted as head coach, skills and strength & conditioning coach with football and hurling teams from development to elite level. Generally, I provide performance psychology and leadership support for leaders, coaches and athletes across a variety of areas. In 2015, I designed a sport psychology module for the Gaelic Athletic Association's (GAA) Coach Education Programme. The module is for nationwide delivery of the Award 2 GAA coaching course in both hurling and Gaelic football and I currently deliver on this award nationally.� From a well-being perspective, I have a broad range of experience across sport and education. After teaching Physical Education (BSc) for 14 years, a career change saw me working in education and youth mental health as a Home School Community Liaison with the Irish governments child and family agency (TUSLA) for 6 years. Through this role, I have organised and delivered on community and school well-being programmes, and currently sit on a national committee for the development of a well-being programme for all second level schools in Ireland. Throughout this period, I have been coaching and managing adult sports teams up to and including elite level in Gaelic sports (GAA - Hurling and Gaelic Football). I hold an MSc in Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology (Distinction) from the Institute for Psychology of Elite Performance (IPEP), University of Wales, Bangor and have peer reviewed research published in Journal of Applied Sport Psychology (JASP) regarding attentional focus, self-talk and skill execution in elite sport. Husband of one, and father of three, I no longer play competitive sport, but still remain an avid exerciser and enjoy a game of golf when my time allows. � .