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Sistema de rendimiento atlético de élite de Alan Stein
Ahorre más de $50 con el paquete de 3 DVD de Alan Stein
Obtienes 3 DVD que: -
Incrementa tu salto vertical de 6"-12"
Mejora tu defensa y movimiento lateral
Desarrolla un primer paso explosivo para vencer a los defensores con
Alan Stein es el verdadero negocio
Alan en la Academia de Habilidades Amare. Alan fue elegido por Nike para acercar sus técnicas de entrenamiento a los mejores jugadores del país.
Alan en la Academia de Habilidades de Kobe. No hay nada mejor que esto. ¿Ahora sabes quién está detrás del programa MVP y quién está detrás de esos otros programas? Es seguro que no estuvieron en la academia de habilidades de Amare y Kobe. Elija un programa de salto vertical con un autor respetado a nivel nacional. Elija el programa MVP Vertical Jump.
Alan es lo suficientemente bueno para Amare, Kobe, Nike y McDonalds. ¡Él también es lo suficientemente bueno para ti! Utilice el programa MVP Vertical Jump de Alan para liberar el máximo potencial vertical que hay en usted. MVP es el programa más completo del mercado y cuenta con el mejor entrenador detrás.

Kent Katich
Aros de yoga Baloncesto Entrenamiento de yoga
Entrenamiento de yoga y baloncesto con el entrenador de la NBA Kent Katich
¿Quieres saltar más alto, aumentar la rapidez y la velocidad, tener más flexibilidad y evitar lesiones? Los jugadores de la NBA saben que los entrenamientos de Yoga tienen grandes beneficios y se ha convertido en una práctica de entrenamiento habitual durante los últimos 15 años. Incluso LeBron James hace ejercicios de yoga para jugar baloncesto.
Kent Katich ha entrenado a algunos de los mejores atletas del mundo utilizando el yoga para mejorar su rendimiento, desarrollar un mejor cuerpo y disminuir las lesiones. Katich ha estado implementando entrenamiento de yoga durante los últimos 15 años en programas deportivos en todo el país. Utilizando un enfoque dinámico en la disciplina del yoga, Katich ha remodelado las actitudes y los métodos de entrenamiento de cientos de los mejores atletas del mundo deportivo. Katich ha aparecido en "Inside the NBA", "CNN", "ESPN", "NBA Access with Ahmad Rashad", "GOOD DAY LA" y "Vista LA" y ha aparecido en "NBA CHANNEL". También ha aparecido en numerosas publicaciones importantes, incluidas "MENS FITNESS", "MENS JOURNAL", "PEOPLE", "US WEEKLY", "IN TOUCH" y "SPORTS and FITNESS". Katich es el propietario de la "Yoga Court" cerca del campus de UCLA en el oeste de Los Ángeles, CA. Continúa trabajando con equipos profesionales, agencias deportivas, atletas de talla mundial, celebridades de Hollywood y todos aquellos que quieran llevar sus cuerpos al siguiente nivel.
Aros de yoga: entrenamiento de yoga con baloncesto para mantenerte fresco durante la temporada
Este DVD de baloncesto y yoga incluye dos entrenamientos. El primer entrenamiento dura aproximadamente 22 minutos y te deja sintiéndote renovado y listo para comenzar. Este es un excelente entrenamiento de temporada para seguir. Simplemente coloque el DVD y Kent Katich lo guiará a través del entrenamiento en tiempo real. Este es un excelente ejercicio para hacer en cualquier momento durante la temporada y especialmente el día después de un juego para evitar dolores, molestias y rigidez. Mantendrás tu cuerpo fresco durante toda la temporada con esta rutina.
La segunda rutina de yoga y baloncesto del DVD dura unos 40 minutos y es excelente para desarrollar tu flexibilidad fuera de temporada, cuando tienes más tiempo para dedicar a tus entrenamientos personales. Este entrenamiento también se puede utilizar durante la temporada, cuando sienta que necesita más recuperación de un juego o tiene algunos dolores y molestias adicionales durante la temporada.
Kent Katich es entrenador de estrellas de la NBA, por lo que obtendrás los movimientos de yoga más beneficiosos que te ayudarán en tu juego.
Los entrenamientos de yoga y baloncesto pueden aumentar tu salto vertical
¿Cómo puede el yoga ayudarme a saltar más alto? Sí, cuanto más flexible seas, más potencia podrás generar. Piénselo de esta manera: cuanto más pueda mover el músculo, más potencia podrá generar, lo que le ayudará a saltar más alto. Ordene su copia del entrenamiento de yoga de baloncesto Yoga Hoops hoy.

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Primer paso nuclear
El desarrollo de un primer paso nuclear requiere dos componentes:
Construyendo poder explosivo
triple amenaza
¿Estás listo para comenzar a superar a los defensores con una rapidez que no creías tener? ¿Estás listo para aumentar tu coeficiente intelectual de baloncesto y leer al defensor que juega contigo para hacer el mejor movimiento posible para superarlo? Si es así, entonces el Primer Paso Nuclear de Dorian Lee le permitirá hacer precisamente eso. Ordenar ahora.

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Programa de entrenamiento de salto vertical MVP 2.0
El programa de salto vertical que entrena las 4 áreas de tu cuerpo que aumentará tu salto vertical de 6" a 12"... con un entrenador profesional
¡Ignora el precio en el vídeo! ¡Oferta por tiempo limitado por solo $24,99!
Alan te ayudará a desarrollar las 4 áreas que DEBES desarrollar para saltar lo más alto posible
Te ayuda a saltar lo más alto que puedas
Evite perder el tiempo haciendo ejercicios y entrenamientos que no funcionan
Desarrolla fibras musculares de contracción rápida que te hacen explosivo y aumentan rápidamente el salto vertical.
Siga sin esfuerzo el plan de 12 semanas: se incluyen hojas de entrenamiento imprimibles
Ataque a jugadores más grandes en el aro
El plan maestro de Alan para mojar la pelota de baloncesto
Las 4 técnicas de entrenamiento en un programa de salto vertical que DEBES HACER para saltar lo más alto posible
El programa MVP Vertical Jump de Alan Stein es un programa integral que entrenará todas las áreas de tu cuerpo que te ayudarán a saltar más alto. Si quieres saltar lo más alto posible, DEBES entrenar estas 4 áreas:
Núcleo: saltar es un ejercicio de cuerpo completo y cuanto más fuerte sea tu núcleo, más alto podrás saltar.
Poder: desarrolla poder explosivo para que puedas despegar del suelo y volar en el aire.
Fuerza: sobrecargue sus músculos para que puedan producir más fuerza.
Flexibilidad: cuanto más amplio sea el rango de movimiento de un músculo, más potencia podrá producir.
Entonces, si desea alcanzar su máximo potencial vertical, entonces necesita entrenar estas cuatro áreas y el programa MVP Vertical Jump de Alan entrenará todas estas áreas y lo ayudará a saltar lo más alto que pueda.
Utilice un programa de salto vertical realizado por un entrenador en el que confían los profesionales .
"El programa de salto MVP de Alan es increíble" - Kevin Durant
"El entrenador Stein me ayudó a ganar casi 20 libras en mi último año en Montrose y continúa trabajando conmigo hasta el día de hoy. El tamaño, la fuerza y la explosividad adicionales que me ha ayudado a ganar me han convertido en un mejor jugador en la cancha. Realmente me ayudó hacer la transición de la escuela secundaria a la universidad y de la universidad a la NBA".
Hojas de ejercicios de salto vertical incluidas para realizar un seguimiento de los entrenamientos
Se incluye un archivo PDF imprimible para que puedas usarlo con todo un equipo o con tus amigos. El archivo PDF está en la versión DVD y se incluye como un enlace para descargar con la versión de descarga.
Esto es lo que la superestrella de la NBA Kevin Durant
Piensa en la formación de Alan Stein
Conozca al entrenador Alan Stein
¿Por qué es diferente entrenar con Alan Stein?
Cuando los mejores jugadores del mundo necesitan un rápido aumento de velocidad, fuerza y poder explosivo… Alan Stein es el hombre al que llaman.
Alan es el propietario de StrongerTeam y el entrenador principal de fuerza y acondicionamiento de las Nike Basketball Summer Academies. Es ex entrenador del Campamento Top 100 de la Asociación de Jugadores de la NBA... Ex entrenador de fuerza y acondicionamiento para el juego McDonald's All-American... Y actual entrenador en jefe de la reconocida escuela secundaria católica DeMatha Catholic High School, una escuela que ha producido más jugadores de la NBA que casi cualquier otra escuela secundaria en la historia del baloncesto.
En pocas palabras: cuando se trata de construir un cuerpo de baloncesto de nivel profesional, Alan es el mejor del mundo.
Acerca de Alan Stein...
Solicite la versión de descarga haciendo clic en el botón de descarga naranja en la parte superior de la página y podrá ver el video en su computadora, teléfono o tableta.
Lo que otros dicen sobre el programa de salto vertical MVP...

Vertical Blitz Resistance Bands | For All Ages | Shoulders to Heels
de $99.99
"Achieve Steady Strength Gains with 10 lb Incremental Resistance Bands"
Are you ready to take your strength training to the next level? Imagine having the power to fine-tune your workouts, moving up in resistance by just 10 lbs at a time. Whether you're a beginner looking to build a solid foundation or an advanced athlete pushing your limits, the ability to adjust your resistance in small, manageable increments can make all the difference.
Our resistance band sets are designed to give you this precise control, allowing you to gradually increase your strength and endurance without overloading your muscles. By moving up in 10 lb increments, you can ensure that each step of your fitness journey is both challenging and achievable, helping you to avoid injury while consistently progressing towards your goals.
With our carefully selected combination of bands, you'll have everything you need to master each level of resistance, ensuring a smooth and steady path to greater strength.
Invest in your fitness with a set that grows with you, offering unparalleled flexibility and customization for your unique needs. Start building your perfect workout routine today, one step at a time.
Struggling to Improve Your Vertical Jump?Have you ever struggled to find the right resistance bands to help you increase your vertical jump? Maybe you’ve tried other sets that either don’t provide enough resistance or have such a big gap between bands that it’s impossible to make steady progress. This can be incredibly frustrating when you’re trying to improve your athletic performance and reach new heights—literally!
Frustration of Limited ProgressWithout the right tools, your training can plateau, making it difficult to see the gains you need to achieve a higher vertical jump. Worse, when the jump in resistance bands is too large, you risk improper form, which not only hinders your progress but also increases your chances of injury. As an athlete, you can’t afford to let this happen.
Your Solution for a Higher Vertical JumpEnter our Vertical Blitz Band packages, specifically designed to help athletes like you boost their vertical jump. Unlike other products that offer limited resistance options, our set includes a full range of bands that allow you to increase resistance in small, precise increments. This means you can gradually and effectively build the explosive power needed for higher jumps. With our bands, you’ll always have the right level of resistance to push your limits, safely and consistently, ensuring that you continue to make measurable improvements in your vertical jump.
5 Reasons Shoulder to Heel Bands Outperform Waist to Heel Bands
Resistance bands that fit from your shoulders to your heels offer several advantages over those that fit from your waist to your heels, especially when it comes to full-body workouts and specific exercises like increasing your vertical jump.
Greater Range of Motion:
Shoulder-to-heel bands provide a longer range of motion, allowing you to engage more muscle groups during exercises. This is particularly beneficial for movements that require full-body involvement, such as squats, deadlifts, and vertical jump training. The extended length helps activate your core, shoulders, and upper body, in addition to your legs.
Balanced Resistance:
By starting at the shoulders, these bands create a more balanced and even distribution of resistance across your entire body. This prevents localized strain on certain muscle groups and encourages a more natural movement pattern, which is essential for developing explosive power in activities like jumping.
Versatility in Exercises:
Shoulder-to-heel bands are more versatile, as they can be used in a wider variety of exercises. They are particularly effective for functional training, where coordinated movement patterns are key. This versatility allows athletes to train multiple muscle groups simultaneously, leading to more comprehensive strength development.
Better Posture and Form:
With the band extending from your shoulders, you’re more likely to maintain proper posture during exercises. This helps to ensure that you’re using the correct form, reducing the risk of injury and maximizing the effectiveness of your workout.
Enhanced Power Transfer:
For athletes looking to increase their vertical jump, shoulder-to-heel bands better mimic the natural kinetic chain involved in jumping. They engage the muscles in your upper body, core, and lower body in a coordinated manner, leading to more effective power transfer and ultimately a higher jump.
In summary, resistance bands that fit from your shoulders to your heels provide a more comprehensive workout by engaging a wider range of muscles, improving posture and form, and offering greater versatility. These benefits make them especially effective for athletes aiming to increase their vertical jump and overall explosive power.
Youth Level Vertical Blitz Bands Package (Save $40)
Unlock your potential with our 120 lbs resistance band set, designed specifically for younger athletes striving to improve their vertical jump. This set provides the perfect level of resistance to help you build explosive power, without overwhelming your muscles. By allowing you to gradually increase resistance in manageable increments (10 lbs at a time), these bands ensure that you can safely and effectively strengthen the key muscle groups needed to boost your jump height. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to push your limits, our 120 lbs set offers the ideal balance of challenge and control, setting you on the path to reaching new heights in your athletic performance.
Here is the combination of bands you will be getting to go from 10 to 120 lbs, 10 lbs at a time:By using 1 x 10 lbs (Red), 1 x 20 lbs (Orange), 1 x 40 lbs (Yellow), 1 x 60 lbs (Blue), 1 x 80 lbs (Gray), and 1 x 100 lbs (Black), the user can achieve all increments from 10 lbs to 120 lbs.
You also save over $40 by buying this package vs purchasing the bands individually. Bands can be purchased individually if you want or need to replace a band.
Jr. High/High School Vertical Blitz Bands Package (Save $60)
To provide a High School level resistance band set that allows for a wide range of resistance levels up to 240 lbs, we need to select a combination of bands that can be used to achieve increments from 10 lbs all the way up to 240 lbs. This will enable users to tailor their workouts effectively as they progress in strength.
The 10 lbs (Red) and 20 lbs (Orange) bands cover the lower increments.
The 40 lbs (Yellow), 60 lbs (Blue), and 80 lbs (Gray) bands allow you to reach mid to high levels.
The 100 lbs (Black) band enables you to easily combine and reach the highest resistance levels.
Combinations of these bands allow for every increment up to 240 lbs, providing the flexibility to adjust resistance as needed.
You also save over $60 by buying this package vs purchasing the bands individually. Bands can be purchased individually if you want or need to replace a band.
College/Pro Vertical Blitz Bands Package (Save $60)
To create a resistance band set suitable for users who need to go up to 360 lbs, we need to choose bands that can be combined to cover all resistance levels from 10 lbs up to 360 lbs in 10 lb increments. This set will be perfect for advanced users or athletes requiring high resistance levels.
The 10 lbs (Red) and 20 lbs (Orange) bands cover the lowest resistance levels.
The 40 lbs (Yellow), 60 lbs (Blue), and 80 lbs (Gray) bands provide mid-range resistance.
The 100 lbs (Black) bands allow you to achieve higher resistance levels, and by combining multiples of these bands, you can reach the highest levels up to 360 lbs.
This combination allows for every 10 lb increment up to 360 lbs, offering maximum flexibility and customization in your workouts.
You also save over $60 by buying this package vs purchasing the bands individually. Bands can be purchased individually if you want or need to replace a band.
Choose the Bands You Want
We understand that every athlete has unique needs, which is why we offer the flexibility to purchase individual resistance bands without committing to a full package. Whether you’re looking to add a specific level of resistance to your current setup or just need a single band to target a particular muscle group, our selection allows you to choose exactly what you need.
This gives you complete control over your training regimen, ensuring you get the most out of your workouts without paying for more than you need. Build your perfect set, one band at a time, and tailor your training to fit your goals.
"Maximize Muscle Engagement with Vertical Jump Blitz Bands and Dumbbells"
Are you ready to elevate your performance and reach new heights in your training? Imagine combining the best of both worlds—traditional weight training with dumbbells and the innovative power of linear variable resistance training (LVRT) using our Vertical Jump Blitz Bands. This dynamic duo is your secret weapon for building explosive strength, improving your vertical jump, and maximizing your overall athletic potential.
Why Combine Dumbbells with Vertical Jump Blitz Bands?
Dumbbells are a staple in any athlete’s training regimen, offering versatility, stability, and the ability to target specific muscle groups. But when you pair them with our Vertical Jump Blitz Bands, you unlock a whole new level of training intensity. The bands introduce linear variable resistance, meaning the resistance increases as you move through your exercise. This progressive resistance perfectly complements the steady load of dumbbells, ensuring your muscles are challenged throughout the entire range of motion.
Maximize Muscle Engagement and Explosive Power
With the combination of dumbbells and our Vertical Jump Blitz Bands, every rep becomes more than just a movement—it becomes a powerful force-building exercise. As you squat, press, or lunge with dumbbells, the resistance from the bands increases, forcing your muscles to engage more intensely as you reach the peak of the movement. This heightened muscle activation is key to developing the explosive power you need for a higher vertical jump, faster sprints, and stronger, more resilient muscles.
Experience the Benefits of Linear Variable Resistance Training
Linear variable resistance training with our bands doesn’t just make your workouts harder—it makes them smarter. Traditional weights like dumbbells offer consistent resistance, but with LVRT, you get the added benefit of resistance that adapts to your natural strength curve. This means less strain on your joints during the most vulnerable points of your exercises and more resistance when your muscles can handle it. The result? Enhanced muscle growth, improved strength, and reduced risk of injury—all while pushing your limits like never before.
Take Your Training to the Next Level
Our Vertical Jump Blitz Bands are designed to fit seamlessly into your current training routine, amplifying the effectiveness of exercises you already know and love. Whether you’re performing squats, lunges, deadlifts, or presses, adding our bands to your dumbbell routine will help you build the explosive power necessary to jump higher, move faster, and perform better on the field or court.
Don’t settle for ordinary workouts. Combine the proven strength-building benefits of dumbbells with the cutting-edge power of linear variable resistance training using our Vertical Jump Blitz Bands. It’s time to take your training—and your athletic performance—to the next level.
Ready to Reach New Heights?
Invest in your athletic future today. Order our Vertical Jump Blitz Bands and start transforming your workouts into a powerhouse of explosive growth, strength, and performance.
Bring Elite Training to the Field with Vertical Jump Blitz Bands
As an athletic coach, you know that the best training happens where your athletes compete—right on the court or field. With Vertical Jump Blitz Bands, you can take strength training, explosiveness training, and balance training directly to your athletes, no matter where they are. These versatile bands are lightweight, portable, and easy to set up, making them the perfect tool for delivering top-tier training right where it matters most.
Enhance Strength and Power on the Spot
Gone are the days of needing to haul your team into the weight room for effective strength training. With Vertical Jump Blitz Bands, you can incorporate strength-building exercises into your regular practice sessions. Whether it’s during warm-ups, drills, or cool-downs, these bands allow you to seamlessly integrate resistance training into your athletes’ routines. By adding resistance to bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups, you can help your athletes build the muscle power they need to dominate in their sport—all without leaving the court or field.
Boost Explosiveness for Game-Changing Performance
Explosiveness is key in any sport, and with Vertical Jump Blitz Bands, you can train your athletes to reach new levels of explosive power right where they play. These bands are ideal for exercises that focus on quick, powerful movements, such as jump squats, sprints, and plyometrics. By using the bands to add linear variable resistance to these exercises, you’ll help your athletes develop the fast-twitch muscle fibers necessary for rapid acceleration, higher vertical jumps, and more dynamic movements on the court or field.
Improve Balance and Stability Anytime, Anywhere
Balance and stability are the foundation of athletic performance, and with Vertical Jump Blitz Bands, you can enhance these critical skills during practice. Use the bands to challenge your athletes’ balance during dynamic drills, agility exercises, or even while they perform sport-specific movements. The added resistance will force them to engage their core and stabilizing muscles, improving their overall balance and reducing the risk of injury during games. Best of all, you can do this training right on the field, ensuring your athletes are ready for the unpredictable nature of competition.
The Ultimate Portable Training Tool for Coaches
Vertical Jump Blitz Bands aren’t just a training tool—they’re a game-changer for athletic coaches. Their portability means you can bring advanced strength, explosiveness, and balance training directly to your athletes, wherever they are. Whether you’re at the gym, on the field, or in the gymnasium, these bands give you the flexibility to train your athletes more effectively, helping them to develop the physical skills they need to succeed.
With Vertical Jump Blitz Bands, you can provide your athletes with the comprehensive training they need to excel, all while keeping them on the court or field where they belong.