Dorian Lee
Dorian Lee's Offensive Juggernaut System
Dorian Lee's Offensive Juggernaut System contains:1. Explosive Finishing Moves2. Art of the Quick Release3. Nuclear 1st Step

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Dorian Lee
The Art of the Quick Release
Quick Release Basketball DVD - Art of the Quick Release
Art of the Quick Release is for every basketball player who wants to develop a lightning quick shot, yet maintain accuracy. You spend all that time practicing but during the games you don't get off as many shots as you could because you have a slow shot.
But that's not the end of your problems. What makes this even worse is the fact that as you move up levels of play defenders are only going to get quicker, taller, and longer which will make getting shots off even harder. Without the right training & drills you won't be able to get the shots off that you should against better defenders. Which means you won't score as many points because you won't get your shot off - and you will struggle to score at higher levels. Now many basketball players believe that having a quick shot means you have to sacrifice accuracy. All this can make trying to develop a lightning fast Steph Curry type of release impossible! But luckily for you, there's now a solution!
Quick Release Basketball Drills
So, if you're a basketball player and really want to develop a quick and accurate shot, "Art of the Quick Release" is the answer you've been looking for! Featuring Pro Trainer Dorian Lee (Atlanta, GA), who trains NBA, WNBA, & on down to the youth levels you will learn from a true pro. Start developing your Steph Curry like release today. You'll have a quick shot and still be as accurate or even more accurate than before!
Dorian Lee has various tips, tricks, and fun drills to help your shot off quicker which means you'll get more shots off in games and score more points.
Order the best Quick Release Basketball DVD the Art of the Quick Release and start scoring more points.