(Rental)-10 Cardinal Rules For Matchup Zone Defense
Dave Odom's expertise in zone defense and offense is highly respected by the coaching community. This DVD reveals Odom's years of experience playing on college basketball's main stages. Odom developed 10 cardinal rules to ensure a successful match-up zone defense through his mastery of zone offense. Odom demonstrates each rule with players on the ground as a key piece of the match-up puzzle. The 1-2-2 zone is designed to stop 3-point shooters from the perimeter. It does this by applying pressure and closing out. By facing the post, you can frustrate your opponents and reduce the number of penetration passes to the basket. Odom believes that this zone is the most difficult because it combines man-to-man principles and zone principles. Odom's match-up with its 10 principles will be difficult for today's complex offenses.
60 minutes. 2009.