Fix Your Basketball Shot

Fix Your Basketball Shot: Expert Tips for Shooting Success

Escrito por: Chris Hungerford



Tiempo de lectura 5 min

Ever been in a situation where your basketball shot just isn't falling? We've all been there and understand your frustration when you can't seem to fix your basketball shot.

You might spend countless hours in the gym. But, if you’re practicing the wrong things, you won't see the results you're looking for.

So what gives? This post will change the way you approach improving your basketball shooting skills by going over common things that kill jump shots.

Table of Contents:

Fix Your Basketball Shot: Stop Shooting Casually

Many basketball players fall into the trap of 'casual shooting.' This is where you lightly jog around, shooting without any focus or goal.

You’re just kind of going through the motions. You might even be talking or paying light attention.

Casual ball shooting doesn't translate to games because there’s not much structure or game-speed-type movements. Game shots are very different than those wide-open practice jumpers you shoot, especially with the fast pace of games.

Be Deliberate with Training

Even if you have less time, you want to train very deliberately. Think game shots, at game spots, at game speed with the goal to become a great shooter.

Your quickness and shooting accuracy need to increase, too. Focus helps your practice translate to actual games.

Training Plan to Fix Your Basketball Shot

The great shooters have a game plan. Without a set training plan, you will struggle to be a consistent shooter.

Going to the gym without any clue on what you need to work on is a common issue. If you think about what you will work on as you walk to the court, then your time won’t be maximized.

What do you need to get better at? If in a game, you have trouble handling the ball, then consider this with your training by creating a plan.

Designing Your Plan Backwards

When you create your basketball shooting technique training plan, it should be designed with everything in mind. Your training sessions can change as your needs on the court do.

Focusing on the backwards design is crucial. This helps build muscle memory that translates to your basketball game.

Fix Your Basketball Shot By Avoiding Lazy Reps

Lots of reps might not lead to real improvement if they aren’t good repetitions. Going through a set, having a few polished shots, but then allowing fatigue will degrade those final attempts.

Having bad habits during your shooting sessions is common. A large number of repetitions might not help fix a bad jump shot.

Think about 10 repetitions, and 6 are terrible, while only 4 are decent. So, 60% of them won't even matter to your actual shot.

Strive for Pro Reps

Watching the pros shows you they work on their shot very deliberately with pro focus the entire time. You want every shot in practice shooting to simulate what you’ll do in a game, focusing on proper shooting form.

Even if you lessen the repetitions, make the ones you complete count. Focus on maintaining the correct position and fluid motion, and with consistent practice, you'll build strong habits.

Maximize Your Gym Time to Fix Your Basketball Shot

Your time in the gym is very sacred because there is limited time to be on a basketball court. So wasting it by talking with friends isn’t very valuable for building upper body strength.

The moment you step foot into the gym has that be time you dedicate to bettering yourself. This doesn’t mean to not be social but to be professional about what you need to work on.

Respecting Your Game

Your time training impacts how well you do when you’re out on the basketball court in competition. By not disrespecting the time in the gym, your game will reach higher levels.

You can’t practice shooting by taking time off while others pass you by who commit to fixing their motion.

FAQs about Fix Your Basketball Shot

How to improve your jumpshot?

Start by assessing your current shooting technique, identifying weaknesses like inconsistent release or poor balance. Practice with a purpose, focusing on proper shooting form: alignment, balanced footwork, a smooth release, and follow-through.

Here's a breakdown of key areas and some drills:

Area Focus Drills
Balance Stable base, weight evenly distributed One-leg balance drills, stance holds
Alignment Body squared to the basket, shooting hand and elbow positioned aligned Wall shooting, mirror work
Release It has a highrelease point a consistent flick of the wrist One-handed form shooting close, fingertip push-ups
Follow-Through Hold your release, fingers pointing down Exaggerated follow-through drills, freeze at the finish

Drills like form shooting, one-handed shots, and shooting off the dribble can improve specific aspects of your shot and develop muscle.

Why can't I shoot a basketball anymore?

Loss of ball shooting ability often stems from a breakdown in fundamentals, like a change in your set point or inconsistent mechanics. Psychological factors, like a lack of confidence or overthinking, could be affecting you as well.

Consider checking the basketball hoop height and where you position your guide hand.

Why is my basketball shot flat?

A flat ball shot often comes from pushing the ball forward instead of up, usually due to insufficient leg drive or releasing the ball too low. Sometimes, a simple thing, like adjusting your hand placement, could make you feel like your game improved quickly.

Work on generating power from your legs and releasing the ball at a higher point, aiming for an arc. This allows for a softer shot and improved flight path.

Why does my shot feel weird in basketball?

A shot feeling 'weird' can be caused by subtle changes in your mechanics, possibly due to fatigue or even minor injuries. Shooting range and hand elbow positioning also have a direct effect.

The weight room is often something overlooked, so don't forget to factor in things that build muscle. Consider training by how to improve your basketball skills in the weight room to develop your body strength.


To fix your basketball shot, the first thing you're going to have to come to grips with is accepting some of the most common things most athletes tend to not do. Remember that going into training with the right steps and having the correct knowledge is crucial.

You want to start with not falling into bad shooting bad habits as well as staying organized to maximize your time. The way to do this starts with no more casually shooting without goals and purpose because to be a good shooter, and eventually a great shooter, it takes work. If you fail at fixing your habits, your time invest in working on your jump shot won't have very great returns.

As your competition takes serious steps forward with pro-like repetitions, consider how you handle the moments out on the court as precious moments. Basketball camps can also provide repetitions shooting that allow players to develop great habits. Taking the time to analyze how you're practicing will give your body the necessary advantage, especially as you develop a more consistent shot.

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