(Rental)-Passive & Attack Zone Offenses
Two distinct strategies for beating zone defense are explored by Coach Odom's passive offense and attacks zone offensive package. Odom's passive offense can be used to defeat packed-in zones by allowing players to move in and out of the zone. The attack zone offense, on the other hand, can be used to dismantle pressure-type zone defenses by using dribble penetration or ball movement. Odom teaches you how to pass efficiently against the zone using the high-low pass, skip pass, and air pass. Every pass distorts or exploits any zone defense. Odom has used rover, inside X corner, corner and notch to defeat zone defenses for many years. The extended 1-3-1 zone defense in the half-court is a recent zone trend. Odom illustrates his idea of filling and leaving areas in opposition to the 1-3-1 by using players. Odom believes that the two-prong approach against zones is more effective because it allows for unpredictable movement, cutting, and shot selection. Combining player movement and ball passing can distort and attack the heart of any zone.
82 minutes. 2008